Chapter 184: Ying Zheming visits Wanzhou

Chapter 184 Ying Zheming Visits Wanzhou

In the center of Zhengyang Street in Wanzhou City, there is an old house. On weekdays, the gate is closed tightly, and Sasa's servants occasionally come in and out. On this day, the doors were opened and distinguished guests were welcomed.

Ying Zheming stood under the vermilion gate and looked up. There were only two characters on the door plaque—Shen Fu, which was written in powerful running script. A family tradition can be seen from the plaque.

Under the hanging flower door, stood a man with outstanding appearance, wearing a water wave cloak, with a look of high wind and moon.

"Li Qing."

Having not seen each other for several months, Ying Zheming stepped forward quickly, with his arms outstretched shoulder-width apart.

Shen Liqing took a step back and maintained the due courtesy, "I am Shen Li now. My lord, please come inside."

Ying Zheming raised his hand behind him, "Bring it in."

The heavy door creaked shut, and after passing through the ternary courtyard and the corridor, it finally reached the lobby. A large box was placed in the hall.

"Show tea to the lord." Shen Liqing showed his kindness as a landlord.

"No hurry, open it!" Ying Zheming wanted to present the good things to Shen Liqing as if offering a treasure.

Shen Liqing still remained respectful and calm, "The prince will come as long as he comes, why should he spend so much money?"

"Li Qing, who came to see me, naturally couldn't be empty-handed. The snow in Wanzhou really exceeded my expectations. Fortunately, I found a top-quality snow fox."

Actually, Baiyin is nothing to wealthy people like them.

But Xuehu wins because of the occasion.

The sky is like snow, and the gift of fox fur is the most accessible.

"Shen Li, thank you, my lord."

A servant took Xuehu over, and directed Ying Zheming's people to count the gifts into the warehouse. Ying Zheming looked at the only waiter in the room, and it was very annoying, "This king has something to say with your master, go outside and wait."

The servants looked at Shen Liqing, then stepped back in silence.

As soon as the man left, Ying Zheming approached impatiently, took Shen Liqing's hand, and pressed it to his heart. "Li Qing is so cruel. He has been in Wanzhou for several months, and he sent me two letters. You know that I think about it day and night, and I often can't sleep at night."

Shen Li went to yank his hand, but Ying Zheming saved his strength and couldn't do it. "My lord, the wall has eyes and ears, so please restrain yourself and return to courtesy."

The rules of the Shen family are very strict, and they value etiquette. Ying Zheming naturally knows it. She was indifferent to people, and he couldn't ask for more. For myself, I only hope that she will be passionate.

"Who dares to break into the boundaries of the Shen family! Besides, you are the fiancee of this king, and everything is justified. Today, I will never let go."

Not only did he not let go, he had already wrapped Shen Li into his arms, holding Yingying's slender waist with his hands, and the gushing heat fell on Shen Liqing's ears. Attacking all the way, it slipped to the corner of her mouth. Lost to the bone and lovesick, I just want to kiss Fangze at this moment. "Li Qing."

Bloody smell spread, Ying Zhe Ming's lip was bitten by Shen Li.

Shen Liqing's eyes were determined, revealing that no profanity was allowed. "My lord, on the day of the wedding, Li Qing will follow you in everything."

"Big marriage, big marriage, three years after three years?" Ying Zheming wiped away the blood sternly, with an uncompromising tone, "Even if you keep your filial piety for three years, it's enough. Li Qing, my brothers and children are everywhere Run away, but this king is still alone, do you never think about this king?"

Shen Liqing closed his eyes, then opened them again, "My lord, Li Qing never thought of monopolizing the king's favor, my lord, you can take a concubine."

Ying Zheming chuckled, with a sad smile, "Li Qing, you are the daughter of the Shen family, and you are tolerant, but this king doesn't want to wrong you."

He took her into his arms, supported the back of her head with his palm, and kissed her between the temples.

Shen Liqing tolerated this tenderness and accepted it passively.

"Don't you have anything to say to this king?"

"My lord, the Wanzhou salt case has caused a sensation in the government and the public, involving dozens of big salt merchants in several cities of the two countries, and even the nine kings have been implicated. Does the lord not care?" Shen Liqing looked up at him, hoping to bring him back to reason.

Ying Zheming only saw her reflection in his eyes, and kissed lightly on the phoenix seal between her eyebrows, "Okay, now we can talk."

Although it was time to get ready to talk about serious business, Wai Wai still refused to let go.

Without going any further, Shen Liqing let him go.

Shen Liqing brushed his thick black hair from his sideburns, and his actions were full of flair. "The academy arranged a reception for you. It is the student who has made great contributions this time. You can learn more about the inside story. The academy entrance exam, He passed the entrance examination with four grades, but the masters had nothing to teach, so the dean made an exception and allowed him to be a teacher. If the prince can take him under his command, he will definitely help the prince achieve a great cause. Believe me, he will definitely bring You were pleasantly surprised."

Ying Zheming was very interested at first, but when she talked about it later, it was not a good taste. He doesn't talk to her as much as she talks about an outsider at the moment. "Okay, then I will meet him. The king doesn't want to live in a post station, so it's better to stay in Shen's residence tonight."

Shen Li Qing felt blessed, and could not find any faults in a decent way, "The prince is staying here, and it is full of splendor. It's just that the academy has regulations, and all students have dormitories. I will go back later."

Ying Zheming suddenly realized something, "Li Qing, you are a boy in the school, do you still have roommates in the school?"

Shen Liqing covered his mouth and smiled, "My lord, I have my own measure. I am the only one in my school."

Having said that, but Shen Liqing is a beautiful country, if the students of the academy are not blind, they will definitely have some thoughts that they shouldn't have.

"Don't worry, my lord. I'm in the academy. I want to study and participate in practice. I don't have time to socialize with those nerds."

Hearing what he said, Ying Zheming smiled happily.


November 11, fine weather.

Driven by Ying Zheming, accompanied by King Xun, he drove to Kunming Academy.

The academy is headed by the dean Ji Xuan and Ruan Siye, and Zhe Yu leads the new students, setting up a formation outside the academy to welcome Ying Zheming's arrival.

Among the crowd, Ying Zheming saw the student who looked like a celestial being for the first time.

Approaching Guan Guan's age, his complexion is like suet and jade, his eyes are like amber, and his thin lips are unstained and vermilion. Wearing a silver fox cloak, he stands tall and straight like a bamboo in the snow.

Around him, there is his own enchantment, he is independent from the world, and he is not the same as outsiders.

Ying Zhexu?

That glance seemed to travel through three years.

The person who existed in his sleep really stood before his eyes.

He is not dead? he is still alive? Does the emperor know? Why was his death announced?

No, not Ying Zhexu.

Ying Zhexu died three years ago.

One person can change a lot, but how can the color of eyes change? Three years ago, Ying Zhe had vivid eyes with splashed ink, could it be that he was reincarnated and changed to amber color? The stature is also slightly different, and the facial features, if you look closely, everything seems to be different.

He blinked.

Only then did I realize that everyone from the dean to the students was bowing down to him.

"Old Jijiu, Ruan Siye, don't come here unharmed. And this, a talented man in the world, my son of Yanjing is a good man!"

He got out of the car, and the Eight Immortals walked up to the crowd, stopped beside Zhe Yu, and looked at it intently. "This student, where do we seem to have met?"

Zhou Yu clasped his fists, didn't look directly at him, and replied with a straight voice: "Talents from all over the world return to the Academy, and they come here because of their reputation, which is the proof of He Qing Hai Yan and Tian Family's sages."

Sorry for the late update. At 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, I was still on the phone conference with the client, and the draft was about to be revised.

Anyway, thank you babies for your understanding. Yanshui adjusts the update time as much as possible. mwah

(end of this chapter)