Just as Su Chen turned to look at Yu Min's injury, he saw through the candlelight that the man in black stood up just now, Su Chen rubbed his eyes to make sure he saw it right, and then hacked him to death again, in order to ensure this The man in black died, and Su Chen turned his head three times a step. Just as Su Chen turned around, a figure appeared in front of him again, and the man in black came back to life.

Su Chen didn't rush to chop the man in black this time, but just stayed where he was thinking about the reason. Because he was too serious, the people behind Su Chen were attacked. Yu Min, who was still weak before, was holding a sharp knife He quietly approached Su Chen with the dagger, stuck the knife in Su Chen's heart, and stabbed it with dissatisfaction!

Su Chen looked at Yu Min with fierce eyes, his eyes were full of surprise and shock, Su Chen realized instantly, "You are not Yu Min, Yu Min would not treat me like this!"

Su Chen took a deep breath, calmed down, and looked at everything in front of him with his piercing eyes. Yumin and the man in black disappeared in an instant! The black hole instantly restored its previous darkness, and the surrounding magic energy disappeared!

"Illusion! Su Chen suddenly remembered that the mysterious man in the grove warned him to pay attention to illusion last time! He ignored his words! Now it seems that last time that person was a friend rather than an enemy." Su Chen suddenly realized. After this incident, Su Chen felt that there was still illusion in the future, using spiritual power to maintain the art of golden eyes.

As Su Chen expected, after Su Chen walked twenty steps, he saw the illusion. This time it was the brothers and sisters of Ziyunzong and the master. Su Chen held his breath and used his golden eyes to shatter the illusion. Illusions appeared one after another, and Su Chen defeated them one by one. Su Chen is very grateful to the mysterious man who warned him in the woods. If it wasn't for him, he would have died in the illusion created by the demons today!

After breaking the illusion, Su Chen walked forward slowly. His foot hit a raised floor. Under the dim fire, arrows flew in unison, shooting at Su Chen from all directions!

Su Chen lowered his waist, did a backflip, and a frontflip, deftly dodging those random arrows.

What Su Chen didn't expect was another wave of random arrows. Su Chen took out his cloak and used his internal force to put all the random arrows in his cloak, and threw them on the ground after collecting the random arrows.

After cleaning up the mess, Su Chen put on his cloak and walked forward cautiously. A big bronze door opened in front of him. Su Chen pushed hard, but he couldn't push it open! Su Chen looked around and suddenly found that the bird pattern on the bronze door was very strange.

Ancient buildings usually pay attention to the beauty of symmetry, but the bird pattern on this bronze door looks asymmetrical. If you look closely, you will find that the dust around the bird pattern is thinner than other places!

After Su Chen confirmed again and again, Su Chen carefully straightened the bird pattern on the right. The bronze door opened instantly! After Su Chen stepped into the bronze door, the door closed instantly!

If there is an endless black hole in front of the bronze gate, then behind the gate is a magnificent palace!

Su Chen looked at the palace and was stunned for more than ten seconds! If he hadn't felt the devilish energy, Su Chen would have thought this was the emperor's tomb!

The interior of the palace is brightly lit, and all objects are made of gold! Facing Su Chen was a dragon chair with exquisitely carved dragon patterns!

Su Chen took a closer look at the building. This building is Lei's Tang building, and there are only a handful of Lei's Tang buildings left in the world! Su Chen didn't expect to find it here in the Demon Race!

Su Chen felt a strong demonic aura in the palace!

Su Chen quickly used the invisibility technique to make himself invisible. Just as Su Chen became invisible, two demon disciples appeared in the palace.

A man in red gossiped, "The girl that the lord of the Demon Race just brought back was born in a cloudy year, a moon, and a cloudy day, and she has the blood of the most yin!"

A man in black responded, "My lord has been practicing the Nine Heavens recently, and I can't break through after reaching the Eighth Heaven! The secret book says that you can break through this bottleneck by marrying a woman with the blood of the most yin! Your Lord has searched all over the place. All the women in the world have discovered that the princess of the Great Xia Dynasty is exactly this person!"

The man in red went on, "It happened to be in the competition of the Seven Great Sects, and that silly princess has placed an order! Otherwise, it would take time and effort to go to the palace to find a slut and come back! But aside from the cheats, a woman must be willing, or everything will be in vain!"

The man in black said enviously, "In order to get the princess to agree to get married, the lord wasted money and people, and sent a bunch of disciples to build a palace here! The all-powerful demon also came down to oversee the work!"


After they left, Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Yumin is safe at this time, the lord of the demon clan is trying to curry favor with him! To deal with the demons, he has to think long-term!

Su Chen quietly walked up to a man, beat him to death with spiritual power, changed into his clothes and mixed with the pair of demons to build a building!

When Su Chen chatted with those demons, he discovered that they had a medicine that could prevent the demon energy from invading the body, and all of them were lured here!

Su Chen cried with snot and tears, "Both my parents died when I was young, and I was brought here three days ago! After coming here, I often suffer from unbearable pain. I don't know what to do?"

The kind demon brother said, "That's because they put demon energy on you. There is an antidote for this kind of thing! But the antidote is in the Lord's bedroom! To you, Qi is just ordinary gas, harmless!"

"Now the antidote is in the hands of the girl whom the lord brought here. It's difficult for you to get the antidote. That girl will start a lot of construction work as soon as she comes, which is a waste of money! Countless people are complaining about her. The lord wants to make her happy. , do not practice all day, let us build a palace!"

Su Chen listened seriously on the surface, but complained in his heart, "How dare you say that about Yumin, I will settle accounts with you again when I have a chance!"

Su Chen cried and said, "Then what should I do? I am tortured every day by qi grinding! If I can't think of a way to get the antidote, I will die here! Brother, help!"

The demon brother sighed, "They are all hard-working people, let me tell you in secret! Every time that cruel girl arrives

On the night of the full moon, they would go out of the cave to see the moon! She said she was sending her thoughts to her father! "

"The lord promised her, but on the night of the full moon, there will be many heavy soldiers around the woman! The lord will also be there! Because the woman is weak, she has to take an antidote every month. Let her pretend!"

After the Mozu brother finished speaking, he sighed, "I just heard it, I don't know if it's right! Brother, you can figure it out yourself!" After finishing speaking, he patted his back heavily.

Su Chen lived among the demons for the past few days, and had to use a layer of spiritual power to protect his body. Now that his spiritual power was about to be exhausted, he had to leave this black hole immediately.

On this day, Su Chen quickly escaped from the palace of the demons while the demons were taking a nap. With the experience of coming in, Su Chen went out without any hindrance!