Chapter 137: Luo Zidai coaxes her to be happy

Chapter 137 Luo Zidai makes her happy

After the family finished eating and washing up, Baicaoshi went to Mrs. Baili's room.

"Mother, I haven't chatted with Mother for a long time, and I want to sleep with you today." She hugged her mother's arm, resting her head on her mother's shoulder, feeling quite like a little bird.

Bai Li stopped her needlework, "Did you quarrel with Zhe Yu? He was depressed after he came back."

Baicaoshi categorically denied it, "No, what's the matter, I'm just a little tired. Mother, what are you doing?"

Bai Li turned over the half-stitched sachet in his hand. The stitches on it were exquisite, and he was really an excellent embroiderer, "Didn't you bring back the dogwood today? I was thinking about drying the leaves and putting them in my pocket." .You give it to Zhe Yu yourself."

Baicaoshi's face was a little red and hot, "Mother, wouldn't it be more sincere to make this kind of thing with your own hands? Why did you make it for me?"

Patting her daughter's hand, it wasn't a hand with ten fingers that didn't touch the sun, Bai Li only felt distressed. "Xiaocao'er, mother found out that after you came back from Xie's house, your culinary skills have improved a lot, but you are not interested in female celebrities, so mother made it for you. You are a good man like Zhe Yu, you should treat him better It should be, people's hearts are fleshy, it's just that mother doesn't want you to wrong yourself."

My heart was warm, and a few words brought tears to my eyes. Baicaoshi hugged her mother's neck, "Mother, I am not wronged at all. I will embroider the rest by myself, mother, please guide me."

After taking the needle and thread, the needle stuck into her finger, and Baicaoshi let out an oops. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Mrs. Baili raised her voice and asked.

"it's me."

Folded feathers.

After opening the door, he came with Jiyue all over his body. "Mother, I brought a little gadget for Shishi, you give it to her."

is a small wooden box with a unique style. Zhe Yu was handed over to Mrs. Bai Li and left.

Mr. Bai Li gave the red wooden box to Baicaoshi full of doubts, and it smelled fresh and pleasant when she took it. When I opened it, I found several snails inside. When did he buy it?

Baicaoshi remembered that when she was arguing in Baoen Temple, she once said, "Throwing Ai Ji's eyebrows is also a beautiful thing." Did he keep it in mind?

This discovery made Baicaoshi very happy, and she climbed down from the bed decisively.

"Where are you going?" Bai Li asked.

"I'll go and tell Yu Bao, I'm so rare for this gift."

A gadget swept away her displeasure.


On the second day, Baicaoshi got up early, and as agreed, she was going to practice martial arts on the first floor of Hezhen.

The appearance of the heroine of the original work put a lot of pressure on her. She wants to make herself stronger quickly, not to mention climbing cliffs and slaying dragons, she also has to try.

Zhen Yilou was waiting for her in the yard, and there were ropes specially used for rock climbing on the stone table. Looks very professional.

The two wolves, Fubao and Mengbao, both walked around the foot of Zhenyilou, full of curiosity about the next adventure.

"was up early!"

"Let's go."

"They also carry two of them. As the future wolf king, just being able to roar is not enough."

Baicao Poetry agrees with both hands and feet. In the future, as her career grows bigger, it's hard to guarantee that no one will make plans for her family. She must arm everyone who cares about her.

Two people and two wolves set off.

Climb over from a hidden corner of the academy, pass through the dense fog in the morning, and reach the cliff of the back mountain when no one notices.

I have to say that this cliff is very steep and spectacular, and Baicao Poetry reminds me of the modern Yandang Mountain. After doing the warm-up exercise, Zhenyi had a serious expression on his face, "Start climbing."

He didn't watch from the side, but tied the rope around the waists of the two people, he climbed on it, and Baicaoshi was below. The two keep a certain distance.

Two wolves follow behind, this movement is very expensive for wolves.

The cliff wall was sharp and sharp, and soon Baicaoshi's hands were worn out, some blood seeped out, and sweat flowed down the corners of his eyes.

The gravel under her feet broke, Baicao slipped, she grabbed a stone decisively and continued to climb.

"We are still ten feet away from our goal. Work harder." Zhenyilou cheered up.

Baicaoshi was almost exhausted, but Fubao was behind her with his head on her, and she took every step. The autumn sunrise hit her, and she suddenly saw the herb growing between the cracks in the rocks.

Dendrobium candidum!

Unexpected joy. She stretched out her hand to touch this precious herb, but another one of her feet loosened, and she fell sharply. Zhenyilou immediately grabbed the rope and fell with her.

Fortunately, there was no fall, Baicao said: "Come again."

"It's good to work hard, but you must pay attention to your physical strength and don't try to be arrogant." Zhen Yilou, who is a good teacher, said sternly.

Baicaoshi curled her lips, "Who is trying to be brave? For the sake of Dendrobium candidum, I don't care about you. I have to climb up today."

In the world of Baicao poetry, Materia Medica is bigger than the sky.

(end of this chapter)