Chapter 240: Over the wall into the hospital to attend the meeting

Chapter 240 Over the wall and admitted to the hospital to attend the meeting

After listening to the eldest princess, the queen mother agreed to have a consultation. Left and right she has no illusions, after all, it has been a few years, and she is also getting old.

Baicaoshi immediately cleaned her hands, took out the pre-prepared medical bag from her small backpack, and asked questions while checking the pulse. The whole process is relatively relaxed.

Withdrawing her fingers, Baicaoshi made some preliminary judgments about the Queen Mother's eye disease. "Queen Mother, the eyes are the orifices of the liver. If you want to improve your eyesight, it is very important to nourish the liver. In your daily diet, you can eat some animal livers. In addition, carrots, spinach, pumpkins, jujubes, and celery are all beneficial. Chrysanthemum honey tea can Nourishing the liver and clearing away heat."

Eldest Princess Ying Zhezhe clicked her tongue one after another, "Look, Queen Mother, how careful the little girl is, the food from these common people's homes, even the imperial doctors dare not advise you to eat more."

The queen mother looked at Baicaoshi, although she didn't see things, she seemed to be really looking at them. "This old problem, can it be cured?"

Baicaoshi got up, and replied modestly: "The "Criminal Principles of Syndrome and Governance" mentioned a prescription of Bupleurum Shugan Powder, Bupleurum and Tangerine Peel each six cents, Chuanxiong, Rhizoma Cyperi, Peony, Fructus Aurantii each four and a half cents, roasted licorice Liuqian, decocted in water. Long-term use may be effective."

Her answer is well-founded, Zhe Yu stands aside, his chin almost raised, his wife is the most touching when he is curing diseases and saving lives.

The Empress Dowager's prescriptions cannot be prescribed casually, and the prescriptions can only be determined after a group consultation with the imperial physicians of the Imperial Hospital.

But these herbs are available.

"Then I will listen to poetry and take these medicines." The Queen Mother said.

Baicaoshi pondered for a while, and said: "Queen Mother, I read a book called "Dayan Fengwuzhi". In fact, it is not limited to the territory of Dayan, and the six countries have also been involved. In the book, it is said that the authentic production area of ​​Bupleurum Liangshan is the junction of Beirong and Xiliang, so it is best to choose Bupleurum from Liangshan as the monarch medicine.”

At this point, Ying Zhezhe had already covered his mouth and laughed, "Queen Mother, look, the way people get along with each other is sometimes based on eye contact. Shishi and I even read the same books Yes. When "Da Yan Fengwu Zhi" was published, I bought it immediately and couldn't put it down. I didn't expect you to read Shishi."

In just a few words, the distance was shortened again.

Zhe Yu said: "Grandmother, the prescription of Shishi, tangerine peel is also a very important flavor, and we are fortunate to have been to Jingshan. It is a very magical place. Oranges grow in the south of Jingshan, and oranges grow in the north of Jingshan. The taste and taste are completely different. Shishi used Jingshan orange peel to make tangerine peel. Therefore, the herb made by Shishi made by the Empress Dowager's grandmother is better."

After these words came out, the Queen Mother laughed happily, "In the past, I only knew that my Ah Xu was a man with a chest, hills and valleys, vertical and horizontal latitude and longitude, and unexpectedly, he also had insights into Shennong's Qihuang Dao."

"Grandmother Empress Dowager, I am near Zhu Zhechi."

Who is Zhu? Naturally, it is Baicaoshi.

After chatting about daily life again, Zhe Yu and Baicao Shi got up and went back home.

In Changle Palace, only the Queen Mother and the eldest princess are left.

"In the past, I only thought that only Li Qing could be worthy of A Xu in this world. Looking at it now, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and it can be seen that A Xu likes his wife very much. Zhe Zhe, what does Shi Shi look like?" asked the Queen Mother.

Ying Zhezhe thought of Baicaoshi's misty eyes and that face, "Actually, apart from her eyes, I think she looks a little bit like Concubine Si."

Concubine Si is a first-class beauty in the palace. If anyone can compare with her, then only Princess Yunzhao from more than ten years ago.

The Queen Mother didn't have a good impression of these two women. She snorted.

Then he said: "Zhe Zhe, you value A Xu very much, today you forced to take Aijia to Tianyuan Hall for a walk. As the eldest sister, Aijia is very pleased that you can do this."

Ying Zhezhe bent down, leaned against the Queen Mother, and knocked her leg, "Queen Mother, Zhezhe just thinks that a talented person like Zhe Yu should be reused. But he rejected the post of Shaoqing in Dali Temple, and instead Studying in the academy, I don't quite see this step clearly."

The Empress Dowager knocked on the bed, "Ah Xu, did you see through easily? Don't think too much, Ai's family is going to rest, you go back."

Ying Zhezhe exited Changle Palace, looking at the gray sky, it was going to snow again in Yanjing.


Baicaoshi and Zheyu returned to Prince Xu's Mansion. She didn't sort out herbal medicines. Now her precious herbal medicines are all placed in the system space, and they are automatically classified into categories, which can be called a heaven-defying existence.

She helped Lu Ge prepare some medicine, and then thought that tomorrow would be the 22nd day of the twelfth lunar month, so she made an appointment with the Prince of Northern Qi. Whether or not to tell Zhe Yu about this matter, he seems to disapprove of her going to the appointment.

But for some reason, Baicaoshi was looking forward to and apprehensive about this trip, and that feeling was particularly strong.

After struggling for a long time, she decided to go to the meeting alone. Of course, she will make some modifications, the most important thing is to avoid the eyes and ears of Taifu Shen's residence. For a high-ranking and powerful person like Taifu Shen, there must be hidden guards at home, and there will be countless pairs of eyes watching from the outside world.

But what she has to consider right now is how to avoid Zhe Yu.

As it turned out, when the time was almost up, the Palace of the Ming Dynasty in the Sixteenth King's House sent an invitation to Zhe Yu, and it was called a promotion banquet for Zhe Yu.

Baicaoshi was uneasy, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a Hongmen banquet?

"Can I not go?" Baicaoshi didn't want him to go, but on the other hand, if he left, it would be more convenient for her to pass away at Zifu.

Never been so contradictory.

Zhe Yu took her hand and noticed the thin sweat on her palm, "Prince Xu's mansion and Prince Ming's mansion are so close, I refuse, maybe King Ming brought people over to Xu Wang's mansion."

Probably also has this possibility.

Who thought of building the Sixteenth King’s Mansion in the first place, and the king’s mansion is door-to-door?

"Don't worry, they don't dare to shake their hands at the emperor's feet." Zhe Yu kissed Baicaoshi's fingers, her fingertips were very cold.

Baicaoshi quickly pulled away, feeling guilty for leaving without warning.

She helped him tidy up his clothes and pack his things, and put two small jars into his hands by the way. "Here, the fiery red one is for relieving hangovers, and the cloisonné blue one is for poison testing, just in case. Promise me, don't drink unless it is absolutely necessary."

Zhe Yu put the small bottle in his arms, cherishing it very much, "Okay, I will obey Madam Yi's order."

Bai Caoshi's ears were reddened by this lady's name, and the attachment and guilt in her heart were fermenting. She stood on tiptoe and touched his cheek as compensation.

Zhe Yu was not satisfied with this little taste, and held her face with both hands, and made a deep impression on her plump lips that were not stained but vermilion.

"Yu Bao, if you do this again, I'm afraid I won't let you go." Baicaoshi's eyes became more moist and moved.

"Shishi is waiting for me at home." Zhe Yu was proud of the spring breeze, and walked away satisfied.

Sending off Zheyu, Baicaoshi changed into a chic men's attire, and left the palace lightly.

You hour, Baicaoshi arrived at the Northern Qi Shizi Mansion on time, the side wall.

It is impossible to go through the main entrance, over the wall is the first choice.

(end of this chapter)