"Wow ah ah!"

Su Chen pretended to avoid it, as if he was very scared.

"Marshal Douglas!"

"Missiles seem to be working on him! He's afraid of missiles!"

The subordinate shouted in surprise.

"Send more fighter jets quickly... No, launch the ground missile group directly! Detonate in mid-air, blow him down for me!"

"We must catch him! Press to find out the whereabouts of the Jackson!"

"We must not let him escape!"

Marshal Douglas ordered.

As a result, the naval base began to mobilize missile launchers and frantically fired short-range missiles at Su Chen.

"Well done!"

"Just wait for this!"

Su Chen burst out laughing in the air, "Huangtian Yuxi, give it to me!"


Bright golden light, illuminating the evening sky!

A dozen short-range ballistic missiles. Qi Qi shot towards Su Chen, and all of them were taken in by Huangtian Yuxi the next moment.

Huangtian Yuxi is different from Najie and Juyan Belt, and the latter two have only one space. Everything is piled up together, but the inner space of the Emperor Tian Yuxi is layered on top of each other, divided into six, six, thirty-six spaces, and each space is independent of each other.

Su Chen can control the state of these spaces as he likes, whether the time and space are straight or not. Transforming land, sealing, refining, etc...

At that moment, after fifteen Scud missiles were taken in by Huangtian Yuxi, Su Chen immediately released them in reverse!

So, some sailors with binoculars below saw fifteen scuds shooting out from between Su Chen's eyebrows one by one.

Su Chen didn't just attack randomly, but specifically attacked the important position of this Hickam joint base!

For example, shipyards, oil pump tanks, laboratories, and expensive aircraft carriers... Su Chen concentrated most of his firepower on the ammunition depots!




The ammunition depot where the missiles were stored was bombed by three missiles, causing a series of explosions on the spot!

The left half of the entire Hickam Joint Base fell into a sea of ​​​​purgatory on the spot. Hundreds of service personnel, naval soldiers, and sailors died miserably and were blown to pieces.

See this scene. Marshal Douglas was completely dumbfounded.

At this moment, half of the fear in his heart is the method against Su Chen, and the other half is that he cannot explain to the king.



"Let you sneak attack me! Made, I will destroy this base today! Let you increase your memory!"

After Su Chen changed his face with the Disguise Technique, he unscrupulously carried out destruction.

He shook his hand!

Boom, half of the Hawai'i Island began to vibrate!

"what happened?"

"An undersea earthquake?"

"Volcano eruption?"

"Run! Run!!"

"The one in the sky is not a person, but a god! A god!"

"The gods are coming to punish us!!"

Thousands of sailors, sailors, servicemen, saw the ground crack. The crimson magma spewed out, frightening the souls out of their wits. The spirit of the army and the honor of the country were all thrown into the sky, and they kept running away.


Su Chen saw a dozen sailors boarding a yacht and was about to run away, so he shot a pair of flames at them!

Flaming golden pupils!


Lie Yan glanced across the yacht and hit the fuel tank. Detonate directly!


A dozen sailors were killed on the spot!

On the coast of Shell Harbor, Su Chen went on a killing spree, destroying wildly.

The tyrants of the earth are constantly spraying out from the ground, destroying and melting everything, even the buildings are instantly engulfed, and some soldiers are hiding in the air-raid shelters. It can be baked through a steel plate more than ten meters thick!


"The power of the strange fire is so great!"

"It just consumes too much real yuan..."

Su Chen threw a True Essence Pill into his mouth, and the elixir immediately turned into several medicinal powers, pouring into the sea of ​​Qi, and the True Essence quickly recovered.

"Water element!"

Su Chen used a skill of the archmage to summon the water element!

"Gulu Gulu..."

Immediately on the west coast of Shell Harbor, a ten-meter-tall magical creature made of seawater pulled its body up from the sea. Slowly rushed towards several aircraft carriers.

How can I describe the image of this seawater element to readers who have never played war3—it is probably a super-sized slime with a tall body. Pure water structure, nothing but two arms.


Su Chen had a thought. He's actually here to test out new skills.


The seawater element waved its huge arm and punched the aircraft carrier with a half-foot-wide fist.

"What rubbish, let's raise a star."

Su Chen saw that the water element hadn't dismantled a Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier after more than a dozen strokes, and it was too useless.

So, he took out more than 200 star upgrade cards on the spot, upgraded the skill [Summon Water Element], and directly dropped it to six stars!

[Summon Water Elemental] Unlock with one star: Summon two water elementals at once, increase body size, strength, blood volume, and speed. cooldown reduction...

[Summoning Water Elements] Two-star unlock: Summon five water elements at once...

[Summon Water Elemental] Samsung Unlock: Summon ten water elementals at one time/or summon one water elemental elite...

[Summon Water Elemental] Four-star unlock: summon 20 water elementals at one time/or summon two water elemental elites...

[Summoning Water Elemental] Five-star unlock: Summon one hundred water elementals/or summon ten water elemental elites/or summon one water elemental lord...

Upgrade to five stars to unlock [Lord], body size, strength, blood volume, and movement speed. Attack speed, intelligence, and cooling time have all been greatly reduced.

"One hundred water elements?"

"Ten water elemental elites!"

"A water elemental lord!"

Su Chen showed joy, "I don't know how this water element lord is doing, come out!"

A thought!

One-ninth of the true essence in Qi Hai will be consumed immediately!


The sea water under Su Chen's feet began to gather crazily, and a huge elemental beast of Universal Pictures monster universe level quickly gathered its figure...

It took a full ten seconds for the body to condense, and it was a little slow.

However, this exaggerated body shape made Su Chen very satisfied. He flew over 100 meters above the sky, and was directly surpassed?


"This body shape, I love it!"

Su Chen actually had to look up to see the head of this giant elemental beast.

He quickly asked the system to measure the data of this 'Lord of Water Elements'.

He is 2 meters tall and weighs 10,000 tons.

"Almost only one size smaller than King Ghidorah!"

"That's outrageous!"

"Five-star skills, Cowhide!"

Su Chen was so excited that he flew up and waved his hand, "Lord of water elements, attack! Destroy Shell Harbor for me!"

One order.

The water elemental lord, who was eighty stories high, raised his arms high, and smashed down his fist of pure water dozens of meters wide towards the several aircraft carriers and frigates in front of him!


Shocking tsunami, soaring into the sky!