As a prodigal son in love, John, after getting the huge general points given by Zheng Feiyue, naturally came to the great Japan to meet his gun friends.

John's gun friend is also the host. He is also the man of the Japanese God collection. His immediate boss is Wu Qianhe.

John is also a cow. He wants to be the boss of others without talking about his younger brother.

As the boss of Shenji, wuqianhe looks arrogant and holy on the surface, but he is also coquettish behind his back.

John just flirted a little and hinted that he had a good job. Wuqianhe couldn't stand loneliness and hooked up with John.

Passion comes and goes quickly.

Before long, wuqianhe soon got tired of John. Unexpectedly, John had real feelings and vowed to take care of wuqianhe all his life.

What an ambitious woman wuqianhe is. How could she be bound by a man and kicked by Ya on the spot!

John has been walking around the gun yard for years, but now she has done it.

Dark network, a platform for information collection, data transmission and resource sharing based on artificial intelligence and massive background data (two platforms of transaction and task management).

At present, the dark network is only used by internal personnel.


Every new plot is a war for me.

It's easy to write a bridge paragraph, but how to write an unconventional and interesting bridge paragraph is not easy, which is also the biggest challenge in the creative career of countless writers!

I'll do my best and leave the rest to you to judge.

Written in, guard Tintin The second day, the second watch!