Chapter 151: Another poison master

Chapter 151 Another master poison user

Baicaoshi immediately wrote the prescription, and Wen Xiang asked people to grab and boil the medicine, and it took more than an hour to survive.

After taking the medicine, Mr. Wen woke up slowly although he was still very weak.

Wen Xiang was overjoyed, and made people seal the money for Baicaoshi.

Baicaoshi said: "Miss Wen, the old man just woke up, the toxin has not been eliminated, and the follow-up needs to be treated with medication, which remains to be seen. The consultation fee is not urgent."

Wen Xiang was skeptical when he was cured but didn’t receive any money. She frowned, "Young lady is very skilled in medicine, and you deserve this money. When my father recovers, there will be a fee for the consultation as a thank you."

Clear grievances and grievances, do not owe any favors, this is the principle that Wenxiang follows in the business field.

Baicaoshi did not shirk, took the money and left, and made an appointment to continue to see the doctor tomorrow.

On the way back, Baicaoshi walked very fast, and got into the carriage without stopping.

"Girl, don't you think the old man's illness is strange?" The green-headed man asked his doubts.

Baicaoshi couldn't take care of it now, and urged the driver, "Please hurry up." Then she expressed her opinion to the green-headed man, "It looks like the boss is fighting for the family property, and together with that genius doctor Xu murdered his father. But, again Some things don't make sense. Although Mr. Wen is sick in bed, Miss Wen is in charge, so how to realize Mr. Wen's request. I don't understand."

Then it can only be left for the next observation.

The green-headed old man scratched his hair, "The poisoner's method is also ingenious, and the dosage is very accurate. It seems to hang the old man's life. Why is that?"

Saying this, reminded Baicaoshi, "Could it be that the old man is used as a bargaining chip? Master, I can't imagine that there are many masters of poisoning in the Six Kingdoms. Apart from you and my cheap and treacherous senior brother, there are people who can use poison like this." .It is true that there are many talented people in the world.”

"How can you be sure you're not that traitor?" The green-headed man asked back.

Master Mo Ruo, an apprentice, may have discovered a similar technique, but Baicaoshi doesn't care about it now, her fingers are pressing on her lower abdomen, and she is enduring the pain at the moment.

"Or, I can come alone tomorrow, and you can rest at home."

"How can I do that? Wen Xiang is a woman, so it's more convenient for me to attack."

After returning to the hospital, Baicaoshi was locked in the room alone, and she called out the system Plantago.

"Oh, dear host, have you found your treasure again? You are so motivated to do tasks recently!" After being called out again after two days, Plantago Seed was extremely happy and took the initiative to talk, "Speaking of which, Wanzhou is really Outstanding people, you have recently recorded dogwood, acacia and dendrobium, what are you going to record today?"

Baicaoshi rolled her eyes at the system, "Do you think I am Doraemon, and you can record whatever you want? I want to log in to the points mall and buy a blind herbal medicine."

Psyllium chinensis let out a low-spirited "Oh", "There is no herbal medicine, only seeds."

Baicaoshi gritted her teeth, "The seeds are the seeds, I want to exchange for Motherwort."

The system issued a "ding" sound: "Murus, bitter, pungent, and slightly cold in nature. It eliminates water and promotes blood, removes blood stasis and promotes regeneration, regulates menstrual flow and detoxifies. Its seeds are worth 500 points."

"Hiss" is a grin and the inner voice of wanting to kill the system. Baicaoshi's anger soared into the sky: "Didn't you say last time that the total system reaction is a fair trade? Why are the seeds of motherwort now catching up with my Dendrobium officinale?"

Psyllium psyllium is most afraid of Baicaoshi's anger, after all, it is hard to find such an efficient host. He made an anthropomorphic voice: "Dear host, listen to me, although motherwort is not very precious in modern times, it has extremely high commercial value. Think about it, you introduce motherwort and improve motherwort granules, or it will change you. The lives of all the women on that plane, what a noble cause, what a huge industrial chain..."

That makes sense.

But would Baicaoshi agree?

"Don't beep beep, 20% off, otherwise don't expect me to record rare herbal medicines in the future."

Today is another day of threats to the system.

Psyllium had no choice but to report to the general system.

Winter cultivars of motherwort are usually sown from September to October. Baicaoshi of the action group did not delay, and after returning to the rented house in the academy with Hongqu, he immediately called Zhenyilou for help, planning to prepare the ground for sowing in the yard.

"Treat me as a coolie again?" Zhen Yilou learned the word coolie from Baicao Poetry, and thinks it is particularly appropriate. He couldn't bear it, after the feathers were squeezed, Baicaoshi came to squeeze him again.

Baicaoshi proudly shook the seeds in her hand, "Shinichi, think about sweet osmanthus stuffing, delicious dogwood rock sugar porridge, and dendrobium scented tea. The one I have is called motherwort. I can make motherwort granules in the future. The taste..."

I really don’t know what Motherwort is? It sounds a bit wrong, but Baicaoshi said, so he should be able to drink this granule.

Hongqu folded her arms. On the way back, she asked Baicaoshi about the efficacy of Motherwort. Thinking of a big man who will drink the potion that women used when they were young, that scene is simply... too scary. Baicaoshi is simply as dark as her skin.

So, Shicheng's child is really on the first floor, and he is willing to become a coolie again.

Hongqu laughed so hard that the branches trembled.

"Don't laugh, or come over to help." Baicaoshi can't understand Hongqu's dragging its feet and passing through.

Hongqu waved her hands again and again, "Forget it, I'd rather give you two taels of silver, and you can hire two people to help."

Hmph, fat water doesn't flow into outsiders' field.

When Zheyu came back from the academy, he saw Baicaoshi and Zhenyilou, head to head, groaning and eating together... farming.

Zhe Yu's entire face was darkened, and he was holding Baicaoshi's collar, oh no, that was imaginary. He took Baicaoshi's little hand and dragged her into the room.

In and out of the courtyard, inside and outside the house, several heads poked out, looking at the young couple, quarreling (scattering) goodbye (dog) twisting (food) in public.


Not knowing what she did wrong, Baicaoshi raised her head, and flattered Zhe Yu, "Yu Bao, which one in the academy who doesn't have eyes has made you angry again?"

Zhe Yu stretched out his hand, really wanting to pinch her face out of the water, and punish this little stupid who has done something wrong without knowing it, and is so righteous. But the hand stopped in mid-air, and finally changed into an unwilling and angry tone and asked: "You, is it still hurting?"

It’s okay if you don’t say it, but when she said it, Baicaoshi grinned her teeth and joked again, “It hurts, why don’t you rub it for me?”

She was joking, she never thought that Zhe Yu's hands would really come up, wrapping her waist with one hand, and rubbing her gently with the other. "What now?"

The hairs of Baicao Poetry immediately stood on end.

Could it be that... I took the wrong medicine?

"No, it doesn't hurt anymore." She quickly moved Zhe Yu's hand away, "Why did you come back so early today?"

Zhe Yu didn't return her, but still glanced out of the window, "What were you doing just now?"

"Grow grass!" Baicaoshi answered very quickly. She pointed to her stomach, "It can cure the pain here. It will be cured in June or July next year."

This explanation flattered Zhe Yu, his finger brushed her cheek naturally, "You are so powerful, you can cure any ailment."

Baicaoshi remained motionless in astonishment, her heart beating like a drum, and Zhe Yu just touched her face?

"You, you, what are you doing yet?" She quickly changed the subject.

Zhe Yu withdrew his hand at this time and returned to normal, "Today, I followed the Wanzhou police and went to the state government office. The Beirong man who attacked me in the college admissions examination before died."

Life and death are greater than the sky.

From a modern soul, I still can't believe that human life is so trivial, and death is so light. She asked nervously: " they suspect you and kill the Beirong people?"

Zhe Yu shook his head, "I have evidence of alibi, and many people in the academy can testify. They are just routine, just asking."

Baicaoshi patted her chest, as long as Zhe Yu is fine, everything will be fine. "Yu Bao, did I tell you before that after your first day of exams, those second-generation ancestors bet on whether you can be the first in all subjects and pass the exam? , it is impossible for you to take the first place in Yuke and Archery."

"As a result, the Beirong people attacked me the next day." Zhe Yu is so smart, he found the clues in the blink of an eye. "Who are the second ancestors?"

Baicaoshi broke her fingers and recalled the situation that day, "There is Junke with red music, Cui Meng, Bu Zhan, and Pei Yizhi!"

Zhe Yu's long and narrow eyes shot out a cold light, that expression startled Baicao Shi, she asked cautiously: "Bao Yu, I remember that Beirong man was imprisoned by the academy? Why did he go to the state government office? "

"Oh, the Academy does not have a detainee, and because it involves diplomatic relations between the two countries, it was sent to the state capital. I didn't expect that the Beirong man died last night. The autopsy result was poisoned, but the food he ate, The bowls and chopsticks have been tested one by one, and there is no poison. Then there is a question, how did the poison enter his body."

Another master of poison use!

Recently, Baicaoshi has seen too many master poisoners. "Yu Bao, did you bring out the food residues of the Beirong people?"

I saw Oriha took out a piece of paper from the bag behind him, and there was only a little food residue on the paper. "The bowls and chopsticks used by the Beirong people are all physical evidence and cannot be obtained, but I wiped some food on them while people were unprepared. Take a look."

Baicaoshi took the paper and smelled it. The food had no peculiar smell. "Yu Bao, you are in the place where the Beirong people were imprisoned, did you smell a special smell, or... incense?"

(end of this chapter)