"Let me think about it."

Su Daqiang recalled:

"You are nine years younger than Ming Yu, um... probably when you were in elementary school, your grandfather came to my house one day and moved a box."

With that said, Su Daqiang gestured with his hand.

About the size of a basketball.

"The box is locked, and I don't know what's inside. I took it and threw it into the utility room...Later, didn't your grandpa get into a car accident and left? This box has been kept by my side."

"If I hadn't seen you, I wouldn't have remembered this...haha!"

Su Daqiang patted his thigh and smiled.

Su Chen's grandfather. It is called Su Youcha, according to grandma, because my grandfather liked to drink Sichuan-Tibetan butter tea very much, so he gave his eldest son such a name.

When I was nine years old. Grandpa had a car accident in town.

They were actually saved when they were sent to the hospital, but their family was so poor that they couldn’t even afford the registration fee, because borrowing money delayed the best time for treatment, and grandpa passed away just like that.

Grandma cried for three days and three nights, and when she woke up her mind was broken, and she often saw Grandpa's shadow at home.

In his few memories, his grandfather Su Youcha was an old man who had nothing to do all day long. I always like to move a bench, eat melon seeds in front of the door, bask in the sun, and listen to the radio.

But think about it carefully.

When he was young, when he got up to pee at night, he always saw the brightly lit windows of the side room, showing the shadow of his grandfather busy with something...

Su Chen frowned.

Afterwards, he asked Su Daqiang more about his grandfather.

Su Daqiang said that his grandfather was actually a talented student who studied abroad. He was admitted to Tianhua School, a preparatory school in Liuming, in the early 1960s. Got a lot of degrees.

After returning, he stayed in the capital Yanjing to work and rarely contacted his family.

Later, for unknown reasons, he suddenly gave up his bright future in Yanjing and returned to Niutou Village to work in farming. Even though his whole family opposed him, he never turned back.

Later, the grandfather fell in love with the grandmother in the neighboring village, got married, had children, and lived a peaceful and simple life.

According to Su Daqiang, Grandpa became supernatural after returning home. Always alone in a daze, as if thinking about something, everyone in the village laughed at him for being stupid in reading...

the next day.

It's past eight o'clock.

Su Chen and Su Daqiang had breakfast and drove to the city.

In fact, the location of the Su family's old house is not bad, but the government has not yet formulated a demolition plan for the old city, and coupled with the urgent need for money, Su Daqiang sold it directly.

The alleys of the old house were not easy to drive, so Su Chen parked Bumblebee by the side of the road,

Walking along the mottled bluestone road, passing a stone bridge, there are small stalls selling glutinous rice cakes on the side of the road. The aroma of thin-bottomed raw frying wafts from a distance.

Su Chen seemed to be in an ancient town. Compared with the bustling Donghai neighborhood a few hundred meters away, this place seemed to be another world. The pace of life was very slow, mostly elderly and children.


"It's here."

After making many greetings along the way, Su Daqiang finally brought Su Chen to a rather small house.

Several real estate staff were busy in front of the door, taking pictures and cleaning. Su Daqiang couldn't help sighing, "Oh, I've lived in it for so many years, and I'm really reluctant to sell it!"


The two walked in.

The old house occupies quite a large area, with two courtyards in total, and the Feng Shui pattern is also very particular.

When they came to a sundry storage room in the inner house, a manager greeted him, "Ah! Mr. Su, you are finally here!"

"Quick, open this inside quickly. Waiting to take pictures!"

Su Daqiang pursed his lips unhappily, "What's the rush, I'm getting old and my memory isn't very good..."

"Crack! Crack!"

I took the copper key and poked it twice, and with the sound of teeth creaking, the door of the storage room opened.

It's full of old things.

The thick dust was blown everywhere by the wind from the door opening, Su Daqiang fanned it with his hands, and moved out a wooden box from the corner of the storage room.

"That's it..."

"Ouch, my old waist!"

Su Daqiang struggled to move the box out, and Su Chen reached out to take it.

"This box is locked, do you want to find a locksmith to open it?" Su Daqiang was actually quite curious. What's in it.


Su Chen hugged the box and walked out while using his golden eyes to see through!


His eyes penetrated the wooden box and several layers of iron sheets, and then several thick layers of waterproof and moisture-proof cloth. And a couple of stuffed sponges...

Finally, Su Chen finally saw the contents of the box clearly!

"I go!"

"It turned out to be..."

"A head!?!"

Su Chen's gaze was shocked, and he almost lost his grip on the box.

Ten years ago, grandpa put a box in the Su family's old house. There is actually a head inside!

All right.

To be precise, there is a Buddha head inside.

A Buddha head carved from jade is as big as a basketball.

The carving is exquisite and lifelike. The tumor-shaped meat buns on the top of the Buddha's head are very delicate and dense. Between the eyebrows, it not only shows the majesty and solemnity of the Buddha, but also does not lose the compassion and compassion of the Buddha.

Under the perspective of the golden eyes, the Buddha's head exudes a layer of white aura.

This is an antique Buddha head!

Half a year ago, Su Chen came back from Jiangnan Ghost City and made up a lot of books on antiques.

After a short observation, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly recognized the Buddha's head!

"The head of the Jade Buddha in Zetianming Hall..."

"This Buddha head is the head of the stolen Vairocana Buddha!"

"How is this going……"

Su Chen stood in front of the Su family's old house, stunned for a long time.

Vairocana Buddha. It is one of the titles of the merits and virtues of the ninth body Buddha among the ten kinds of Buddhas in the Huayan Sutra. It is the highest body Tathagata in the Tantric system, which is what we often call "Tathagata Buddha", "All dharmas are equal and enlightened".

In the early Tang Dynasty, Wu Zhou Chuigong was four years old.

Empress Wu Zetian ordered the construction of two Buddhist halls, one called Mingtang and the other called Tiantang.

The Maitreya Buddha and Vairocana Buddha are enshrined in the Buddhist hall. These two statues are made of exotic jade. Exquisite and priceless.

Among them, the Buddha head of Vairocana Buddha is carved according to Wu Zetian's appearance, which can be described as a priceless treasure.

Wu Zetian in history advocated Buddhism very much. "Ming Tang" is the main hall of the palace city during the Wu Zhou Dynasty.

According to historical records, Mingtang is 86 meters high.

And heaven, standing on the third floor can overlook the Mingtang, so it is speculated that heaven should be more than 1 meter high!

The construction of such a tall building, on the one hand, reflects the Queen's worship of Buddhism, and on the other hand, it is also to demonstrate her own identity and status.

The two Buddhist halls have long been destroyed in the war.

Today, archaeologists can only barely find their remains.

Su Chen also read a piece of historical material, which recorded that a despicable and shameless Dongying envoy sent to Tang Dynasty took advantage of the Shenlong Mutiny to steal the head of Vairocana Buddha and secretly transported it back to Dongpu...