Chapter 196: Points mall evacuated

Chapter 196 Points Mall Evacuated

Baicaoshi rushed into the room, closed the door, and found the paper.

Thinking about what a romantic scene it is to add fragrance to the red sleeves. Now, she is alone with a lamp, studying ink alone, and wants to send her thoughts on letter paper.

It's just a matter of grinding Mo Jing, so I just took this opportunity to calm down and think about the composition of the letter. Didn't the ancients pay attention to the idea of ​​writing first, and the smoothness of mind and hands?

After grinding the ink ingot, put it aside gently, while Baicaoshi holds the pen with a heavy hand.

The first word can’t fall down.

What to write?

"Talk about the weather? Will Yubao think I'm idle?"

"Or, report what you did today? No, no, it's like a running account."

"Modern small essays are all three-paragraph. How about a total score?"

Baicao Poetry talks to itself, murmuring.

The ink on the tip of the pen condensed and finally dripped onto the paper, forming a black dot.

What a shame, Wanzhou paper is expensive, waste a piece of paper.

She was not happy, she flicked the pen a few times, and there were a few more dots on the paper. Deep and shallow, thick and dry, different sizes.

She played wild, dipped in the ink again, and dotted randomly.

Baicaoshi held up the paper and pointed at the small oil lamp, "Haha, there are polka dot queens in modern times, and I am the ink dot queen in Da Yan's version. It's so fashionable, I don't know if Zhe Yu can understand it."

Forget it, don’t write it anymore.

She casually laid the paper flat on the desk, waited for it to dry naturally, and called out the system psyllium.

"Wow, dear host, you haven't done a mission for a long time, I thought you forgot about me." Plantago Seed turned into a showman in seconds, came up and cried a few times.

"Don't cry, crying is not a cute psyllium. Am I here to record?"

The artificial intelligence Plantago Seed did not perform, and his eyes shone brightly on the pupils of Baicaoshi. "Dear host, what new herbal medicine has been discovered this time?"

"It's not herbal medicine, it's a prescription for oral administration of Mafeisan!" Baicao Poetry was taken out from the table case, and it was written by Zhe Yu before, and Zhe Yu's handwriting was a hundred times more beautiful than his own.

"Oh oh oh!" Plantago turned into a big rooster, and the emotion was overly excited and had a strong emotional color. "Amazing! Dear host, you are definitely the hardest-working, most capable, most innovative, and best host I have ever seen. You even made the ancient Mafeisan prescription. This is a great achievement for the history of ancient medicine. It might take another few hundred years. You are witnessing and writing history!"

Baicao Poetry has long been familiar with its high hat. As an artificial intelligence, there is no brilliance of reason at all, so it is embarrassing to say.

The prescription is entered, and the system beeps.

"Oral Mafei powder was first circulated in the "Qing Nang Shu", the inventor Hua Tuo. Because Hua Tuo suggested that Cao Cao perform a craniotomy and use Mafei powder, Cao Cao suspected it and executed him. The prescription of Mafei powder was destroyed. The disappearance of the human world has become an irreparable shortcoming in the history of anesthesia! Today, Baicaoshi has regained the Mafeisan prescription, adding another touch to the history of anesthesia in China. The prescription rewards 1,000 points. Because of its historical significance and clinical significance, a special reward of 5 A thousand points, a total of six thousand."

Six thousand!

Baicaoshi took a deep breath. The last time she got so many points, it was because she entered the keel. Not ordinary fossils, but fossils engraved with oracle bone inscriptions. The last time her points exceeded 10,000, now it is close to 18,000.

"Psyllium, I want to exchange herbal seeds on a large scale." Baicaoshi waved her small hand, slapped the page of the list in the plan on the table, and said in high spirits: "According to what you said, I will be in this otherworldly continent." Plant a herb conservation base to preserve the gene bank of civilization for future generations."

Psyllium croaked and applauded in the sea of ​​consciousness, almost bursting into tears with excitement.

Before Baicaoshi, no host has ever done this. Baicao Conservation Base, Civilization Gene Bank, these words alone make Plantaginaceae excited.

The host is powerful, and psyllium can’t be petty. "Dear host, you can choose whatever you want in the Points Mall, choose whatever you want."

Baicaoshi opens the Points Mall. Now she unlocks more Materia Medica.

There are still no agarwood and saffron, and the snow lotus is so expensive.

She started placing orders frantically.

In the past, she exchanged for seeds, and the unit was measured in grams and plants. Now she presses the catties and furrows.

"Here comes a bed of Huoshan Dendrobium seedlings."

"No, not so many. At most a hundred."

"Two catties each of the six white seeds."

"Atractylodes macrocephala, Bai Fuling, no problem. Baiji and Bailian, one and a half catties. Baishao, only eight taels..."

Conversations like the above are endless.

As a result of being rich and powerful, Baicaoshi emptied out the existing herbal seeds and seedlings in the points mall, and finally the mall had to pay on credit.

"Cute psyllium, your mall is too searchable."

The psyllium only felt a slap in the face, "Dear host, the seeds you got are all in the real world. It is normal to be out of stock and out of stock. I will apply with the general system of Baicaoyuan and I will give it to you immediately." Transfer goods."

Baicaoshi counted the seeds and seedlings in the room, and the establishment of the Baicao Conservation Base is imminent.

She picked up the ink dot paper on the table, went to the pigeon coop in the yard, folded the paper into small strips secretly, and tied it to the pigeon's leg.

"Be good, go to Pigeon, go to Yu Bao, tell him I'm fine, don't miss me."

The pigeon flapped its wings and flew away.

"Hmph, who said before that you don't miss and don't write letters! Women, tsk tsk, the one who is most emotional is destined to hurt the most." After watching a good show, she patted her mouth and went back to sleep.

(end of this chapter)