Chapter 43: - June 27 (Saturday): Otomizu's Confession (Part 1)


The person who knocked on the door and came in was Otomizu in her yukata.

As I had thought yesterday, Otomizu  looked very sexy after bathing.

“You can sit wherever you like.”

“On the bed, then.”


“Eh-heh~. Just kidding.”

After letting Otomizu into the room, I opened the refrigerator.

I couldn’t let her drink alcohol, so I picked up a plastic bottle of sparkling water.

I poured it into a glass with a sizzling sound and offered it to Otomizu

“Soda water is good for sobering up.”

“Fufufu ~♪. I’m a strong drinker and I agree.”

“Hmm. Well said.”

Now, …

If my prediction was correct, Otomizu would confess her feelings to me.

I didn’t come to any conclusions about what to do, but let’s listen to each other sincerely first.

That was the first step.

After a moment of chit-chat, Otomizu asked me with a strange expression.

“Sasamiya-san seems very natural when he is in his room, doesn’t he?”

“Maybe I’m just a little distracted because our business trip ends today.”

“That may be part of it, but usually you are very cautious of me, too. That’s not the case at all now.”

Caution? … me, Otomizu?

It was a surprise that she thought that way.

It wasn’t that I was wary of her.


Rather, maybe I felt more relaxed now that I had spoken with Yuika.

Maybe I’ll throw in a few jokes here and there to get the conversation going.

“I suppose the reason I’m so wary of you is so that you don’t take another picture of me with your phone.”

Otomizu once took a picture of me at a moment when I was smirking.

Of course, I tried to delete it, but Otomizu acted childishly by hiding her phone.

Then Otomizu made a pouty face.

“Mou~! Are you still holding on to that?”

“Fu~… You erased it, so I don’t mind.”

Then Otomizu made a puzzled face.


“What? Didn’t you say you erased it?”

“E-etto, …… …… Yes. I’ve …… erased …… it.”

Her eyes swam, and she sipped quietly at her glass.

“So you haven’t erased it yet. Give me your phone.”

“You can’t do that. It’s sexual harassment to look at a girl’s phone.”

“I’m trying to protect my right to privacy.”

“Give it to me, please.”


As I stood up from my seat and reached for her phone, Otomizu tried to hide it.

“Dame~~. This is my collection~”

“Ah! You! You didn’t delete it after all!”

At that moment, Otomizu’s foot slipped and she fell towards me.

In a split-second, I hugged her.

“Fu ho ~awa~a~a~a~a~a~a~a~a~a~a~!!” (T/N: Sound she making while falling.)

“Sorry! I’ll get off now!”

“It’s useless.”


Otomizu said with serious eyes.

“I… I can’t feel my hips!!”


“It’s not serious, but it’s serious!!”

I don’t know why I was so uncomfortable, but if that’s the case, I can’t just leave it at that.

If anything, hugging a yukata-wearing Otomizu would be a disaster for my rational mind.

“I think you should lie down in bed for now.”

“Yes! I want a bed!”

I carried Otomizu, who could not stand up properly, to the bed and laid her down.


It was pretty embarrassing when I had to move her legs.

It couldn’t be helped.

I’m a man.

“Are you okay?”

I’ve never had the experience of losing my hips , but does it hurt?

Or is it dizzy?

Either way, it would be best to let her relax for now.

… At that moment, Otomizu grabbed my hand.

“Sasa … Sasamiya-san. Um, …, there’s something I want to talk to you about. …”

This … is the ….

No way, Is she going to confess at this point!?

Holding hands with a woman lying in bed was a lot more atmospheric and romantic than I expected.

This is bad ….

Before being sincere, I can’t keep my composure at all …

Confused, I focused my attention on desperately trying to regain my true self.

But even though it was an accident, it was after I had hugged Otomizu in her yukata.

There was no way any man could not be distracted by this.

But the problem was not over yet.

… Knock Knock

There was a knock on the door, and I heard the voice of a woman I knew.

“I’m Kaedezaka. I’m bored, so I’ve come to play. Please open it quickly.”

Ka… Kaedezaka!?

What kind of timing is this?

It was indeed not good to be seen with Otomizu on the bed.


But if I neglected Kaedezaka alone, she might come in on her own.

That’s the kind of girl he was.

We’ve got a bad situation!


Next time, what will happen to Otomizu’s confession?

(T/N: My editor unfortunately got covid :'(, hopefully it’s not serious and she gets better soon. So she won’t be able to edit. So the chapters for a while might have some errors but I’ll try my best to make them as best edited as possible.)