Chapter 44 – The uncouth lady receives a wyvern

An escort hired by Lord Nazel came to the house of the lord of the frontier town of Sutrena.

He was introduced by Mr. Julian. For some reason, he wants to work on the frontier.

Lord Nazel gave me someone who can accompany me when I go out since I tend to go out alone.

"I am Torre Tolbert!"

He has dark brown hair and green eyes reminiscent of a deep forest. And a big body covered in muscles!

......He looks very strong

"Agnes, Torre was a knight in the royal capital. Make sure you take him with you when you want to go out on the town."

Feeling pressure from Lord Nazel, I nodded my head saying "Yes." I think he is very worried about me because I have been walking around the neighborhood on my own.

So, while Lord Nazel was at work, I decided to go out right away.

There was a place I had wanted to go to for a long time.

"Today we are heading to the cavalry beasts stable!"

In the center of the city, near the fort, stands the stables that we usually use.

The lovely wyvern that has always been there for us was also there.

We proceeded along the road by horse-drawn carriage without any particular problems and arrived at the stables.

Since we had contacted the keeper beforehand, he took us inside the building.

Torre had some experience riding a cavalry beast, and he was happily peeking around the corner where the pegasi were.

I headed for my usual blue wyvern.

She is a female named Charité, and she has a red wyvern male as her mate. The male is named Caprice.

"Yes, I have received something from an acquaintance in Talang village that was left for Lady Agnes. He said it was a thank you for fixing his fence before, and when I told him that he could come here, he asked me to give it to you....."

The keeper pointed to the back of the hut.

"This way, please. Please take it."

"Um, is this one ......?"

In front of me was a still young, peach-colored wyvern. His eyes were cobalt blue, and in the right light, his tail shone a lemon color.

"It's a wyvern that just finished training. He was birthed by Charité."

"He's lovely ......"

"Lady Agnes is very fond of Charité, but she is the cavalry beast of the fort, and it would be hard to discharge her from duty."

I nodded at the keeper's words.

I don't mean to take away the mount that everyone uses, and I know that the wyvern ecology does not allow to separate the male from the female once they bond.

Besides, Charité moved her head up and down, urging me to head toward the peach-colored wyvern.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. You can name him if you like. He's a male, by the way."

"How about 'Jenni' then?"

I approached the peach-colored wyvern and looked into its face as if to ask.

The wyvern curled up and moved its head up and down. This was a sign of affirmation. The Wyvern is a very clever beast.

"I'm glad to hear that. Jenni, I'll take care of you from now on."

Jenni moved his head again, buzzing.

"I'm going to fix up the stables at the mansion, so until then, can you keep Jenni here for me?"

"Of course. If you'd like, I can give you a riding instructor."


"Here in Sutrena, women often ride beasts as well."

It was an unexpected proposal. I've been wishing I could ride a beast for a long time.

"I would be very happy to do it."

"Wyverns are more difficult to ride than pegasi, but once you get used to it, you won't mind at all."

The keeper laughs cheerfully. Of course, he rides wyverns too.

"We have just the right instructor for you. Right now he should be walking the Pegasi outside the stables......."

With that, the keeper left the stable through the back door. I followed him.

"Hey, I'd like to ask you to be her cavalry instructor for a moment."

He was walking with pegasi in the square.......

"Hey, is that Tony?"

It was Tony Fawn, who had been mean to Lord Nazel when he first came to the frontier.