The sea beast had lost consciousness, Su Chen lowered his eyes and looked down, and the rough sea had begun to boil.

Many huge black shadows began to gather towards the center of the vortex, and then one after another huge figures rushed towards the water curtain. Su Chen actually saw huge wings on a sea beast.

Each sea beast has a different shape, some have long and pointed tails, and it seems that electric lights can be faintly flashed.

Some sea beasts have sharp horns on their heads, and some sea beasts have densely packed double rows of barbs on their backs, and some stretch for hours. The whole body is covered with black and white patterns, and there is a faint chill under the water light.

Almost every sea beast has various shapes, and almost every sea beast has various abilities.

While Su Chen was observing carefully. There are already a dozen huge figures above the water curtain, covering the sky and rushing towards the energy ladder.

The smaller sea beast controlled by Su Chen before had passed out, with its long tongue hanging from the corner of its mouth, and the whites of its huge eyes showing.

Seeing those huge bodies approaching Su Chen, only to see Su Chen hooking his fingers lightly, as if a transparent barrier suddenly appeared in midair. Those huge figures collided with the barrier, made a loud bang bang bang, and then fell one after another.

If there were other people above Su Chen at this time, they would be stunned. After all, no one has seen Su Chen's ability.

Su Chen's expression was always very relaxed, until the sea beasts falling one after another, the curtain wall formed by the water waves weakened, and the boiling sea suddenly calmed down in an instant.

The deafening sound of the waves disappeared instantly, Su Chen looked down in surprise, the entire sea surface returned to its former tranquility, not even a small wave appeared again.

At the same time, Su Chen's perception of Eric also began to become blurred. It seemed that Eric had distanced himself from him at this moment, beyond his sensing range.


Su Chen clicked his tongue, and there seemed to be a hint of impatience between his brows. He looked at the calm sea surface, and without any hesitation, his figure floated into the air, and then fell on the sea surface like a lightly fallen leaf.

He stands on the sea. Looking down, those huge figures had already sunk into the bottom of the sea. Even if he focused his spiritual power on his eyes and opened his golden eyes, he could only see the pitch-black sea water.

Eric's breath became more and more blurred, and would soon disappear, but Su Chen knew that Eric would never distance himself from him so far in a short period of time.

Let's not talk about whether Eric has that ability, even if Eric can really appear thousands of miles away in just a short moment. But the sea beasts here still haven't left, and Eric will never leave without authorization.

What's more, Su Chen had already sensed that Eric seemed to be injured, and the injury seemed serious.

Su Chen didn't intend to intervene in the matter of different time and space, but he came here to communicate with Eric about energy conversion. If something happened to Eric, he would have to find someone else, which was very troublesome.

What's more, Eric is a good person and has always defended him. Su Chen felt that it was reasonable for him to help his friends by doing it himself.

Once a decision is made. Su Chen didn't hold back either, and raised his right hand slightly, and then waved lightly to the side, the calm sea surface silently parted to the two sides, and a passage appeared unexpectedly.

The passage extending from the top to the bottom can't be seen at a glance, and Su Chen calmly walked down the stairs where the sea water condensed.

Every step. The sea water behind him will slowly close, until Su Chen walks into the bottom of the sea, there is no abnormality on the sea surface.

Su Chen has the blood of Atilante, so he can move freely in the sea water. However, the clothes he wears are Ziyunzong's school uniforms, and it is very troublesome if they are torn.

The moonlight can only illuminate the sea surface, and it is already dark a few meters deep into the seabed.

Su Chen couldn't see the bottom of the sea at all before, so he knew something was wrong. Sure enough, a layer of dark energy was slowly oscillating at a distance of more than ten meters from the sea.

The dark energy directly divides the sea surface into two. The upper layer is still calm, but the lower layer is like a heated battlefield.

The huge figure kept rolling, bumping into the weak figures one by one. Electric light, thunder light, water light, fire light, Su Chen, and even saw all kinds of dazzling lights, shooting in front of his eyes continuously, penetrating the sea water and hitting the target.

Su Chen walked into the lower layer of sea water like a stroll in the garden, and everything around him seemed to freeze in an instant.

Every time he walked past a huge figure, he would raise his hand a little casually, and the sea water around that figure would immediately retreat, forming a vacuum ring around the sea beast.

Walk step by step. The sea water around Su Chen automatically separated to the two sides, and all the sea beasts he passed were trapped by the vacuum bubbles.

The boiling seabed gradually calmed down, and the monitoring in the eyes of the sea beast was still frozen in the vacuum bubble, while those who fought fiercely with the sea beast were confused.

"What's going on here?"

"Why are they not moving?"

"What is that? How did the sea water separate?"

The same question flashed across everyone's minds. They didn't realize why those ferocious beasts turned into well-behaved domestic cats in an instant.

Su Chen's speed in the sea was actually faster than on land. This is of course due to his special blood, but it is also due to the fact that the space law of the future space-time plane is still slightly inferior to that of the Floating Cloud Continent.

In less than ten minutes, Su Chen had made a big circle, and all the sea beasts that were besieging humans were under his control.

He took a step forward, the sea water parted to the two sides, and a person appeared in front of him, standing on the stairs where the sea water condensed, staring blankly at Su Chen who appeared in front of him.

"Where is your captain?"

Su Chen glanced at the badge on this person's chest. After entering the deep sea, his consciousness seemed to be disturbed by something. Eric's breath appeared and disappeared from time to time, becoming very unstable.

Oles did not expect that the person who followed the captain would suddenly appear here, and he actually saw a space without water on the bottom of the sea

Su Chen didn't get a reply for a long time. After asking again patiently, Oles finally came to his senses, quickly took off his hood, and respectfully gave a chest salute, "Dear Your Excellency, thank you for coming .”

"Where is your captain?"

Su Chen didn't care about these red tapes, and immediately asked.

Oles looked annoyed, "Sorry, Your Excellency, we lost touch with the captain."

"Is anyone else following him?"

Su Chen nodded and was not surprised.