

"The 123 trilogy of "Plants vs. Zombies", a full set of design materials, is only sold for 12 gold coins."

Su Chen glanced at his small treasury, there happened to be 14 gold coins left.

buy it!

in a moment!

The full set of design manuscripts and text materials for the "Plants vs. Zombies" trilogy fell into the space warehouse.

Su Chen reached into his back waist, pulled it out, and took out a thick stack of manuscript paper!

"I lost it!?"

Chen Jingchu, Zhou Haohui and several backbones of the group were all stunned!

Such a thick stack of paper stuffed in the clothes. Doesn't this kid dislike being separated?

Anyway, Su Chen just took it out and handed it directly to Chen Jingchu. "Sister Jingchu, this is the game I designed, take a look at it."

"If I think it's okay, I plan to cooperate with your group."

"Uh, well..."

Chen Jingchu felt a little embarrassed.

To be honest, she is a little tired now. I want to go home early and rest.

However, due to Su Chen's face, she still took it, intending to take a look.

"A game designed by Brother Su?"

Cheng Fanfan trotted over, "I want to watch it too! I want to watch it too!"

Zhou Haohui and the key executives of the group couldn't help laughing.

Still want to cooperate with them Tianyu Group?

It makes you seem like you can really design a good game...

This kid, doesn't he take himself too seriously?

At this moment, in Zhou Haohui's eyes, Su Chen is just a fool with a mysterious background but arrears in IQ!

"Plants vs. Zombies?"

Chen Jingchu took the manuscript and materials, glanced at it, and gently read out the name of this strange game.


Zhou Haohui couldn't hold back any longer, and burst out laughing, "Plants? War? Zombies?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Killing me!"

"What kind of stupid name is this! It's too mentally retarded!"

"I thought it was some kind of game to hang the sky!"

"This looks like something for a three-year-old to play with!"

"Why don't you call it "Animals vs. Zombies"?!"

Seven or eight backbone members of the group laughed, all amused by the name of the game.

In the development and production of online games, the name is very important, such as "Ice and Fire Heroes", "Human Domain", "Mie Shen", "Adventure Planet" developed by Zhou Haohui's Rubik's Cube Studio...

This is called a good game!

Any one, the monthly turnover is as high as millions!

Many companies in the industry paid high prices to poach Zhou Haohui. But all were rejected.

As for the reason, naturally needless to say.

Among the many mocking voices.

Only Chen Jingchu was a little dazed looking at it.

Originally, she just had a mentality of taking a look and sweeping her eyes.

After all, how could one person be so omnipotent? Be a special soldier, study medicine, and still have time to research and develop online games?

However, when she saw the features of the game and the design manuscripts, she was shocked!

this game!

It seems very interesting!

"Pea Shooter. Sunflowers, Cherry Bombs, Wall of Nuts..."

"Ordinary zombies, roadblock zombies, Tietong zombies..."

"These npc images are so fun to design, just right!"

Chen Jingchu's browsing speed is getting faster and faster!

The light in the beautiful eyes is getting brighter and brighter!

she feels. I have found a game I have been looking for for a long time!

A game that changes the image of Tianyu Group!

It was rumored that her Tianyu Group would only copy popular games, or directly spend a lot of money to buy them, and would never create their own content!

Chen Jingchu didn't intend to pay attention to these rumors. After all, making money is king.

However, through the group's big data analysis, she found that the monthly activity of every game produced by the group showed a rapid downward trend! The speed of this trend is getting faster and faster!

This is a typical core content that is not attractive enough, and it depends on updating to attract players!

As a result, players found that all the so-called new games were just reskins, and they would be uninstalled after playing for at most two minutes!

"Little Su."

After a cursory glance. Chen Jingchu's two peaks stood tall, and she looked at Su Chen with an indescribable meaning.

Zhou Haohui thought that Chen Jingchu was embarrassed to reject Su Chen. Then he came forward and said:

"Boy, can you be a little self-aware?"

"As for the crap game you made, you don't even have a good name. Don't cheat our group!"

"Take it! Take it!"

While Zhou Haohui went to get the manuscript of "Plants vs. Zombies", he waved his hand at Su Chen, like chasing away flies.

Who knows, I pulled it a bit, but it didn't move.

Turning around, Chen Jingchu was glaring at him angrily with a pair of pretty black eyes!

"What do you want to do?"

"Chen... President Chen..."

Chen Jingchu ignored him, turned around to look at Su Chen, and said solemnly: "Xiao Su, your game was bought by Tianyu Group, you can make a price."


Zhou Haohui and the backbone of the group. Qiqi's eyes widened!

I thought I heard it wrong!

The chairman asked this kid to make an offer?

"Mr. Chen!"

Zhou Haohui became anxious, and quickly stopped in front of Chen Jingchu, "What are you doing?"

"It's not your turn to direct what I want to do, get out of the way!"

Chen Jingchu frowned.

"Yes... I'm sorry, Mr. Chen."

Seeing that Chen Jingchu was angry, Zhou Haohui quickly withdrew, but still bit the bullet and remonstrated: "Mr. Chen!"

"I know you have a relationship with this kid, but the group's resources should be used to support those high-quality projects..."


"Director Zhou is right!"

"Chen Dong thinks twice!"

The backbone and executives of the group are in a hurry!

Su Chen was happy!

Looking at Zhou Haohui with a suppressed smile on his face, "Support high-quality projects? Are you talking about your hot chicken games?"

"Surnamed Su, you tmd..."

Zhou Haohui was about to explode!

Chen Jingchu casually threw the manuscript of "Plants vs. Zombies" on the coffee table in the rest area, crossed her arms and said coldly:

"You all have a good look!"

"Does this tower defense game designed by Su Chen have the potential to explode?"

The key executives walked forward, looking at each other, opened the manuscripts one by one, and began to check them.

Zhou Haohui didn't believe this evil anymore. He sat on the sofa and picked up a piece of game rules to introduce:

"By collecting sunlight, buying and placing different plants to kill attacking zombies."

"Five modes of day, night, swimming pool, dense fog and roof are set. In each mode, specific zombies and plant guards will appear."

"Different plant formations can restrain different groups of zombies..."

The eyes scanned the rows of text and pictures!

The more Zhou Haohui looked at it, the more shocked he felt!

Not to mention that the executives of the group next to them have already been dazzled by more than 300 exquisite manuscripts!

"Sunflowers can produce sunlight."

"Pea shooter, attack enemies in a straight line."

"Ice Shooter, adding a deceleration effect on the basis of Pea Shooter."

"Cherry Bomb, instantly destroy all zombies in a small area!"

"Wall of nuts, against zombies."

"The torch stump can turn the passing peas into flaming peas, and the damage is quadrupled!"


"My God!"

"What an ingenious design!"

"It was so much fun!"

"Even the map, npc, and various props have been designed. The little brother really puts his heart into it! Mr. Chen, if this project is put into development, it can be completed within a week!"