Chapter 202: Poems of True and False Illusions and Baicao

Chapter 202 True and False Illusions and Herbal Poems

Two days ago, she was able to mount her horse, but on the third day, Baicaoshi had gone north to Yanjing alone.

In terms of comfort, riding a horse is a hundred times worse than riding a car, especially in the cold winter, when the wind cuts the ground and her face hurts.

But riding a horse also has its advantages. The field of view is wide, and all the scenery of Dayan is presented.

Huang Puma is a thousand-mile BMW, you can feel the ultimate speed and power.

She was dressed in men's clothes, and she was very romantic.

In her luggage, there are many jars, large and small, including gold sore medicine, Mabosan, and various poisons. Liubai was ground into fine powder, and she planned to try her Liubai mask powder at night to soothe her face damaged by wind and frost.

I hope that when I see Oriha, I won't be made ugly by myself.

From Wanzhou to Yanjing, a special official road has been built, and there will be instructions along the road, so all the way to the north, the direction will not be wrong.

"Treasurer, hit the tip", Baicaoshi led the horse and came to a tavern along the way.

"Okay, what would you like to eat?" the waiter came over with a sweat towel on his shoulder.

"Two small dishes, a bowl of rice, and feed my horse." I have seen this kind of plot on TV a lot, and Baicaoshi is also familiar with it.

The waiter in the shop enthusiastically agreed.

When he was seated, Baicaoshi paid special attention to the other people in the store. This is also the experience of walking in the world when Zhe Yu taught him Kung Fu.

There were two men, looking at each other on the road, and then they ate as if nothing had happened.

Baicaoshi closed her eyes, and a scene flashed in front of her eyes. These two people had been on the same road with her since they came out of Wanzhou.

What a coincidence!

She changed into men's clothes, and the other party recognized her? Who sent it?

She only took two bites of the food in the tavern. The so-called silver needle drug test is unscientific. To be on the safe side, get rid of these two people first.

How can I get rid of the stalker and make clear the direction? Baicao Shi took a leisurely stroll, and took out "Da Yan Feng Wu Zhi" from the package, looking like reading a book, but actually looking for the answer.

After more than half a day, Baicaoshi made several detours and finally got rid of the stalker.

Unfortunately, she got lost.

To deal with getting lost, she also has a way to return the same way.

Riding on the horse, Baicaoshi touched the horse's head, "Huang Lu, I overestimated my strength. How can we get to Yanjing?"

Huang Puma rubbed against her hand and stepped forward.

Old horse knows the way.

Huang Puma is not old, but knowing the way is enough. Baicaoshi was ecstatic.


In the compartment of the carriage, Yuan Xian lay lazily half-lying, with his hands on his temples, like a witty picture of a sleeping beauty in spring, playing chess by himself.

The speed of the carriage slowed down a bit, and a cheerful voice came from outside reporting, "Sir, I lost track."

The hand holding Heizi froze in mid-air for a while, but there was no sullenness, but some appreciation. Then, he said in a spring breeze: "Let them go and receive the punishment themselves, and see who dares to be superior in the future."


"With such ability, I probably don't need protection. Let's withdraw." Yuan Xian issued a new order.

He put away the chessboard, took out the map from under the small table, looked at it for a while, and drew a circle in one place.

"That's it."


King Xun's team had already arrived at Hanyue Pass. At night, the team chose a relatively spacious inn in the city.

At the dinner table, Ying Zhexun said, "Zheyu, now there are only two days left to Yanjing. It's been a hard journey. Take a good rest tonight."

The corners of Zhe Yu's lips hooked slightly: "I'm a man, how can I talk about hard work? It's Princess Xun who is running around like us."

He knew that King Xun loved Princess Xun the most, and he almost obeyed.

Princess Xun smiled, "Young Master Zhe Yu is the most careful man I have ever met. It is a blessing for Miss Bai to marry you."

"The princess doesn't know something. It is my blessing to marry her."

When words like this came out of the mouths of exiled immortals like Zhe Yu, Princess Xun was greatly surprised.

Ying Zhexun patted his thigh, "Is there any more of my Wushao snake wine? I forgot to bring a few more bottles back."

"If the Wushao snake wine is beneficial to the prince, I can send it from Wanzhou with a letter." Zhe Yu spared no effort in the business of Baicaoshi.

Ying Zhexun was more and more satisfied with the young couple. It would be great if Baicaoshi also came over, maybe he would be able to show his face in front of the Queen Mother.

After eating, everyone went upstairs to rest. Zhe Yu and Li Jianping were next to each other in the guest room, and when their bodies were staggered, Zhe Yu whispered, "Cheer up tonight."

Li Jian leveled a shock.

The journey was very peaceful, except that I saw a woman who looked exactly like Baicaoshi before.

Li Jianping thought that this thug was too easy to be. "Then I won't sleep tonight."

Zhe Yu didn't say anything, entered the room, and began to meditate on the bed.

Could those people really let him enter Yanjing safely? The idea is ideal and naive.

At this time, a voice came from outside the guest room. "Girl, you can't go up, the inn has been taken over by other guests."

The woman's voice said: "Shopkeeper, please be accommodating. I went out to find my husband, and I was exhausted all the way. Give me an ordinary guest room, and I will be fine for one night."

Huh? Zhe Yu concentrates on distinguishing, even the voice is very similar to Baicaoshi.

Baicaoshi promised him to stay in Wanzhou, even if she wanted to come, she would definitely not come here now.

Zhe Yu was unmoved.

"Girl, please be considerate of us, the customer gave a lot of money and pointed out..."

"I'm in a hurry to go out, so I don't bring much money, but I have..." The voice rustled through the package, "The best wolfberry chrysanthemum tea is the most useful for health and fitness. You put it away."

"Hey... well, please be quiet, don't disturb the distinguished guests."

Oriha, who was meditating, opened his eyes again.

Goji chrysanthemum tea is the first drink that Baicaoshi gave to Zhe Yu. When they were still living in poverty, Baicaoshi took rootless water and made this kind of tea for him.

The taste is still on the tip of the nose.

Zhe Yu took a deep breath to keep himself calm.


Jiannan County Yuelai Inn, Baicaoshi arrived before dark.

"The shopkeeper, stay at the store." She led the horse in.

"Shopkeeper, we will book the inn." Coincidentally, a motorcade also stopped in the yard of the inn.

Baicaoshi followed the sound and looked over, who was it if it wasn't a happy face?

"Sister Huanyan?"

"Yo, Sister Shishi, long time no see."

Two women say hello.

Baicaoshi glanced at the carriage behind, without even thinking about it, "Sister is really rich and powerful, such a big inn, if you want to book it, you can book it. If that's the case, I'll find another inn."

Huanyan took her hand. "My husband likes to be quiet, but sister Shishi, you are very quiet. It's okay to stay in the hotel together."

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, a pair of beautiful hands were exposed first, and Yuan Xian got out of the carriage. "Miss Bai, it's you. It seems that God has let us go together."

Baicaoshi shrugged, she is not someone who can be avoided. They come, the security. "Sister Huanyan just said, owner, you like to be quiet. Thinking about the last time in the villa, my ducks quacked, ate your fish, and stepped on your lawn. I'm really sorry."

Yuan Xian couldn't help laughing after hearing this, "I'm so lucky."


The night is dead.

Zhe Yu hadn't slept yet, suddenly there was a strange movement from the next door.

"Ah, help!" The voice was swallowed by the darkness of the winter night, and there was a sound of pushing and shoving.

Zhe Yu now understands that these people are coming for him.

They were betting on the weight of Baicao Poetry in his mind. The woman whose voice and appearance are very similar to Baicaoshi is prepared for him.

This is a conspiracy.

It is true that poetry is very important, more than anything else. But it must also be a real poem of hundreds of herbs.

The tree wanted to be still but the wind kept blowing, the folded feathers did not move, but Li Jianping next door moved.

He left the guest room and chased after the woman in the direction where she disappeared.

Zhe Yu sighed, he would not have paid attention to it before. But now, for the sake of Baicaoshi, Li Jianping couldn't just ignore this thought alone.

In the night, several waves of people are chasing.

The other party's light work is excellent, and he is flying over the wall.

The roof of Hanyueguan is connected into a line, allowing people to walk lightly in the night.

"Li Jianping, come back!" Zhe Yu was transmitting the sound, with his right palm transporting vitality in it, intending to attract him.

Suddenly, Li Jianping wanted to retreat, but someone was already on the ground, and two chains flew out, dragging him down.

In the prison of the government office in Wanzhou, he was carrying a heavy chain and never stopped breaking it.

There is a deserted house in front of them, which seems to have been abandoned for a long time, probably this is the place where the other party set up an ambush for them.

"Jie Jie, the clown has arrived before the rightful lord." With a strange laugh, it was terrifying and frightening in the cold night.

It is clearly the person who robbed the "Baicaoshi", and the iron chain is sticking out from his hand.

Under the darkness of night, Oruha's eyes narrowed into narrow lines. He remembered this person, when he and Baicaoshi encountered an assassination that ended abruptly, this person was the one who sold grapefruits back then.

"Herbal Poetry" is no longer pretending, and stands shoulder to shoulder with the grapefruit seller. "Master's prediction is good, it really is a kind of love."

Some information was revealed in the conversation, and the other party knew them well.

Zhe Yu also landed in the courtyard.

Li Jianping was still tugging at the rope around his waist, "Young Master, this time I made an arbitrary claim and got you involved."

"What are you talking about, fight!"

Zhe Yu's sword was straight, and he attacked "Baicao Poetry".

"Baicao Poetry"'s laughter is soft and soul-stirring, similar to a kind of kung fu, "Yo, brother Zheyu, do you really have the heart to attack my family?" At the same time, a red streak was thrown from her waist.

This face really looks like Baicaoshi.

But the tone, appellation and tone are completely two people.

Maybe the other party has been secretly observing them for a long time, how can we know the details of getting along.

Baicaoshi will only call him "Zhe Yu" or "Yu Bao", and has never called himself "Nujia".

Zhe Yu called out "Shishi" as if possessed.

"Baicao Poetry"'s eyes are even brighter, this first-class exiled immortal, his bones are crisp with a single sentence. It seems that there are not many men in the world who can avoid the "Bone Charming Art".

Hong Lian and Fei Jian met, they fought each other, and Zhe Yu was driven by Hong Lian, approaching the direction of "Baicao Poetry", his eyes were also misty.

"Baicaoshi" smiled triumphantly. Suddenly a mist shrouded her eyes, and something cold pierced her heart. She took a few steps back, " didn't fall for it?"

(end of this chapter)