Chapter 219: Masterful game to establish diplomatic relations

Chapter 219 Peerless game to establish diplomatic relations

Temporarily acting as Shaoqing Zheyu of Honglu Temple, I invite Pei Yuanxian, the regent of the Song Dynasty, to move to the top of Honolulu and discuss three rounds.

Such a request seems unreasonable because of the disparity in the status of the two parties.

The strange thing is that no one on Dayan’s side thinks this way, or even takes it for granted. Because Zhe Yu convinced Yi Zhaoxian.

As for the Song Kingdom, Pei Xianzhi, Minister of the Honglu Temple, was furious, "Is anyone able to play chess with the Regent of the Song Dynasty? Three days ago, the person who was qualified to talk with the Regent was Puji, the presiding officer of the Xiangji Temple." Grandmaster."

The implication is that the weight of Zhe Yu can match Master Puji?

Many people in the Yan and Song Dynasties saw that Pei Yuanxian came down the mountain with a light coat, twirling flowers and a smile that day, and the ending can be imagined.

Not to mention Pei Yuanxian got up and stopped Pei Xianzhi, still looking as gentle as jade. "There are talented people from generation to generation, and the courage of young people is commendable. I just want to ask, no matter what the outcome is, can Mr. Zheyu afford it?"

Yi Zhaoxian raised his chin, "That's natural."

"Okay, I accept this invitation." With that said, Pei Yuanxian put on a cloak and went up the steps towards Honolulu in the snowstorm.

Those guards and envoys were still waiting to follow, Pei Yuanxian turned his head, "You guys, wait a hundred meters away."

The mountain road is rugged and not easy to walk, but Pei Yuanxian walked quickly as if walking on flat ground. There are two long teams behind it.

On the top of the mountain, there is a huge stone wall carved into a chessboard of heaven and earth.

On the stone flat on the top of the mountain, there is a small purple sand stove, burning hot water.

The water is not ordinary water, but snow sealed in a small tank.

The little attendant with ordinary eyebrows and eyes, without squinting, quietly added charcoal fire, and scooped a spoonful of snow into the pot. It seems that there is only one thing in the world, cooking tea and snow.

These snows are the treasures of Baicaoshi in the past few days, collected hard.

She also had to experience such a historical moment, so she pretended to be a little attendant.

Zhe Yu sat on a futon, with sunspots and whites in front of him.

The opponent has arrived, Zhe Yu raised his eyes and raised his hand, "Regent, please."

This is not the first time Zhe Yu has met Pei Yuanxian. They have played face to face in Dongli Mountain Villa and Prince Pingzhao Mansion, but at that time, he hid in the dark and watched the person named "Yuan Xian" play chess with his own eyes.

Today, it was the first time that two people confronted each other head-on.

Pei Yuanxian was not arrogant, he had already sat down with his clothes hem up, but his eyes fell on the little attendant Baicaoshi.

"You are the one who made my Pei Jiaerlang fail, Zhe Yu." The tone of the statement did not show any waves.

"I'm sorry, let me go." Zhe Yu said without humility.

The water is boiling, and the purple sand pot is gurgling, and the little attendant, Baicao Shijing Cup, starts to make tea.

Pei Yuanxian suddenly asked: "Is there any Dendrobium scented tea? Or, wolfberry and chrysanthemum?"

Baicaoshi didn't even raise her eyes, and said naturally, "Only the Dahongpao of Xiangji Temple is for hospitality, the regent should not be picky."

Pei Yuanxian smiled.

Zhe Yu bent the corners of his lips, "I think the regent is in a good mood. Is this going to offer five cities and a million-year-old coin?"

Concentrating on his thoughts, Pei Yuanxian said: "It depends on you, whether you have this ability. Guess first?"

Guess first is the method used in Go to decide who goes first.

Finally, Pei Yuanxian takes the white stone and goes first; Zhe Yu holds the black stone and goes second.

Playing chess also tests one's internal strength. It requires luck to make the chess pieces stick to the stone wall, and the first game begins.


A hundred meters away, the teams of envoys from both sides watched this scene quietly.

The two sides in the game are not like rivals at war, but like confidants who cherish each other.

As the representative who recommended Zhe Yu, Ying Zhexun suddenly remembered that at the golf course in Wanzhou that day, his princess won a lot of money because he beat him to win. He said loudly to the two parties: "Everyone, are you sure that in such a peerless chess game, there is no handicap, and you can win a good fortune?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Especially Yi Zhaoxian, who didn't understand why King Xun, who had always been prudent, had such a bold idea.

However, this idea catered to the thoughts of the envoys of Song Dynasty. These officials with a tradition of emphasizing business thought that instead of waiting like this, it would be better to cheer for themselves in this way. The chess player is their king regent, who is like a god, how can he lose?

In this way, the game of winning Zhexun was set up.

Out of their respective positions, they all overwhelmed their side to win.

Behind Da Yan's team, a guard asked Duan Shaoyi beside him, "Can you see clearly?"

Duan Shaoyi shook his head, and he didn't have clairvoyance, how could he see such a long distance clearly.

The guard led him forward and pointed with his hand, "Can you see such a big chessboard?"

Instead of drawing figures, draw a chessboard, easy to say.


Danai Imperial Palace, Tianyuan Hall, Emperor Yanwu was having a conversation with several princes.

"You said, last time the regent won against Master Puji?"

Seventh son Ying Zheqi came out, "I heard that the regent narrowly won. Perhaps it was Master Puji who showed mercy and showed mercy."

In the country of Dayan, it is always disgraceful to discuss the defeat of one's own country.

But in comparison, pulling that overwhelmed broken feather into the water is worth it.

After all, the King Regent is so skilled at chess, who gave him the courage to challenge? Do you think that living in the palace is the prince and prince?

Emperor Yanwu didn't want to believe it. "King Xun is steady and will not aim at nothing."

Ying Zheming snorted coldly, "Father, since ancient times, young people have always been frivolous. If you do well, you might as well treat each other as soldiers of the state; if you mess up, you must also explain to all people in the world."

Ying Zheming didn't say what to explain, it was nothing more than an apology with death.

At this time, Fu Sheng entered with the pigeon in his arms, "Your Majesty, Young Master Zhe Yu and the Prince Regent have already taken the tenth step."

Emperor Yanwu opened the drawing paper, and the strategy of killing the sons of black and white came into view.

Gradually, the chess pieces swayed in front of his eyes, and his hands trembled accordingly. He suddenly remembered the situation when he first came to Dabao, stepping on the white bones and blood, he stepped onto the throne.


On the chessboard, the black and white pieces are still fighting hard.

Pei Yuanxian worked his strength again, threw a white piece, nailed it on the chessboard on the cliff, then looked at the little attendant serving tea, and smiled slightly: "The benefits of commerce, those ordinary people can't understand, and you, Mr. Zheyu, think it's a bad move." Once the trade is established, the roast duck from Quanjufang, the herbal medicine from Jinxiangtang, and the Yushi golf course can all be stationed in Dasong and earn him a lot of money."

Zhe Yu took the teacup from Baicaoshi's hand, took a sip, and even skipped a moment of thinking, the sunspots had already shot out. "Similarly, businesses such as private salt merchants, Yuanming Restaurant, Lai Shan Fang, and Yin Hook Gambling Shop will also enter Da Yan, do business on the surface, and do those shady things secretly. Earn my money from Da Yan, and harm us. The people of Dayan."

"No matter which dynasty or generation, this kind of thing will never be eliminated." Pei Yuanxian paused with the hand holding the chess, and then threw it.

"The commercial agreement between the two countries, the border trade agreement, the rate of tariff collection, the currency exchange rate, and the business norms of merchants must reach a consensus. If there is any violation, it will be dealt with according to the law of trade." Zhe Yu's words were sonorous, his eyes were sharp, and then he He took out the draft outline from his arms and handed it to Pei Yuanxian.

Pei Yuanxian was really surprised at being so thoughtful, but after a rough scan, the lower corner of Pei Yuanxian's eyes twitched. "It's not fair. The goods from the Song Dynasty are taxed heavily when they enter the Great Yan, while the products from the Great Yan are taxed lightly when they enter the Song Dynasty. This is unacceptable."

Zhe Yu looked at Baicao Poetry, and thought of what was in her little head. She only mentioned a few words, which gave Zhe Yu infinite inspiration. This draft, it can be said that Zheyu was drafted under the suggestion of Baicaoshi.

If Baicao Shi understood Zhe Yu's state of mind, she would probably say that no matter how valuable things and theories are, she would not be able to come up with them. She has a specialization in the art field, so it would be nice for her to know the WTO. In the final analysis, this draft is still the credit of Oruha.

"I heard someone say that a weak country has no diplomacy. Regent, the strength of the Song Dynasty is better than that of Dayan, and you know it better than anyone else."

Pei Yuanxian popped out a white ball again, "Young Master Zhe Yu, there is a saying that wisdom is bound to be hurt, and love will never last. Do you believe it? Maybe you will never see the sun tomorrow again before these drafts are implemented. "

Without waiting for Zhe Yu to react, the little attendant's eyes flashed sharply, and he poured some tea into Pei Yuanxian's cup, and the scalding water fell on Pei Yuanxian's fingertips.

Oh, she's mad.

Pei Yuanxian twirled his fingertips, feeling mixed feelings in his heart. Her care was so fierce, she looked like she was frowning to protect her short hair, she was reckless and cute, but it was a pity that it was not for him.

Zhe Yu threw out a chess piece, "Really? This is the land of Dayan, this is the country of Dayan, why should the regent prevent me from seeing the sun tomorrow? You do it, or sell salt with you Partners, or those ghosts and monsters in the dark? You can give it a try."

(end of this chapter)