Xu Mu swallowed a mouthful of blood. The long lost smell of blood made him squint happily. He could be a "flesh and blood" normal person before he died.

Zheng Feiyue listened to the voice of a dying man and remained silent.

"What's your name?" Zheng Feiyue asked.

Xu Mu shook his head, indicating that he didn't want to say.

Zheng Feiyue was silent and said, "you have a curse system. As long as you don't go astray, you can still live a normal life. Why do you come to this step?"

Xu Mu looked at Zheng Feiyue in surprise.

Zheng Feiyue said with a smile, "we are the same kind of people. These people who fight with you today have systems. If you can listen to me and sit down and chat before the war, you don't have to fall to this point. Maybe you can become friends."

Xu Mu opened his mouth and seemed to be laughing. It seemed that his injury only affected the corners of his lips. "I have no friends and don't need friends. I hate the world and never wanted to compromise with the world."

This answer made Zheng Feiyue speechless for a long time.

"The sunshine is so good that I can finally say goodbye to the world." Xu Mu's eyes flashed over Zheng Feiyue and threw into the dazzling sky. It was very comfortable, "goodbye, damn world."

He slowly closed his eyes.

The heartbeat gradually disappeared.

Zheng Feiyue got up and looked at him who didn't want to tell the world his name even if he died alone. He said, "maybe I don't know your past, but I admire your spirit of repaying kindness. If there is an afterlife, I hope you can be treated gently by the world."

Zheng Xinyue came over and said, "brother, it's time to go."

"Bury him."


Until the evening, Zheng Feiyue spent in a trance. He didn't suddenly react to something until dinner.

The system does not prompt that the task is completed!

On the system panel, the main task of level 4 curse system is still hanging high.

"What's going on? Why is the task still hanging when the curse host is dead?" Zheng Feiyue asked the system.

System: "there is only one reason for this kind of scene, that is, the target host is not dead."

Zheng Feiyue thought it was ridiculous: "it's impossible. I watched him die!"

"The curse system is difficult to be treated with common sense. It is the best portrayal of them to die and later emerge."

After hearing this, Zheng Feiyue screamed wildly, got up and rushed to the place where the host was buried.

At that time, the place where people were buried was nearby the logging yard.

Zheng Feiyue drove to the logging yard. Maybe he didn't realize it. At the moment, his heart is actually longing for the man to survive.

It is getting closer and closer to the destination, and the signs of the logging yard can be seen from a distance.

Only lit up the brand, but it was a rich flame.


Xu Mu doesn't know why he didn't die.

When he struggled to climb out of the soil and breathe fresh air, he suddenly found that his skin covered by the soil had become as white and tender as a baby.

He pinched himself. The pain was so real.

He was stunned and told himself unbelievably, "I was reborn and even my body returned to normal."

But sadly, when he climbed out of the ground, he happened to be seen by several people.

The location of the logging farm is very remote. It has been out of the suburb of Zheng city and close to a village. The people who saw Xu Mu were three villagers who had just returned from drinking in Zheng city and were ready to go home.

At first, they saw someone climb out of the ground, scared to death, and ran away with his ass urinating.

But halfway through, a villager suddenly suggested that if such a supernatural event could be made into a video and sent online, it might make a lot of money.

Money moved people, and they turned it back.

At this time, Xu Mu was still in a daze. Seeing the three people who had run away before coming back, he subconsciously wanted to go, but then he found that his strength was gone.

He can only sit where he is and slowly recover the strength he consumed when he struggled out of the ground.

The three village names photographed in the distance for a while. They felt there was no danger, so they approached the camera. Xu Mu's earthy appearance is no different from the monsters from the ground in film and television dramas, which makes them very surprised.

One of them didn't know what to think and said why not burn him?

Anyway, it's just a monster. No one will be punished for it. Maybe it will be regarded as a hero.

So they approached Xu mu with courage and stabbed him to the ground with a stick.

Xu Mu roared angrily. Because his throat was stuffed with soil, he could only roar like a beast.

The three village names were not frightened by the roar. They were surprised to see that Xu Mu was so weak. They rushed up and tied him up with the remaining iron chains on the ground.

The fire soon started.

Three village names, one responsible for making a fire, one responsible for shooting, and the last one dragged Xu Mu around, as if hunters were showing off their live prey.

When Zheng Feiyue arrived, the fire was burning big enough. They were about to throw Xu Mu into the fire. A guy with a mobile phone was still shouting, "slow down, I want to shoot clearly."

Zheng Feiyue recognized at a glance that the human nature covered with mud was the curse host, and immediately roared, "stop! Do you know what you're doing?"

The three village names were startled at first, and then the guy who acted as a hunter shouted, "Hey, mind your own business, where you come from, go where you go!"

Zheng Feiyue walked forward with a gloomy face and said, "if you don't want to die, you'd better put him down!"

The three village names looked at each other and laughed.

"I won't let go. What can you do?" the man laughed.

Zheng Feiyue shook his head, saw a small stone under his feet and kicked it out.


The guy in the distance suddenly covered his mouth and squatted down in pain.

The stone knocked out at least seven or eight of his teeth.

The other two villagers were surprised.

Zheng Feiyue didn't give them time to reflect, and kicked out two stones. The three soon squatted down together, and the blood couldn't stop flowing.

The fire was burning. Zheng Feiyue kicked the three village names to the ground. His anger was hard to dispel. "Do you know what you did?"

"Woo woo."

"Squeak, squeak."

"Doodle doodle."

The three villagers shook their heads wildly and looked scared.

Zheng Feiyue smelled a strong smell of wine from them and grabbed a man to the fire. "I'll help you wake up!"

With that, he inserted the man directly into the fire.

The next second, he pulled the man out.

Because the time was very short, the flame did not burn him, but the high temperature burned his whole body. The guy was scared to death. The wine woke up completely and shouted with his mouth open.

Zheng Feiyue threw him aside and gave the other two the same "hair fading" treatment.

The three finally hugged each other and trembled.

Zheng Feiyue pointed to the three of them and said, "I didn't kill you today. It's really cheap for you. Get out of here!"

The three fled in a panic, and they didn't have time to pick up their mobile phones.

Zheng Feiyue kicked the mobile phone into the fire, turned to the cursed host lying on the ground and bound by chains, and asked, "man, is it OK?"