Chapter 95: Quite awkward meeting

Chapter 95 Queshi's meeting is very embarrassing

When the whole family moved, Baicaoshi naturally had to go back to Baishui Village to make some arrangements.

My mother and younger brother must be brought along, and the whole family must be neat and tidy. Bai Li's family relocated in Antu, and Baicao poems are indispensable.

Bai Xiaoshu is very interested in the colorful world outside. His sister finally thinks of him, and he suddenly feels full of energy, but he is reluctant to part with the ducks he raises. Baicaoshi immediately said, "When you arrive in Wanzhou, I will raise a thousand ducks for you, and you can hire a few more people to help."

"It's a good feeling, then I will be the head of duck raising." Bai Xiaoshu was full of expectations for life in Wanzhou for an instant.

Baicaoshi patted Bai Xiaoshu on the shoulder, "Xiaoshu, take a long-term view and open up the pattern. You are my younger brother, and you will follow me to do a big business in the future. Don't talk about the chief manager of raising ducks, but the chief manager of Wanzhou District , and even the future head of the Yanjing District. The premise is that you have to grow up quickly."

Bai Xiaoshu doesn't know what a district manager is, but he's very good anyway. Being able to help his sister gave him a sense of participation and accomplishment. "Sister, how do I grow up? I don't know anything except keeping ducks."

"Learn more and watch more, I will teach you, and you should also ask your brother-in-law for advice."

Bai Xiaoshu suddenly raised his head, brother-in-law Gao Leng, he really didn't dare to approach.

"I will also greet your brother-in-law, you will learn a lot." When Baicaoshi said this, she didn't realize that Zhe Yu was already so important to her.

Then, Baicaoshi took the little wolf cub to find Shuangye.

Shuangye spends a lot of time in the field every day. The small mulberry seedlings she raised are already more than ten centimeters long, and they will be transplanted soon, and the spacing will be larger. The growth of mulberry trees takes years, not overnight.

Hearing that Baicaoshi is leaving, Shuangye is very reluctant to give up. "Sister Shishi, you are leaving, what will happen to these mulberry trees?"

"Actually, I personally want to take you away, but the mulberry seedlings here really can't do without you right now." Baicaoshi bent down and touched the mulberry seedling, "What about you, hurry up and help me cultivate a few more." Young master of planting mulberry, you will be liberated when the time comes."

Shuang Ye rolled her eyes, in that case, she would have subordinates. "Yeah, I will definitely look for it carefully. Not only must I be careful, but I must also be practical and willing to work hard to help my sister share her worries."

Seeing Shuangye doing so well, Baicaoshi was very relieved, "After Frost's Fall, you will collect all the mulberry leaves at home, dry them, and bring them to the Golden Elephant Medical Center in the town. I will let people accept them. In addition," Baicaoshi took out another fifty taels of silver, "Except for the money for your elder brother to marry a wife, you can hire people to raise mulberries for the rest. After they leave school, you can come to Wanzhou to find me."

Fifty taels of silver, Shuang Ye has never seen so much in her life, and the hand holding the silver is still shaking. "Thank you, Sister Shishi, thank you for treating me so highly."

Baicaoshi stroked Shuangye's black hair, and whispered softly: "Because you are worth it. As for people, the world they have seen is bigger, and the problems will be different, and the fate will be different. I hope you will come to Wanwan in the future." The state helped me."


Baicaoshi walked back with the little wolf cub Fubao, stopped under the big tree at the entrance of the village, and looked up.

"What are you looking at?" Zhe Yu walked slowly, the pigeons that Baicaoshi had bought before were parked on his arms.

"Hey, your pigeons are all trained?"

Zhe Yu stretched his arm forward, "Yam has a letter."

Wow, the hero is amazing, and he has completed such a difficult task so well.

She took the pigeon on Zhe Yu's arm carefully, and untied the note on the pigeon's foot, which probably meant that the trip to Wanzhou went well, and she was already preparing for the opening of Quanjufang. "It's amazing! The Quanjufang headquarters is about to open, and I'm sure I saw this kid right."

Baicaoshi's radiant look, no one can ignore. Zhe Yu stared at her for a moment, then subconsciously put his hand on his heart.

"What? Are you feeling sick again?"

"No, you haven't answered me yet, what were you watching just now?" Oriha cleverly changed the subject.

Baicaoshi pointed at the distance, "No, look, now the cicadas have shed their skins, which is a good herbal medicine." She returned the pigeon to Zhe Yu, "Wait for me later."

As she spoke, she even geared up and climbed up the tree.

The tree is tall, the ancient ecology is good, and there are many cicadas sloughing off. It's a joy to pick up poems from Baicao.

"Be careful." Zhe Yu's eyes followed her little figure.

Zhe Yu was possessed by bad luck, he himself did not deny this, and his crow's mouth came true the next moment.

Accompanied by the howling of the little wolf cub, Baicaoshi fell from the tree, and was about to come into close contact with the earth.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too late, Zhe Yu jumped up, twirled in the air, and hugged Baicaoshi in his arms.

Fluttering down, like the companion of an exiled immortal.

Facing Shang Zheyu's amber eyes, Baicaoshi only felt that his nose was hot and his heart was even hotter.

A cough broke the beauty of the moment.

What was more shocking than them was that Mo Feizhan and Zhenyilou were right next to them.

Mo Feizhan looked at Zhe Yu, as if he saw it—a rare treasure.

(end of this chapter)