These super demons are wearing clothes marked by yunhaizong.

They are obviously the masters of yunhaizong, incarnating into demons.

Because of the appearance of Ning Chen, they are called here to kill Ning Chen.

"The Lord of the devil summoned me. I thought it was a great enemy, but I didn't expect it was a little guy."

"Eh, he's still a disciple of Yunhai sect. How can he come here?"

"The cultivation is not high. Why does the devil summon us?"

The four big demons that appear, looking at Ning Chen, feel some doubts.

"What's your name?"

"It's just a disciple who can come here?"

Asked a great devil.

These people, when they were in yunhaizong, were upright and noble.

Here, they don't cover up any more, they all incarnate into big demons, and the evil spirit is rolling!

As for the outside disciple, in his eyes, he was just a little boy.

"Disciple Jichen took the task of picking luoyuncao, and didn't want to meet several ancestors here!"

Ning Chen looks calm.

Judging from the cultivation of these people, they are undoubtedly ancestral figures.

Unexpectedly, the ancestors of yunhaizong are demonized, and the situation is obviously worse than expected.

"The mission of cloud and grass?"

"Ha ha... This is my mission. The purpose is to lead many disciples into the cloud valley. After the fall, the spirit will be eaten by the devil."

"I didn't expect that some disciples from outside could come here. That's good."

A big devil in Black said in surprise.

It's the devil.

The purpose of the mission was to let his disciples die, so as to become the food of the devil.

Although these people who incarnate into demons still have a clear consciousness, they are no longer human.

"So you're playing with me?"

Ningchen cold tunnel.

"Yes, you can say so."

"Don't you dare to resist, just as an outside disciple?"

"It's an honor for you to be your Lord's food."

"However, how to deal with you, still need to ask the Lord."

This is the name of yunhaizong.

Ning Chen nodded and said, "OK, I know how to do it."

At this moment, Ning Chen's heart, has sentenced the four to death.

In fact, even if Ning Chen didn't kill them, they would never let themselves go.

What's more, the task that he worked so hard to do was just the means that the ancestor of Yunhai sect played with them.

Ning Chen coldly looks at the four ancestors of Yunhai sect, as if they are looking at the dead.

"There's a result."

"The devil means to take him and sacrifice him to the city of curse."

"In this way, the boy's blood is extraordinary. He was taken in by the devil and used to sacrifice the cursed city, so that he could wake up as soon as possible."

The old ancestor of yunhaizong, who released the cloud and grass task, said.

"Well, don't waste time. Just take him and throw him at the gate."

Another ancestor of yunhaizong said coldly.

Between the words, he has stretched out his hand and casually grabs Ning Chen. His expression and posture are no different from grabbing a mole ant.

They have become demons. Every move of them is full of demons.

Rather dust look extremely calm, not retreat into, take the initiative to kill.

"You made a mistake."

"I'm not as bullying as you think."

Ning Chen opens his mouth coldly.

Between speaking, Ning Chen has opened the mysterious door to absorb magic.

At the same time, the evolution of powerful means to kill each other.

The four ancestors of yunhaizong are all great masters of nirvana. After demonization, their strength soared and became extremely powerful.

But ningchen happens to be their nemesis.


Two palms.

The magic power of the old ancestor of yunhaizong suddenly subsided like a tide. In an instant, it had disappeared completely and became incomparably weak.

Ning Chen naturally won't give him any chance to recover his strength. He will be banned quickly.

He doesn't stop acting, he just does it.

Soon the four were lying on the ground like dead dogs.

"What's the matter?"

These four ancestors of yunhaizong still feel a little confused, and they still have some difficulties in accepting everything in front of them.

Even feel that this is a dream, should not be true.

"Do you have any last words?"

Ning Chen asked coldly.

At this moment, the four ancestors of yunhaizong finally woke up.It turns out that all this is true.

They are not as good as a younger disciple.

After the magic power of the four ancestors of yunhaizong disappeared, they all recovered their nature.

At this time, they are like dead dogs, lying at the feet of a younger disciple outside the gate, which is a great shame to them.

"I didn't expect that this boy is just the killer of magic."

"No wonder the devil needs him."

"If we don't demonize him, it should be easy to kill him."

This thought flashed through the hearts of the four ancestors of Yunhai sect.

"This disciple, we are also confused by the devil for a while. Our nature is not like that just now."

"Thank you for finding us lost."

"As a thank you, we will try our best to promote you to become the leader of the inner disciples, so that you can walk horizontally in yunhaizong in the future."

The four ancestors of Yunhai sect said.

They hope that this will convince Ning Chen.

But Ning Chen didn't want to be a disciple of yunhaizong at all. All he did was to get the qualification to enter the destiny space.

What's more, yunhaizong's position, he can see it?

Furthermore, Ning Chen can't believe them at all. After they recover, they will still transform demons.

Their spirits have been demonized and can't be changed at all.

Poop, poop!

Ning Chen killed three ancestors of yunhaizong with three swords.

The remaining one is the ancestor of yunhaizong who released the task of cloud falling flowers.

"I don't want you to die so easily if I leave you to the end."

Ning Chen said faintly,

"no, it was a misunderstanding before."

"Little brother, I can promise you anything you want."

The ancestor of yunhaizong begged for mercy.

He never dreamed that the task he released would attract such a devil.

Now he released this mission with great regret in his heart.

He thought he could play with these outside disciples, but now he was played with.

It made him feel desperate.

"I don't need you to promise anything. If you die too easily, it will be too cheap for you."

"The curse is good here. I don't know what will happen if you get it?"

Rather dust forest however a smile way.

"If you do that, Lord devil will never let you go."

"Lord devil, help me."

The ancestor of yunhaizong cried out in horror.

"If he could save you, he would."

"He can't get out of the curse city until the gate is open."

"I can't get out. In my eyes, it's no different from a trash."

Ning Chen is not polite to open a way.


But as soon as his voice fell, the whole curse city began to shake. , the fastest update of the webnovel!