"The Eye of Hell, also known as the Eye of Sahara, Death Valley, is a kind of Richat structure landform!"

"Hundreds of intruders die in the valley inexplicably every year."

"It has a diameter of up to 48 kilometers and was formed tens of thousands of years ago."

"At first, the terrain was thought to be formed by a meteorite collision, but geologists now believe that this may be due to the uplift or erosion of geological structures, and some people believe that this is a mark left by aliens on the earth. "

"However, the formation of this ring shape. It is still a mystery."

Under the camera, Mr. Pei popularized various materials.

Su Chen opened his piercing eyes and searched around.

In the valley, there is a desolation.

The eyes are full of rocks and yellow sand. Many shriveled trees and plants seem to be dead, but they are not. They are rooted more than 20 meters underground, and their vitality is extremely tenacious.

"Now, I want to enter the Eye of Hell with Brother Su Chen!"

"See what secrets are inside!"

"Wish us luck!"

Say it.

Su Chen temporarily closed his golden eyes, and Master Bei patted him on the shoulder. The two waded down the dunes together to the bottom of the valley, followed by the camera team.

In the valley, rocks several meters high are piled up everywhere, covering the sky and the sun.

The shadows cast by the rocks were cool, but the soles of everyone's feet were covered with sticky sand, which seemed to be a mixture of wet sand, ferns, and various insect corpses and excrement, which was very disgusting.


"The stench here is simply unbearable!"

Bei Ye said to the camera: "Although the desert outside is hot and dry, the valley is at a lower altitude and the temperature is relatively hot and humid. There are a lot of dangerous creatures in the desert gathered here. Their feces and corpses are breeding grounds for poisonous insects. The smell they emit , contains highly poisonous! This is how the poisonous miasma in the Miaojiang area of ​​China was produced!"

"We must get out of here quickly!"

Everyone stepped on the sticky mud and sand all the way forward.

The dry ground is ahead, a photographer can't bear it, so he can't help speeding up his pace!


He got stuck in the mud!

The mud was bubbling upwards!


The blond-haired young photographer looked terrified. Turning his head quickly, "Bell, I seem to have stepped into a swamp!"

"Benjamin, don't move!"

Master Bei hurried over, his face a little ugly, "This is not an ordinary swamp, this is a quicksand swamp unique to the desert!"

"Listen to me, Benjamin, don't struggle, the more you struggle, the deeper you will sink!"

"Adjust your breathing, expand your body, and try to relax!"

Young photographer Benjamin. His face was pale, and he cried and said: "Bell, I feel that there are insects biting my thighs! I... I don't want to die here!"

"You won't die!"

"I promise you that!"

Master Pei kept comforting Benjamin.

At this time, because of his excessive struggle, most of his chest had already sunk into the black quicksand swamp.

Several other photographers pointed their cameras at Benjamin, and the latter was so angry that he cursed!

Mr. Pei ran to the ground, found a wooden stick, and everyone prepared to work together to pull Benjamin up.

at this time--

"Does it need to be so troublesome?"

Su Chen strode towards Benjamin, held his hand, and wanted to drag him out of the quicksand swamp!

Master Bei shouted urgently, "Brother Su Chen! Don't pull it. You fell into the swamp too!"

"He's crazy?"

Several photographers also looked at Su Chen in disbelief.

How much strength does it take to drag a large living person out of the swamp?

This Huaxia boy is too ignorant!

next second.

A miracle happened.

I saw that Su Chen stood firmly on the ground, like an old tree taking root!

Slowly exert force on the right arm!

Benjamin's body separated from the slimy swamp bit by bit, a few small black beetles. Pick it up on him.

The mouths of Mr. Pei and the photography team formed an o-shape!

To hell with it in broad daylight!

Su Chen actually used one arm to drag a grown man weighing 140 to 50 Jin out of the swamp!


This strength is too terrifying!

In less than half a minute, Benjamin finally got out of the quagmire and collapsed on the land, gasping for breath.

In fact, Su Chen exploded with all his strength and could pull him out in an instant, but in this case, his arm would also be useless.


"Brother Su Chen, thank you!"

Benjamin was grateful. He kept thanking Su Chen.

Master Bei also patted Su Chen on the shoulder in admiration, "Good job Su Chen, you are the strongest Chinese man I have ever seen!"



Su Chen narrowed his eyes and found Benjamin's lap. There are two little blue and black beetles!

"damn it!"

Benjamin turned over, shook off a little black bug, and trampled it to death!

The camera is aimed.

Mr. Pei caught the other one and explained with a smile: "This is a desert dung beetle. It is what we commonly call dung beetles. They feed on decay and animal waste, and are nature's scavengers!"

"In works of art such as film and television, novels, they are often depicted as the incarnation of the god of death, the guardians of the pyramids of Egypt, known as corpses!"

"In the desert, food is scarce, we must grab everything that can provide energy!"

"So, now, I'm going to eat it!"


Master Bei bit off the lame head of the corpse, swallowed it in one gulp, and chewed it.

Su Chen could even see the corpse still struggling inside!

All kinds of explosions!

All kinds of sourness!



"This is awesome!"

Su Chen couldn't help giving a thumbs up!

He absolutely can't eat this thing!

"However, it's strange."

"Why are there corpses in the swamp?"

"A corpse also needs to breathe, it will never get into a swamp..."

"Unless they came up from the bottom of the swamp!"

Su Chen's brain was shocked!

In an instant, it was analyzed that the valley below the Eye of Hell. Maybe there is some secret hidden!

At this time.

Among the photography team, a photographer named George ran to the side of the valley under a huge vine tree that seemed to have withered, and shouted at them:

"Bell, Benjamin, Brother Su Chen..."

"Come here and rest for a while!"

Master Bei turned his head when he heard the sound.

Suddenly, it was discovered that nine thick vines quietly stretched down from the giant vine tree behind George. Like a devil's claw, approaching George silently...

This scene is extremely weird!



Mr. Pei broke out and shouted: "Run!!!"


George didn't react at once!

The giant vine tree suddenly threw out nine vines, like long whips, wrapped around George's body, pulling him towards him!


"This... what the hell is this?!"

"Bell! Brother Su Chen!"

"help me!!"

George struggled wildly!

Put your feet against the tree roots and resist with all your might!

Su Chen was about to make a move!

Suddenly, he saw that dry and cracked old vine tree, gradually peeling off a layer of bark, and the inside was densely packed, full of corpses!

There are so many!

Scalp tingling!

He suddenly remembered the man-eating tree that grew deep in the desert in "Tomb Raider B"——

Hydra Cypress!