Chapter 176: I can recommend myself a pillow seat

Chapter 176 I can recommend myself a pillow seat

"You must have it. I can smell it on you. It is agarwood."

Herbal Poetry is not as big as a lion, but it is almost the same, because agarwood is hard to find.

Yuan Xian looked at the seemingly harmless woman in front of her, who was actually cunning and smart, and couldn't stop smiling, "If the girl wants agarwood, I do have a small amount. If it is agarwood, it will be terrible. According to me As far as we know, this kind of spice can only be found overseas in the country of Annan, but due to the rampant pirates in recent years, the sea trade routes have been cut off."

Baicaoshi's muscles are twitching right now, this statement is consistent with Bu Zhan's, and it turns out that Yuan Xian is well-informed and knowledgeable.

However, she didn't expect to be able to get it. Let me talk about a difficult one first, and then ask some simple ones, and it will be easy to be satisfied.

Sure enough, Yuan Xian has all the flavors of herbal medicines mentioned in the poem of Baicao.

Baicaoshi hasn’t done any tasks recently, so taking advantage of the opportunity to exploit Yuan Xian, it’s good to feed the system psyllium.

Looking at the Baicao Poetry, which was playing up some crazy idea again, Yuan Xian threw out another olive branch. "I didn't understand why the girl refused me before. I saw the girl's condition today, and I probably understood a thing or two. The girl is a person who likes freedom and is not restrained. If the girl is willing to come to my clinic, the shopkeeper, what do you want? I will provide you with all the herbs, if you want to go to Yanjing, you can go to Yanjing, if you want to go to Dijing, you can go to Dijing, Liangzhou and Beirong Grassland are also up to you."

Dijing is the capital of Song State. Liangzhou is the capital of Xiliang.

This is really an excellent condition.

If in modern times, if you meet a boss who treats you so well, Baicaoshi will surrender and offer up your loyalty.

But not now.

She withdrew her finger and returned to the topic. "I think the young master's qi mechanism is not smooth, and the phlegm dampness is blocked in the middle burner and cannot be transported, so he can't eat. There is a simple medicine, but the effect is very good. It is Erchen Decoction. Banxia Decoction washed seven times, orange red Two qian each, white poria cocos six qian, roasted licorice four qian. Erchen Decoction dries dampness and resolves phlegm, regulates qi and neutralizes qi, and aurantium aurantium widens the middle and lowers qi, ensuring that the medicine will cure the disease."

Baicaoshi ignored Yuan Xian's invitation and prescribed medicine instead, which was a hint of the end of the consultation.

Yuan Xian withdrew his hand, "Why don't you give me a dose of medicine, how about I pay for it? You said it just now, supreme service!"

Baicaoshi thought about it and agreed.

When she first felt her pulse, she found that Yuan Xian seemed to have a dark wound, but it seemed to have been healed well, which was not obvious. Moreover, Yuan Xian's kung fu, with her current vision, still can't see through it, that is, it is very high.

Why not use him as a guinea pig?

"Then how about this, you go to the inner hall to rest for a while, and I will decoct the medicine for you."

Neitang? Is the salary raised? Yuan Xian couldn't ask for more.

After half an hour, Baicaoshi came with Erchen soup, "Mr. Yuan, please."

Yuan Xian looked at the soup, hooked the corner of his mouth, and drank it lightly.

It is obviously a traditional Chinese medicine, but he drank it with the luxury and elegance of afternoon tea.

Baicaoshi looked at him for a moment, with light in his eyes, "Girl, if you look at me like this, I'm afraid you may mistakenly think that you have a crush on me."


Deng Tuzi, Tai Menglang.

Baicaoshi quickly reflected on whether she was acting too unnaturally, and immediately returned to normal.

"how do you feel?"

Yuan Xian blinked, shook his head, and fell down.

Haha, you're done.

Baicaoshi is about to clap her hands, this wine drink Mafeisan really works well, after adding some, it responds so quickly.

Yes, the reason why Baicaoshi agreed to Yuan Xian's request was to try the efficacy of this Mafei powder, and Yuan Xian really understood.

Helping the man to lie down on the bed, Baicaoshi locked the door and began to untie Yuanxian's clothes.

It is too coincidental to appear in Wanzhou at this time.

He was injured again, where was the injury?

If it matches the injury that Zhe Yu said, wouldn't that confirm his identity?

If he is really from the Pei family?

To kill, or not to kill?

Countless thoughts flashed through my mind for a while.

Baicao's claws touched Yuan Xian's belt, and with a twitch, he untied it. Then she went to untie his collar in front.

Yuan Xian's clothes are also very complicated, layered on top of each other, and the texture is top-notch. Baicaoshi felt that her knowledge had increased again, she was not short of money now, she wanted to make some good clothes for Zhe Yu, she couldn't lose to Yuan Xian.

The V line is exposed, which is the kind of figure that looks thin when dressed, and has flesh when undressed. The skin is as white as jade, and it looks full of strength.

I don't know how it compares to Oriha's?

Having been married for so long, Baicaoshi doesn't even know how many abdominal muscles Zhe Yu has. If one day they part ways, she has never touched or slept, she is really at a loss.

While thinking about something, her movements slowed down a bit, and her hands went into her clothes. Wound, come out quickly!

What does it mean to go without return?

It's like the poem of Baicao in front of you.

Yuan Xian opened his eyes suddenly, and held Baicaoshi's wrist with one hand, and the two maintained an intimate movement. "Girl, if you are really interested in me, you don't need to be like this, I can recommend myself as a pillow."

Baicaoshi's hand was still inside her clothes, she was the one that She died on the spot. But why did you still wake up after using Mafeisan? This time is too short.

Crimson peach blossoms climbed up her cheeks, and Baicaoshi was ashamed and indignant, "I just noticed that you were hurt, and wanted to take a closer look for you. You really don't know good people!"

Yuan Xian was still laughing, but it was colder, "Girl thought I was so easy to deceive? You obviously added something to the medicine. Tell me, what exactly did you add?"

Baicaoshi finally pulled out her hand and left the bed. "I said I didn't add anything, do you believe me?"

Obviously don't believe it. "I treat the girl with sincerity, but the girl doesn't tell the truth. If I don't make it clear today, I will never let you go."

Baicaoshi secretly said that it is not good, he is in the medicinal material business, although he may not understand pharmacology, after all, he is well-informed, and he may be aware of the problem after taking the medicine. She glanced at the table, there was still half a bowl of concoction left, and she had an idea in her mind, "I'll prove it to you."

As she spoke, she drank the remaining medicine in one gulp. "Are you satisfied now? Now that the patient has been treated, you can leave after paying the consultation fee."

Yuan Xian looked at the medicine bowl, he just used it, does this count...

He folded his arms, but did not leave.

The time has not yet come, so naturally there will be no response.

"Are you still leaving?"

"I'm waiting for your medicine."

The two fell into a stalemate.

After half a stick of incense, Baicaoshi's body changed. Her sanity was still there, but her body was numb, as if she had lost consciousness.

She remembered the cinnabar experiment she had done, and contributed herself to the medical cause again.

This Mafei powder is not ineffective, but not so miraculous.

When you meet someone like Yuan Xian, you will be discounted. For her, general anesthesia cannot be used, and improvement is needed.

When she was about to fall, she fell into an embrace.

Yuan Xian returned the favor to Bi, and put her on the bed.

These days, every time he thought of her, he couldn't bear to look at the information of his scouts and reconnaissance.

Know that she is doing well in Wanzhou.

He shouldn't have appeared today, but he couldn't control his feet, nor his heart.

He came and risked being found injured by her.

How could he let himself be willful?

Now that it's proven, she's put something in his medicine, and he has a reason to get rid of it.

The raised hand fell down again, between her temples.

He has seen countless people and never lacks women around him. Why does he have different thoughts about this little village girl?

He approached her, stared at her peaceful face, the shadow enveloped her, and indulged himself this time.

Suddenly, a stone flew in from the window, and Yuan Xian grabbed it.

The door of the room was kicked open, Yuan Xian didn't think about it, he jumped lightly and flew out of the window.

Zhen first floor walked to the bedside, seeing that Baicaoshi's clothes were in good condition, he was finally relieved.

(end of this chapter)