Su Chen immediately looked towards the dense forest, and saw a person walking out of the dense forest clapping. When they saw the real face of the applauding person, they both froze. Hyun.

And Tie Xuan didn't talk nonsense, he shot directly, and suddenly the monstrous fluctuations were directly displayed, and the cultivation base beyond the creation period directly hit Su Chen and Tie Yi, and the two flew out directly, smashing two big trees and stopped down.

The two people who stopped immediately vomited blood. Tie Yi's injury could no longer be stabilized, and there was no need for money to flow out of the mouthful of blood.

With just one move, the two of them were completely useless. Tie Xuan dodged and directly grabbed Tie Yi, "Hahahaha, I caught you, don't worry, you won't die, I want your father to see how his son died in front of him."

Then Tie Xuan looked at Su Chen who was kneeling on the ground, "Dog, if it weren't for your existence, I would have owned the Ironwood Fort long ago. You are more annoying to me than Tie Yi and his son."

After finishing speaking, Tie Xuan slapped Su Chen with his palm again. Su Chen flew upside down for more than ten meters before stopping. Now he even has the strength to kneel, so he can only lie on the ground.

Tie Xuan stepped forward and stepped on Su Chen's head.

The gap in action made Su Chen feel desperate, now he has no chance of winning against Tie Xuan, the only thing he can do is to escape, but now he is stepped on by Tie Xuan, there is no chance to escape at all.

He also tried to run the spirit of all things, but he found that he could not get any spiritual power from the dense forest at all.

Tie Xuan also noticed Su Chen's actions, "Dog, don't think that magic powers and all things can save you. This is the Devil's Forest, and it can't provide any spiritual power at all."

After finishing speaking, Tie Xuan kicked Su Chen away again, but Tie Xuan was still puzzled, and teleported to Su Chen's direction, punching Su Chen in Tie Yi's direction.

This time Su Chen fell directly to the ground, motionless, as if he had passed out.

Seeing Su Chen passed out, Tie Xuan didn't teleport, but slowly walked towards the two of them.

But Tie Xuan didn't expect that Su Chen's unconsciousness was faked, the purpose was to let Tie Xuan relax his vigilance, and he used the "Shrinking the Earth into an Inch" Talisman to leave quickly.

Now that he was out of Tie Xuan's control, Su Chen grabbed Tie Yi with the last bit of strength and quickly fled with the Shrinking Ground Inch Talisman.

Fortunately, Sky Snake Town is not far from Ironwood Fort, and the Shrinking Ground Inch Talisman is just enough.

When Tie Xuan felt the wave shrinking to an inch, he immediately teleported to stop Su Chen from escaping, but it was still a step too late, Su Chen successfully activated the spell.

Seeing the cooked duck fly away like this, Tie Xuan was going crazy, and he hated Su Chen even more in his heart. Now that the matter has come to an end, Tie Xuan has nothing to do. Not big at all.

On the side of Ironwood Fort, the guards of the city wall also found Su Chen and Tie Yi lying in front of the city gate, and hurriedly sent someone to report to the castle owner, while he entered Ironwood Fort with the two of them.

After hearing the news that Tie Yi and Su Chen were seriously injured, the Lord of Ironwood Castle quickly teleported to the gate of the city, saw the two people who were sluggish, and quickly took them home.

In the castle lord's mansion, the castle lord hastily fed the two healing medicines, and sent them spiritual power to help them stabilize their injuries.

Soon the news of Su Chen and Tie Yi's serious injuries spread, and the owner of Ironwood Castle was even more impatient, and hurriedly called the senior officials of Ironwood Castle to discuss countermeasures.

Two days passed quickly, and the higher-ups were at a loss. After all, Su Chen and Tie Yi were also two major powers in Ironwood Fort.

Just when the Lord of Ironwood Castle was at a loss, his servants came to report the news of Su Chen and Tie Yi's awakening.

Hearing this news, the Lord of Ironwood Castle rushed over. Although the two of them had already woken up, their faces were still pale. The Lord hurriedly used spiritual power to check their condition. His face was ugly.

Tie Yi was seriously injured, plus the previous hidden injuries, now Tie Yi is almost crippled and needs to rest for a long time, while Su Chen's side is even more dangerous, with damaged veins and even a crack in his dantian.

However, during the treatment process, the castle master finally knew the cause and effect, and the despicableness and hatred towards Tie Xuan in his heart intensified. I can't wait to eat Tiexuan's meat and sleep with Tiexuan's skin.

However, the Castle Master quickly calmed down. The most important thing now is to heal the serious injuries of Su Chen and Tie Yi. Everything else is easy to say. The damage to the meridians and dantian is the most fatal to Su Chen.

There are many healing medicines to treat injuries, but the castle master's mansion does not have medicines that can heal meridians and dantian damage, which is also the most troublesome place for the castle master.

But Tie Yi said at this time, "Father, there is only one way at present, and that is to go to the Seven Great Schools to ask for medicine. They should have medicine to treat the damage of meridians and dantian."

Hearing this statement, the Lord of Ironwood Castle sighed, this is currently the only way,

Thinking of this, the owner of Ironwood Castle stood up directly, "Yi'er, prepare the best medicinal materials of Ironwood Castle, let's go to Qidazong to ask for medicine."

After saying this, the owner of Tiemubao was full of helplessness, and he went to Qidazong to ask for medicine, which undoubtedly put his status as the lord of the castle under the feet of Qidazong and let others trample on him, but in order to save Su Chen, Tiemubaobao The Lord doesn't care about these anymore.

Soon, Tie Yi and his son took all kinds of precious medicinal materials from Tiemubao to Qidazong.

Along the way, the father and son were speechless, and Tie Yi's face was even more solemn. Su Chen suffered such a serious injury this time, it was all because of what Su Chen had done for Tiemubao.