Chapter 99: God assists Bai Li Shi also

Chapter 99 God Assists Bai Li Shiye

After collecting the Poetry on Herbs of Aesculus Aesculus, Quietly walked a little further away.

Zhe Yu also walked forward as if nothing had happened, and stopped beside a big tree.

A hare, a wild boar and a pheasant fell from a tree. Oriha picked it up gracefully and walked back.

The branch made a creaking sound, and the corner of the robe of the person standing on the branch swayed, and a sound transmission entered Zheyu's ear, "Can you walk faster? I'm so bored."

Zhe Yu didn't look back, and waved his hands back, "If you're bored, you can go first."

The voice of stomping branches came again, "If I can walk, I... Hey, there is a broken village ahead."

His speed is too fast, so he ran along the road several times while waiting for the guard.


Zhe Yu went to find Baicaoshi.

The rabbit is fat and big, Baicaoshi decided to make roasted rabbit meat, she prepared salt and a little spice.

"It would be great if I could find cinnamon, a steady stream of spices." Baicaoshi said to herself, and gave one rabbit thigh to the mother and one to the master.

"You can grow some in the future, or go to Boyang City and buy as much as you want." The green-headed man took a big bite of rabbit meat. Not to mention, Baicaoshi is so talented. Alas, for this mouth, I live and sleep with my little apprentice.

It doesn't feel good to sleep in the mountains, Bai Li is a little worried. Zhe Yu said in time: "There is a village ahead, we can ask for a place to stay. Just give me some money."

Bai Li's mood suddenly changed from cloudy to sunny, with a happy smile. "Zhe Yu, you've hunted so much wild game, you're really capable. My Cao'er is lucky to follow you."

Bai Caoshi was not used to the sudden win over, so she stuffed another piece of meat for Bai Lishi, "Mom, eat more."

"Stop patronizing me, it's important to take care of your husband-in-law."

The so-called **** assist, Bai Li is also.

Zhe Yu eats meat with low eyebrows, and it tastes better with spices.

After eating, everyone returned to the carriage and headed towards the village.

Zhe Yu wrapped the rabbit meat on a large leaf and put it in place.

After they left, a figure fell from the tree, picked up the rabbit meat from the leaves, "Bah, how stingy. Three pieces of wild game are exchanged for a rabbit head, won't your conscience hurt?"

But baked food is always better than the wild fruit he picked, and those who are not good at cooking have nothing to pursue. He took a bite and suddenly felt like he was going to heaven.

Zhenxiang may be late, but she is never absent.

He pondered, maybe next time he could hunt some other wild game in a different way and use better ingredients.


Baicaoshi and others arrived in the village and borrowed two houses from the big household in the village—Lizheng.

Baicaoshi naturally wants to be with her mother, and the other room is for three men.

But Bai Li raised his hands and feet to oppose it. "Husband and wife can't be separated. Besides, the room is not big enough for three big men. My son-in-law is weak, so that won't work. I'll sleep in the carriage today, Cao'er, go and stay with your husband-in-law."

"Mother, don't think I'm not good at sleeping and still kick the quilt. If my mother tucks me in, I will wake up laughing in my dreams." In order to lie, Baicaoshi had to act like a baby to her mother, and goose bumps all over her body.

The green-headed man tugged at his beard and giggled. This old-fashioned mother-in-law, if she knew that her daughter and son-in-law hadn’t consummated their marriage, would she jump her feet? It’s interesting.

It is difficult for an honest official to decide on housework, so he ignored it, and grabbed Bai Xiaoshu, "Big tree, go and spread the quilt for me, I am exhausted."

Bai Xiaoshu is still eating melons, "Senior, how can I let my mother sleep in the carriage? I'll go!"

The green-headed man patted him directly on the neck, "Do you want me to go?"

Finally, Oruha made his choice. He took his wife's sleeve by the corner and entered the house.

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(end of this chapter)