Chapter 129: before you i tamed the wolf

Chapter 129 Before you I tamed wolves

Zheyu came out of the academy, and saw Baicaoshi's angry appearance, "Who is making you unhappy again? Are you still depressed about that sweet-scented osmanthus cake?"

Baicaoshi flashed her little fist and wrinkled her little nose, "No, I'm not that stingy. Have you finished the exam, how do you feel?"

"feel good!"

"Where's Tie Lan...Tie Xing?" Baicaoshi asked.

Tie Lanxin was enrolled in a school for boys, and at the same time changed her name to Tie Xing.

"She wants to visit an old friend." Zhe Yu rubbed her stomach and walked out.

Baicaoshi couldn't move anymore, she saw a young man, so handsome. He was so peaceful and peaceful, and he seemed to be an isolated island. The skylight hit him, and his eyes fell on... Zhe Yu's back.

What kind of gaze is that?

Hidden sadness, restrained reward.

Baicaoshi didn't understand why he thought of these fourteen characters.

"Still going, wait for the college to invite you to dinner?" Zhe Yu shouted, and Baicao Shi quickly chased after him, "Let's go around the inner city first, shall we?"

Zheyu was very hungry and wanted to go home for dinner, but he still agreed to Baicaoshi's request.

Baicaoshi didn't go very far. She stopped at a medicinal material shop and bought some wild jujube kernels, cypress kernels, and acacia bark. These are essential medicinal materials for making sedatives.

Today is Baili's cooking dinner, she has been waiting for Zhe Yu and Baicaoshi to come back.

However, everyone seems to lack interest.

Green-headed Weng quickly put down his chopsticks, Zhe Yu also excused himself to review his homework, and went back to his room; although Zhen Yilou persisted to the end, his expression was indescribable.

"What's the matter with you? Are you not acclimatized?" Bai Li asked with a bowl in his hand.

"Mother, don't worry about them. I've heard a saying that people are in a foreign land, but their stomachs are in their hometown. It will be fine in two days." Baicaoshi told a white lie.

It was Bai Xiaoshu, who grinned, "Mother, cook for my sister in the future, these mouths are all taken away."

Bai Li finally realized that her cooking skills were ruthlessly despised by the family. However, her daughter is so busy, how can she have time to cook every day? Baili sniffled, "I will continue to do it tomorrow. People are always getting better and better. I still don't believe that I can't practice."

What can Baicaoshi say, there is a tsundere mother who can coax her. "Mother, Quanjufang will open in a few days, let Quanjufang deliver food, and you can just enjoy the blessings."

After finishing the meal, Baicaoshi went to the green-headed man's room, and then fiddled with medicine in the yard, grinding and cutting.

Really floating over from the first floor, yes, it is floating, this guy is so good at light work, he walks without touching the ground. "During the time I was injured, you have worked hard. But now that I am healed, you have to practice your martial arts. Starting tomorrow, we will practice for an hour every morning and an hour before going to bed at night."

Baicaoshi raised her head from the mortar, and there was still a little sweat on the tip of her nose. She wiped it off with her sleeve, "When Zhe Yu enters school, let alone two hours, I will study in four hours."

Seeing how cooperative she is, Zhenyi is very satisfied, "I have also inspected the practice location, it's great!"

"Oh, where is it?"

Mosuo moved his chin on the first floor, "There is a cliff in the back of the academy, and the wall stands thousands of feet high. You will practice climbing every day, when will you climb to the top of the mountain, and when will you end this stage of learning and enter the next stage."

Baicao Poetry: "..."

Is the academy so easy to enter?

Still practicing climbing, do you actually test climbing? is that useful? How about learning to slay a dragon?

Zhenyilou ignored her anger and questioning, and drifted away.


After preparing the medicine, Baicaoshi washed up again before entering Zhe Yu's room.

Under the oil lamp, Zhe Yu was reading a book, wearing only a thin white coat, which seemed to be a quiet time.

Then, with one hand covering the book, Baicaoshi spread out her palm, revealing a small medicine bottle.

"What is this?" Oriha asked.

"Sedative." Under the light, Baicaoshi's eyes were burning, "I discussed it with the master, and it should be fine. My waist is sore after doing it for a long time."

Zoru stared at her, feeling a little hot in his heart, "I'm very calm."

"What are you thinking? It's not for your use." Baicaoshi weighed the vial in her hand and smiled slyly. In the ancient puppet show, whenever the hero and heroine ride a horse, they will encounter untamed wild animals, and there will be a lot of troubles. What she wants is to prevent problems before they happen. "Aren't you going to take the imperial examination and shoot tomorrow? This sedative is for horses. It prevents you from encountering a bad-tempered horse. Take two pills and you will be honest immediately. You must win tomorrow, and you must prevent Bei Rong Manzi and people from Xiliang, I heard that they are good at riding and shooting."

Zheyu suddenly stretched out his hand, and wrapped Baicaoshi in his arms, and then his light fist landed on Baicaoshi's waist, which was a "waist-beating" movement. Baicaoshi was immediately flattered.

"You care about me so much, you don't trust me?" Zhe Yu's hot words lingered in his ears, and he asked who could stand it? Baicaoshi's small ears turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Don't worry, what are you worried about? You just have to be ready." After finishing speaking, Baicaoshi walked out of the room with hands and feet. If she stayed any longer, she was afraid that she would not be able to help making mistakes, and wanted to overthrow the beautiful fake husband-in-law.

"Where do you want to go?"

"I want to be quiet."


The next day, Zhe Yu came to the imperial examination room on time.

On the lawn of the academy, there were occasional horses whinnying and neighing. The students entered one by one with their number plates, and then randomly selected horses in the field.

Candidates who did not have their turn stood outside the fence and watched intently, watching other candidates gallop around, and the unlucky ones fell to the grass in embarrassment. At this time, the instructor or the examiner hurriedly intercepted the horse to prevent the horse from hurting the examinee.

Candidates now understand that there is a bonus of luck in the imperial examination. Everyone is praying that they will be matched with a gentle horse and pass the exam smoothly. Yesterday, those Yanjing disciples were pointing again, their bet has come into effect, and it will be revealed soon.

It was Zhe Yu's turn. More than a dozen candidates rushed over and took the horse they liked, leaving only a yellow **** horse that didn't seem to be tamed. Because when other candidates passed by, the horse kicked and almost trampled on someone. Even a Beirong candidate bypassed the horse.

Zhe Yu shaved his eyebrows, he didn't expect his wife to be able to predict the future, really, it's surprising.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zhe Yu walked into the temporary stable surrounded by wooden fences, with a calm expression, but thinking in his heart. How to deal with a bad-tempered horse in the shortest time, and fulfill the wife's wish, and get a high score in the imperial department. Approaching Huang Puma, he patted his ass, "Rhubarb, you'd better be honest. You know, before you, I was a wolf tamer, and a wolf cub was made into a wolf king by me. Believe it or not, if you don't If you cooperate, I will chop you up and feed you to the wolves without mercy."

(end of this chapter)