"Except for selling ale and wine at a low price!"

"Your Majesty strictly orders that all merchants in the private sector are not allowed to drive up the price of wine!"

"Offenders, beheaded!"

Lucius' voice became passionate and indignant, and he even raised his fist and shouted, "I believe that in a short time, everyone will be able to overcome this disaster!"

"Long live Demacia!"

"Long live His Majesty Caesar!!"


As soon as this word comes out!

The people below are all on fire!

The voices of "Long live Demacia" and "Long live Your Majesty" are like the waves of the sea. One wave after another, the clouds in the sky almost dispersed.

Under the hoarseness, many civilians with symptoms. They all started coughing violently!

Saliva sprayed everywhere, like a group of demons dancing wildly!

The most frightening thing is that these hundreds of thousands of people are completely unaware of this horrible parasite, which can be infected in many ways!

In their cognition, if they can't see or touch, there is no risk of getting sick!

"Damn it!"

"It's all over!"

Su Chen watched this scene from the sky with clairvoyance. His face turned pale with fright.

"Su Chen, is it so scary?"

You Lan's suspicious voice rang in her ears, "Are you worrying for nothing?"

Since she knew Su Chen, she had never seen him panic like this.

Even five days ago, when he killed the red-clothed archbishop Fatil and a four-winged archangel in the Temple of Light, the whole process was calm and calm, without any panic.

Why are you panicking like a bear now...


Su Chen was silent for a while, and said with a livid face, "Within two days, the number of patients in the imperial city will increase by at least 50,000!"


Both Lacus and Youlan were taken aback, "Why, Master Lucius didn't say that he would bury wells and fill rivers..."

"Bury wells and fill rivers!"

"It's useless!"

Su Chen was so angry that he couldn't hold back anymore.

Flying straight all the way to the high platform, it attracted the attention of many people.

"Protect Lord Lucius!"

Several knights on the high platform quickly drew their swords to face the enemy.

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing Su Chen and Lacus, Lucius hurried forward to salute with a smile on his face. "It turns out that Lord Marquis Lucifer, Your Royal Highness Princess Lacus, why are you here?"

"Master Lucius..."

"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!!"

As soon as Lacus opened his mouth, Su Chen started to scold directly, making the surrounding people very embarrassed, "Do you know how many patients will be added if so many people gather together!?"

Lucius gave Lacus a dazed look, who was also embarrassed. After a pause, he said with a little displeasure, "What does Lord Marquis mean by this?"

"Didn't I just say it all? The source of the disease is the water source. As long as we bury all the polluted water sources and cut off the source, the disaster will disappear soon, and the imperial capital will restore its former prosperity and stability... "


Su Chen continued to exhale fragrance, his eyes rolled with anger, "The source of water is not the main cause of this disaster at all!"

"This disease will spread among people, and those who come to listen to your speech will be ruined by you!"

When Su Chen said this, the two court magicians hadn't lifted the Yin expansion technique yet.

Therefore, all the hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the grand square heard Su Chen's words. Immediately afterwards, countless swearing voices bombarded Su Chen overwhelmingly!

"What nonsense is this person talking about!?"

"Don't understand anything, yet dare to speak nonsense in front of Mr. Lucius' physician!"

"How dare you curse our family to be ruined! It's too much, he should be arrested immediately!"

"Bullshit Marquis Lucifer, why would Her Royal Highness Princess Lacus fall in love with such an idiot?"

"Aren't nobles all idiots?"

"Catch him! Catch him!"

There was a lot of cursing.

Lucius felt a little happier.

Although I don't know why the Marquis of Lucifer has such great hostility towards him as soon as he appears, but he is the chief physician of the court and also a celebrity around His Majesty, how can he be easily humiliated?

"Lord Marquis Lucifer!"

"Today's matter. I will report to His Majesty, and I must seek justice!"

Lucius glared at Su Chen.

"Lord Lucius, Su Chen..."

"You ask for a barren justice!"

Lux was about to speak. Su Chen interrupted her again, his language was quite vulgar.

Youlan noticed from behind that Lux's face became a little embarrassed... She was interrupted several times. No matter how good-tempered a person is, I'm afraid they will be unhappy.

"Hmph, unexpectedly, the genius magister who invented gunpowder and muskets—Marquis Lucifer, turned out to be such a despicable and vulgar person!"

"Today really opened my eyes!"

Lucius waved his sleeve robe, looking unwilling to be with him.

The nearby nobles also frowned, apparently feeling that the vocabulary used by Su Chen was too ugly and would be used by low class people.

Su Chen's originally handsome and brilliant image also fell sharply in the eyes of many noble ladies!

"It can't be delayed any longer!"

"Hurry up and disperse the crowd!"

Su Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense with Lucius.

His anxious eyes turned to the magnificent square, where hundreds of thousands of people lived. Most of them are scolding him.

After thinking about it again and again, his whole body suddenly soared up!


"What does Marquis Lucifer want to do!?"

Everyone's eyes followed Su Chen to the sky.

Su Chen quickly cast the purple-gold-level ice control technique presented by Princess Aisha, and condensed ice picks one after another around him!

Densely packed, hundreds of thousands, soon filled the sky!

Sharp ice spikes. All Demacia people facing down!


"Go home!!"

Hong Zhong's angry roar resounded throughout the square.


"He... what does he want to do?"

"Crazy! Marquis Lucifer, do you want to commit murder in broad daylight!?"

"Run! Run!"


"Help! Where's the imperial city guard, is there no one to care about him!?"

Hundreds of thousands of people began to panic and evacuated in all directions.

Su Chen had gathered at least tens of thousands of ice picks, which was almost his limit, but he still had to control the ice picks, pretend to attack, and scare all these assholes away.

"Goddess of Light!"

"Okay... what a terrifying magic cultivation!"

"Is this the strength of the youngest magister in the entire continent?"

"In less than ten seconds, so many ice cones were created. What a huge amount of magic power is needed to support it. It is too strong!"

"What a monster!"

Seeing this scene, many magicians and magic apprentices felt nothing but shock.

Lacus, Youlan and Lucius all looked dumbfounded.

"Su Chen!"

"Are you crazy!?"

Lucius was the first to curse, "Do you know what you're doing!!"

Lacus was terrified, and made a trumpet shape with her hands, and shouted at Su Chen in the sky, "Su Chen, stop! Stop!"

You Lan also stamped her foot on the ground violently, dying of rage.

Is this person crazy?

Want to become a wanted criminal of the Demacian Empire?

Or do you want to be spotted by the Temple of Light?