It was a Thursday in mid-July.

“Sasamiya-san. Can I have a word with you?”

I was doing some chores at the office when Otomizu, who had been assigned to a different team, spoke to me.

“What’s up?”

“Konno-san asked me to go get Sasamiya-san.”

“Konno-san? What is it ……?”

Konno-san was my senior, and she was currently the leader of the team to which Otomizu was assigned.

She was about to get a promotion and was probably the most excited person in the company right now.

“Excuse me.”

When I opened the door to the reception room, there was a tall man sitting in a chair beside Konno-san.

He looked to be in his mid-forties. He was wearing a very nice suit.

I knew immediately that he was a client, but he was not a suitable person for a lowly company like ours.

Konno-san, with her striking wolf cut, beckoned me over.

“Sorry to call you on such short notice, Sasamiya.”

“No problem. I was just finishing up a project.”

“I’d like to introduce you to Ogai-San, the managing director of Zany Corporation. He wants to talk to you about something.”

Zany was a major software development company that also developed games. I remember playing a lot of their games when I was a kid.

However, it was highly unusual for the managing director of such a company to come all the way to a small company like ours.

The man who was introduced as Ogai stood up smartly.

“You are Sasamiya-kun? Fumu, you have good eyes.”

“… Do you know me ?”

“Yes, of course. … The campaign you ran the other day was quite brilliant.”

The campaign that Ogai-san was referring to must be the Tanabata campaign for smartphones.

It was a tough job, so it was nice to be praised like this by someone from another company.


“There’s a job I’d like to ask you to do, …. Sasamiya-kun, do you know about Comiket1?”

“Yes. It’s quite famous.”

Even though I was a corporate employee, I enjoyed anime and manga as much as the rest of the world.

How could I not know about the existence of this sacred site?

Especially since I work in the event industry.

Of course, I’d love to go to Comiket.

“This summer, our company will have a corporate booth, but it’s our first time. I’d like you to assist the Comiket team there.”

“What?! Me…assist?”

“Yeah. I won’t put that much of a strain on you, but what do you think?”

“No, …, but, you know, …”

The event business can be broadly divided into two categories.

One was an event that attracted customers to a store, like the recent Tanabata campaign.

The other were events that rent out venues, such as Comiket and motor shows.

The two were similar, but their work was completely different.

I was more the type of person who was good at events that attracted customers to the store.

But …… but …….

Damn … Comiket …

I really want to take this job, but if I’m going to be assisting, it would be better to have someone with Comiket experience.

It was a great opportunity, but I had to turn it down. ……

But Konno-san, who was sitting next to me, rubbed her hands sluggishly and entered the conversation with a smile.

“No~! As expected of Ogai-san! You’ve got a different point of view! This guy has a reputation for being good at training his juniors!”

In a hurry, I whispered to Konno-san.

“Hey, Konno-san. I can’t do it.”

Konno-san kept her sales smile and whispered back.

“Don’t say that. Ogai-san is a man who has successfully completed many jobs. If we can build a good relationship here, we can have a good time later on, right? It’s a good deal.”

“Such calculative…”

Although still in a quiet voice, Konno-san clasped her hands together as if requesting me.

Otomizu, who was standing some distance away, saw Konno-san’s flattering attitude and sighed in disbelief, ‘Is this my boss?”

I know what you mean, Oto,izu.

I thought about it a lot when I was working for her.

Then Ogai-san started laughing out loud.

He was whispering, but I could hear him clearly.

“Hahahaha. Well, I’m sorry. Of course, you can expect something in return. If by any chance you fail, Sasamiya-kun does not have to take responsibility, so please do not worry.”

“Well, … if that’s what you mean.”

Ogai-san interjected, “Oh yeah, …,” and then held out his phone with the image on it.

“This time, a university student trainee is participating as a special exception.”

“A university… student?”

“Her name is Mai Kaedezaka. She is my niece by blood. She has no social experience yet, so I would like you to support her.”

W…What… Support Kaedezaka?!!

I don’t need intuition for this anymore.

Definitely, there will be trouble.

Seriously, …