Chapter 1: The Secret of My Best Friend's Sister

TL: Akabane


"It's really annoying. It sure tasted great, but it's been three days in a row, right? I mean, put yourself in the shoes of a guy who has to eat nothing but sweets every day."

Haa ...... here we go again .......

One spring morning. Me and my best friend Shota were walking to the high school as usual, with the rows of cherry trees leading to the high school by our side.

"I wonder if that Suzune is seriously trying to make me diabetic. ......"

As usual, I have to listen to Shota boasting about his sister, disguised as a complaint about her.......

Apparently Shota's younger sister, Suzune, made cookies yesterday. He must be really happy that her cute little sister made cookies for him. However, although he said that he was getting annoyed, but his expression didn't lie. Shota's face has been grinning from beginning to an end.

"That's good, man. If it were me, I wouldn't get tired of eating cookies made by Suzune every day, or even every meal."

Shota looked happy for a moment, but then he let out a deliberate sigh. Then, as if to say, "Oh dear," he raises both hands.

"You really don't get it. Sure, she may have a pretty face, but she's my sister, remember? I mean, I'm worried about her future if she doesn't get enough of her brother."

No, I'm more worried about your future if you can't leave your sister alone.

I'll just tsk tsk in my mind, and then nudge him appropriately, "Oh, well."

As you can probably tell from these conversations, my best friend, Shota Minazuki, is a serious siscon. No, to put it bluntly, he may be on the level of a disease.

Anyway, this guy loves his sister and he can't help it. It is my morning routine to listen to him boasting about his sister. To be honest, even though he is my best friend, it is annoying to hear him talk like this day after day. It's a shame, because he's usually a nice guy and fun to be with.

I don't understand why Shota feels the need to brag about his sister.

Suzune Minazuki, that is the name of Shota's younger sister.

She is a second-year high school student, one year younger than us, and is a bit of a celebrity at this high school. It is no exaggeration to say that there is no male student in this high school who doesn't know her name.

The reason for this is her appearance.

She is, in a word, pretty. She is so pretty that the moment she entered this high school, all the girls who had been the idols of the school were downgraded to just a little pretty girls. Her appearance is so elegant that one could be mistaken for a young lady from some other school, and this is what makes her even more popular among the male students.

If I had a sister like that, I might want to brag about it to someone like this guy.


I heard someone's voice behind me, and I and Shota turned around at the same time.

Standing there was the school's absolute idol, Suzune Minazuki.

She looked at me and Shota in turn, smiled, and walked toward us, her skirt swaying slightly.

I was admiring her smile, which was more dazzling than this clear sky, and before I knew it, she was standing in front of us.

I've known Shota for more than five years now, and inevitably I've known her for that long as well, but I still get an involuntary thrill when I see her up close like this.

"Senpai, good morning."

And there, Suzune looked at me and bowed politely. The fact that she bowed so politely even to someone she knew is what makes her a lady.

Her large, round eyes, the bridge of her nose, and her small mouth, which gives her a childish impression, are exquisitely balanced. The school uniform she wears is well ironed, and unlike my blazer, there is not a speck of dust on it. Looking at her, I am reminded of how dirty an object I am.

"Oh, Suzune-chan, good morning."

When I greeted her back, Suzune then looked up at her brother, Shota.

"Onii-chan, you forgot your bento! I went to the trouble of making it for you and you forgot it!"

Suzune-chan looked pouty for a moment, but quickly returned to smiling, took out her lunch box from her bag, and presented it to Shota.

A homemade bento that most of the boys in this high school would have at their throats. Shota grinned slightly when he saw it, but perhaps he was concerned about my eyes, because he immediately put on a pouty face and took it from her as a matter of course and threw it into his own bag. Then he walked away again with a nonchalant look on his face.

As I watched Shota, I couldn't help but feel a little pity for Suzune. But she didn't seem to complain about her brother's attitude, and started walking a little behind him.

And after walking a few meters, Shota suddenly stopped.

"Oh yeah. I totally forgot."

And when she looked at Shota to see what was going on because he suddenly said that, he looked down at Suzune.

"Suzune, are you free after school today? Actually, my mom told me to go to the pet store in the next town over to get some food for Mel on my way home, but I forgot the name of the product for Mel's food. I'm sorry, but would you mind following me, Suzune?"

"Huh? Let's see ...... that's ......."

Suzune replied vaguely. Shota glared at her somewhat high-handedly, "If you have something to say, say it clearly."

"Actually, I promised Miyuki that I would make sweets with her today. Since Miyuki is better at making sweets than I am, I thought I'd ask her to teach me a lot of things. ......"

Suzune replies in a slightly trembling voice. I kind of felt like I was watching an old husband-and-wife relationship, and I thought it was not very pleasant to watch.

Shota's eyebrows remained furrowed for a while at Suzune's response, but he finally seemed to understand and replied, "Well, if that's how it is, I guess I can't help it." Suzune then looked at me and smiled slightly.

"Senpai, I'm sorry to bother you today."

The reason she said that to me. It's simple and clear. It's because the girl she said she was going to teach her how to make sweets today is my sister. Miyuki is a high school sophomore the same age as Suzune, and goes to a different high school than us. Although they went to different schools, they still hang out frequently, and it is not unusual for her to visit our house.

However, when she comes to my house, Miyuki orders me to retreat to my room.

"What should I do ...... I don't know which food to buy ......"

Shota scratched his head a little annoyed when Suzune refused his invitation. Apparently, he doesn't know which is the usual food for his cat. But Suzune quickly pulls out her phone and says to her brother, "Well, then."

"I have a picture of the package I took the other day when I was asked to do it."

With that, she unlocks her phone to show the picture to her brother.

I was watching her in a daze, but as she opened the screen of the phone, I suddenly noticed Suzune's eyes widen and her cheeks flush slightly."


She jerked her shoulders as if something had startled her, and the smartphone slid out of her hand in the same instant.

The smartphone collided once with the toe of her loafer and then rolled to my feet. Fortunately, it seemed to have fallen off the back and the screen didn't seem to crack. I crouched down and tried to pick up her phone. The phone was displaying some kind of screen, and although I had no intention of peeking at it, my eyes reflexively fell on the screen.


The moment I saw that screen, I felt my whole body freeze.

This is ...... lie ...... right?

I know how rude it is to stare at someone's phone. But what was displayed on the screen was so far removed from the image of Suzune I usually have. I involuntarily stared at the screen, forgetting to pick it up.

"I'm sorry!"

At that moment, Suzune quickly crouched down, picked up the phone that had fallen to the ground as if grabbing it, and quickly put it in her pocket as if to hide it.

I stared at Suzune in amazement. Suzune may or may not have noticed my gaze, but her cheeks are flushed bright red as she looks away from me.

Then, leaving her brother behind, I shared an awkward air with her for a while, and she suddenly smiled a little awkwardly and said, "Wow, I'm on day duty today, so if you'll excuse me first," bowing her head to me and quickly walking away toward the school.

It was as if she was running away from me .......

"What the hell is that ......?"

Her brother, who knows nothing about her, watches her back in a daze.

But I knew why she turned red and walked away as if to run away from that place.

Because what was displayed on her phone ...... was a sensual novel.

It can't be. Why would she put something like that on her phone? I was not as panicked as Suzune, but I was also panicking inside.

There was no doubt about it. That was a website for posting sensual novels. But why would something like that be on Suzune's phone?

Did she happen to open it when she fell? No, that's impossible. Besides, she was obviously upset when she saw me looking at it. That means she knew what was on the screen.

I was certainly surprised to see such a site on her phone. But that's not the only thing that surprised me.

If I'm not mistaken, the site had the words "NTR your best friend's sister."

No doubt about it.

Beacuse I'm the one who wrote that sensual novel.