Chapter 66 – Conspiracies and a wife who fell from the sky (Nazelbert’s Point of View)

Nazelbert was in a bad mood.

He had many things on his mind since coming to Cattena, but as soon as he arrived at Baron Quiggionne's mansion, he was surrounded by ladies he had never met before and separated from Agnes.

He never expected to be treated so uncommonly.

Until now, he had been the princess's fiancée, so the nobles, fearing the power of the royal family, had not approached Nazelbert with impunity. But now, they seem to have no restraints.

"Perhaps that's why......"

Nazelbert is the son of an exiled duke, and even though he has been convicted of a crime, he has a narrower profile than before.

And, having been disowned by the Evantail family, Agnes has no backing. To be precise, Nazelbert is her only supporter.

That is why the daughters who were present at the party disrespected her. They thought that as long as they could get Nazelbert's attention, they could get away with anything.

Furthermore, the young noblemen who surrounded Agnes.

Do they think they can mess with a married woman, just because she is pretty?

Or is it common practice around here for married couples to be unfaithful?

Indeed, it seems that Baron Quiggionne had concubines and mistresses in addition to his wife.......

He remembered that much and was horrified. He had to save Agnes soon!

Just as he moved to go toward Agnes, even if he had to push everyone out of the way, a chestnut-haired young lady rushed toward him.

Her hair swelled unnaturally and turned into sharp thorns that tried to pierce Nazelbert.

Thanks to Agnes' spell, Nazelbert's body was immune to even the attack of the magical beast. The Lady's hair only ended up grazing Nazelbert's body.

The hair was sharp, probably because the Lady was the owner of such magic. Failing to stab Nazelbert, she fled with a frightened look on her face.

"Wait ......!"

When we tried to chase her, the soldiers guarding the mansion interfered for some reason.

It was suspicious, too suspicious.

"I knew it was a trap."

The daughters and sons who had been making a fuss earlier fled as if scattering spiders, intimidated by the situation.

They were probably unaware of what was going on.

"Agnes, it's not safe here, you have to flee ......."

Nazelbert tried to call out to his beloved wife, but Agnes was already gone. He was relieved when Torre, who was standing beside him, told him that Agnes had escaped through the exit into the corridor. There were still some dangerous soldiers left in the place.

"We must clean up quickly and go get Agnes."

After cleaning up the attacking soldiers, I walked out of the mansion and found Henry and Belle.

"Lord Nazelbert, Agnes, and Kelly have been safely evacuated. They are in town with our men."

"Thank goodness."

All at once, my body relaxes. But this is not the end of the story.

"I'm going to find that young lady."

Belle, who had remained silent, began to speak.

"I have an idea where she and the barons are. You can follow them with my magical beast, it remembers the scent of the barons. They should all be gathered in the same place."

A little too convenient...

But I can't worry about that right now. The matter with Belle can wait.

At his feet was a black dog. It was probably a child of a demon wolf.

Demon wolves are a type of magical beast that are numerous and have a strong sense of camaraderie. They may attack livestock, but once they are accustomed to humans, they become reassuring allies, like military dogs.


The demon wolf barked bravely and began to run, climbing up the hillside near the house. Nazelbert and the others hurried after him.

After running for a while, they heard someone arguing.

"Lord Nazelbert, I'll go first!"

Torre, looking impatient, used his magic to turn into a giant and plunged in the direction of the voices.

As I recall, he was calling her name in the mansion as well.

"Come to think of it, I think Torre's fiancée's name was Lilianne."

Why would Torre's fiancée come to a place like this?

Nazelbert sensed a conspiracy behind the barons. He needed to catch them all and ask them for more details.

Torre went on a rampage, mostly, and Nazelbert cleaned up those he had missed.

After a few minutes, all the barons passed out and Torre returned to his original size. In front of him sat the Lady in a stunned state.

"Now we must carry them back to the town at the foot of the hill."

Nazelbert took a breath, wondering inexplicably why Lillianne was here.

Then he heard a loud flapping of wings from above. And then...

"Lord Nazel!"

The voice of his wife, the loveliest woman in the world, descended.


He looked up and saw a pink wyvern circling. It's Jenni.

Soon, Jenni and Agnes were slowly descending to the ground.

"Lord Nazel, I am so glad to see you are all right."

"I'm glad you're all right, too, Agnes. By the way, what you are holding in your hand is ......"

"It is a potato. If Lord Nazel was in trouble, I thought I could help you from above."

Why are there potatoes there? He didn't understand what Agnes was thinking sometimes. But that's what makes her so cute.