Chapter 119: all fighting for one

Chapter 119 All fight for one person

The auction has been terminated.

According to the chamber of commerce, the snow lotus has been purchased by a mysterious guest.

Some people are resentful, some people sigh, but no one dares to question Pei's Chamber of Commerce. Not looking at the monk's face but looking at the Buddha's face, this is the confidence of the Pei Chamber of Commerce.

Baicaoshi also returned to the private room, with the joy of the winner on her face, but she fell into a pair of cold eyes.

Zoru stared at her and spoke with his eyes, "Don't you believe me? I can handle it myself!"

Baicaoshi also looked at her, but he was the only one in Yanlong Hanshuiyuelongsha's eyes. She smiled and said silently, "I know, you are the most amazing! But I am a doctor, you have to listen to me."

"Doctors can't do business with evil spirits. If so, I'd rather die."

"If there are ghosts in this world, please get well soon and protect me. If you are a husband for a day, you must be responsible for me."

This is an eye-to-eye dialogue, a silent communication.

But Zhe Yu understood Baicao Poetry. She is the kind of person who speaks the weakest words but makes the hardest decisions. All he can do is to recover as soon as possible, maybe he can extend the day, and then extend it.

Baicao Poetry also understands Zhe Yu, his anger, his reluctance to give up, the exiled immortal who is aloof at that moment, contaminated with fireworks in the world.

Next, Baicaoshi briefly explained the whole story.

Then he returned to the Bolai Inn with everyone.

The first thing when we arrived at the inn, Baicaoshi called out the real first floor. She bent over ninety degrees and made a big salute.

"Master Shinichi!" She called out his name very piously and solemnly, "As soon as tomorrow is over, please stay outside Zheyu Gate within twelve o'clock, and do not let anyone, any sword, hidden weapon, or any living thing approach He. You may be hurt and you may bleed, please hold on."

Zhenyilou looked at the woman he had taught for less than a month, and at that moment he saw courage and perseverance.

His reply was simple, "I am here, and Oriha is here."

The mission he received from Mo Feizhan was to protect Zheyu and Baicaoshi.

Unless the last drop of blood is shed.

He died, and the enemy's sword could approach Zhe Yu.


Baicaoshi didn't say anything more, then she went to Tie Lanxin's room and invited Nanzhang.

"Nanda is in charge, please help me."

Nan Chan didn't go to the auction, so he didn't know what happened, but he felt that Monk Zhang Er was confused.

Tie Lanxin asked: "Nanchao, you said you would do anything for me, does that still count?"

Nan Yang's answer, one word: "Forget it."

that's enough.


Baicaoshi went to mother's room.

"Mother, Xiaoshu, no matter what happens, you just stay in your own room and don't come out. If someone breaks in, use poison."

She kept three bottles of poison and stuffed them into Bai Xiaoshu's hands.

Bai Li nodded silently and wept, not to hold her daughter back.

"Sister!" Bai Xiaoshu's voice was hoarse. Listen to my sister's words and become stronger quickly.


After coming out of the room, Baicaoshi saw two wolves.

She leaned down and patted Fu Bao's head, "General Fei Lu, protect Daddy and wait for me to come back."

Fubao rubbed his head against Baicaoshi, acting coquettishly.

Baicaoshi looked at the she-wolf again, "Mrs. Feilu, you have to help your husband."


After a round of explanations, Baicaoshi finally arrived at the green-headed man's room.

Without saying a word, she knelt on her knees and kowtowed, "Master, I'll hand him over to you."

Green-headed Weng helped Baicaoshi up, stroked her hair, "Girl, I'm sorry for you."

"He is safe and healthy, I am willing to do anything."

I don't know when, he became the concern of my heart. Turning around, he left the inn without hesitation and walked towards Pei's Chamber of Commerce.

Behind her, Zhe Yu sent her off silently.

If she felt something, she suddenly turned her head, the corners of her mouth raised. "Wait until I come back, may you be healthy."

Zhe Yu waved his hand, **** were short and three were long.


The next day, Sishi.

Pei's medical clinic in Boyang put up a big signboard, and the new doctor came to see him, promising that the medicine would cure the disease and bring him back to life.

Pei's reputation was already prosperous, and putting up such a signboard attracted a whole city of people to watch and watch.

At that time, Baicaoshi appeared in the consultation room with a curtain.

Her first patient was an eight or nine-year-old child with a fishbone stuck in his throat, and the pain was unbearable.

After reading the Poetry of Baicao, she told the little drug boy that Mrs. Pei prepared for her, "Go, get my white peony root."

Xiao Yaotong was stunned for a moment, because Baicaoshi came to visit the doctor because of the order from above, and the medicinal materials were provided by Pei. As a result, the first patient, Baicaoshi used her own white peony root.

White peony root was brought, Baicaoshi grabbed a few petals, and said: "Chew carefully, swallow the juice."

The common people are unbelievable. They have never heard that eating flowers can cure fish bones.

The child was very obedient, and he did as he was told. Sure enough, the fishbone went down after a while, and his throat didn't hurt anymore.

The people were amazed, and the number of people queuing up immediately increased.

A loud shout disrupted the order, and saw two big men with similar appearance, carrying a pale and frail woman to Pei's Medical Center in a panic. With a plop, the big man in front knelt down, tears streaming down his face, "I beg the doctor to save my daughter-in-law."

It was late August, and the weather was already cool, but the woman passed by was smelling of blood, and the blood stains had penetrated the quilt covering her.

Baicaoshi just glanced at it and judged that it was a postpartum hemorrhage.

She came closer, stretched out her finger, and pressed lightly on the lady's stomach, "Do you feel abdominal pain?"

Madam was so painful that she couldn't speak, but she nodded her head like a pounding garlic.

Baicaoshi immediately ordered, "Two taels of peony, one tael of cinnamon with rough bark removed, and one tael of licorice (broiled)..."


Since time passed, the alpine snow lotus transported from Pei's Chamber of Commerce arrived at the Bolai Inn and was officially handed over to the green-headed man.

The door slams shut.

The members of the chamber of commerce had just left, and four people landed on the roof of the inn, each standing in the southeast, northwest corners.

One of them raised a long sword, held the hilt in his hand, and fell towards the tiles. Just wait for the roof tiles to be lifted and enter the interior of the inn.

He failed, because a burst of sword energy wrapped in thunder had arrived. With just one move, the man's head was turned into a **** flower.

The first floor of Zhen didn't make any pause, the long sword drew a sword flower, and the sword energy swung in a perfect circle, swung the other three people away, and turned into blood rain in the air.

Slaying four people with two swords, the cloud is calm and the wind is light.

The first floor of the real building is supported by a sword on the tiles, just like a sword between heaven and earth, standing firm.

He used the most internal energy-consuming style of play to intimidate all Xiaoxiao.

Below the inn, Nanzhang looked at Zhen Yilou's not-so-majestic figure, and was in awe. As for Tie Lanxin, her eyes straightened.

This is what Zhe Yu said, the chief manager who can help her train soldiers! She only felt that it was hopeful to return to Yurong City.

General Fei Lu licked his nose, leaned behind a bush, and waited for an opportunity.

On this day, they all fought for one person.

(end of this chapter)