Seven o'clock in the evening.

Chuzhou Police Department.

Yun Xianxian had already forgotten how she was rescued.


Her mind was full of that mighty armor figure!

Drive a giant warhorse!

Portable dragon sword!

With one blow, even heavy trucks can be split!

Could this person be an immortal?

"No way!"

"Yun Xianxian, you can't think about that person anymore!"

"You already have a sweetheart!"

"How can you empathize with someone else!?"

Yun Xianxian knocked on the head.

After taking notes.

Fang Qiong took her back to the hotel, and the two talked at night by candlelight.

"Xianxian, don't worry!"

"I will give you an explanation for this matter. Our car cannot be tampered with so silently!"


Yun Xianxian was restless.

She wears pajamas. Holding your legs, looking at the lights of thousands of houses in Chuzhou.

Fang Qiong sighed softly.


"You said that the heavy cavalry who saved us today did it intentionally or unintentionally?"

"Now the Internet is going crazy!"

"Everyone is talking about him!"

Yun Xianxian shook her head.

"have no idea."

"I just know. She saved our lives!"

"If I still have the chance to meet him, I must thank him in person!"

In order to tame this dragon blood horse.

Su Chen suffered a lot this day.

From Chuzhou along the highway, run all the way to Jinling, and then turn back!

Finally, before a few helicopters arrived, he successfully tamed the dragon blood horse and took it into the qq farm.

And gave it a name: Red Tiger!


"Chihu has such a strong temper. He won't trample all my dishes?"

Su Chen sat in the taxi on the way home and asked worriedly.


"Host, please rest assured!"

"The red tiger can't get close to the qq farm, and can only eat grass and drink water outside the manor."


Only then did Su Chen feel relieved.

Take out your phone.

Look at Douyin, Weibo, Tieba, Toutiao...


All videos of him hacking trucks on horseback!

Even the video he released of Gai Nie vs Three Hundred Qin Bing was ignored!

Some people say, this is making a movie!

Some people say that this video is a special effect of PS!

Some people also said that Su Chen was the country's secret weapon, and it was out of control!

There are even bigger brains, saying that he is a time-distorted heavy cavalry who traveled from ancient times!

Even the foreign media are reporting on this matter!

They accused the Chinese government of secretly developing new weapons regardless of the safety of people's lives.

In the end, it even rose to the level of political struggle...

Su Chen was also drunk!

How dare I ride a horse and come out for a stroll, whoever I provoke!

"It seems that you have to keep a low profile in the future."

"Caught by the military. You'll be in big trouble!"

Su Chen pondered for a while.


"System, what the hell is the plane visa you mentioned earlier?"


"With a plane visa, you can stay in a certain plane for a long time."

Su Chen instantly became excited!


"To participate in the visa assessment, you need to travel to the Wanjie assessment hall. The host's current state is not suitable for participating in the assessment."

"The Examination Hall of Myriad Realms..."

"What the hell is this?"

Su Chen frowned.


In the next few days, Su Chen and Lin Xiyuan got tired of being together.

Yun Xianxian came to him once in a while.

Discussions about heavy cavalry on the Internet. The heat has not disappeared, but intensified!

What's funny is that there was an anchor named Ye Feng who stood up and admitted that he was a heavy armored cavalry, and managed to gain a lot of popularity!

this evening.

Su Chen was studying with Lin Xiyuan in the library.

Zheng Shaofeng sent him a WeChat message!

Underground Boxing Championship!

here we go!

"Xiyuan, I'm in a hurry, remember to go back early."


Lin Xiyuan raised her head and smiled.

Around the seat, dozens of murderous gazes were cast!

out of the library.

An extended Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped at the door.

"Boss Su!"

Zheng Shaofeng was wearing a coquettish white suit.

"Let me introduce you!"

"These three are Mr. Huo Yun, the master of gossip!"

"The successor of the Hong family's Iron Line Fist, the town of Sanshan!"

"Tai Chi lineage, Miss Yang Lu!"

Following Zheng Shaofeng's introduction.

Three people got out of the Rolls Royce!

A middle-aged man in a black coat!

A muscular man with a height of 1.9 meters!

There is also a woman with a long ponytail in Nike sportswear and a good figure!

"This young man is the martial artist that Young Master Zheng mentioned?"

"How old is he?"

"I don't think he's even twenty years old!"

"About my son's age!"

The three warriors stood beside the car, commenting.

Su Chen didn't even look at them. Open the door directly and sit in the co-pilot.

"Little bastard!"

Zhen Sanshan's cheek muscles twitched!

Both Huo Yun and Yang Lu were also very upset!

A junior!

How dare you ignore them like this?

Zheng Shaofeng's forehead started to break out in cold sweat, this Boss Su must be too courageous...

These three are all long-established masters in the Jiangnan martial arts world!


After getting into the car, Su Chen didn't cause any more trouble.

He has been sitting there quietly, closing his eyes and meditating.

Forty minutes later, Beicheng District.

"Boss Su. We're here!"

Zheng Shaofeng patted Su Chen on the shoulder.

When he opened his eyes, Huo Yun and the three had already got off the car and walked towards a simple building similar to the Sydney Opera House.

"Is this the underground black boxing arena?"

"I thought it was really built underground!"

After Su Chen got off the car. Look around.

In his previous life, he was a pure businessman.

Never touched the world of martial arts!

Even Huaxia's martial artist classification is unclear!

"whispering sound."

"It's just a child!"

"What did you call him for?"

Town Sanshan. Huo Yun and Yang Lu looked at each other and shook their heads.


The black boxing arena has a large area.

The interior is similar to the design of the Colosseum, enough to accommodate eight or nine hundred spectators!

It's only half past ten!

The venue is full!

Su Chen soon met the head of the wicked gang.

"Master Huo!"

"Master Zhen!"

"Master Yang!"

Wearing a black suit, Zheng Tielong first bowed to Huo Yun and the others, and finally saw Su Chen.

"Boss Su! Why are you here too?"

"Four masters, please take a seat!"

Zheng Tielong looked respectful.

As the leader of the gang, he has always been in awe of the extraordinary existence of warriors!

No one dares to offend!

at this time--

A domineering voice exploded at the entrance!

"Zheng Tielong!"

"Where did you find a bunch of garbage to support the scene!?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hear the voice.

Many viewers turned their heads to look, and then their faces changed slightly!

"The largest gang in Chuzhou!"

"Giant Whale Gate!"

"Xiao Kun!"

"Master Xiao actually led the team himself?"

"of course!"

"Yang Zheng is a member of the Giant Whale Sect, and Xiao Kun bet a lot of money on him!"

"There's a good show tonight!"

There were rustling sounds all around.

It was only then that Su Chen realized that it turned out that Chuzhou was the largest gang. It's called the Giant Whale Gate.

This Xiao Kun is only 1.69 meters tall, dark and thin, but has an extremely arrogant personality!

"What did you say!?"

Before Zheng Tielong could speak, Huo Yun and Yang Lu cursed angrily one after another!

Grumpy Zhen Sanshan. He even raised his fist and rushed towards Xiao Kun!


"You fucking court death!"

Huge fist waved!

Xiao Kun had no intention of avoiding it at all.

next second——

Swish! ! !

A leg shadow like a knife!

Swept out from Xiao Kun's back, and slapped Zhen Sanshan's head fiercely!

The speed was too fast, Zhen Sanshan couldn't react at all!


The 1.9-meter-long muscular man spurted blood from his seven orifices, and flew out like a broken sack!

Never got up again!

Afterwards, a tall and thin man slowly walked out from behind Xiao Kun, looking at Huo Yun and Yang Lu.

"You two, go together?"