Chapter 244: i just love wujiwu

Chapter 244 I just love the house and the bird

The domineering possessiveness made Baicaoshi's heart beat violently. She looked up and saw the emotion in Zhe Yu's eyes.

When she first saw him, she seemed to be still a teenager, but now she is a full-blooded husband.

Blinking, she raised her desire to survive, and raised her hands in surrender: "There will be no next time, I promise."

Zhe Yu fiddled with her fingers, and asked with great interest, "Then, do you have anything else to say?"

Is this the rhythm of confession and leniency?

To say or not to say? Baicaoshi struggled for a moment, and decided to be honest, "I went to the Imperial Palace of the Northern Qi Dynasty and discovered a big secret."

"Huh?" Oriha was attracted by this message and stared at her.

Baicao Shimo swayed her small chin, crossed the first law, with her own golden finger; the second law, has a hidden background. She said seriously: "Probably, maybe, maybe, I am also the little princess with golden branches and jade leaves."

Zhe Yu was amused by her appearance, pinched her chin and said, "Whether you are a princess or princess, you are my wife. Now, how about taking a shower and changing?"

Then what?

Do you want to sleep?

Herbal Poetry is a thrill.

Probably too excited, that night, Baicaoshi's relatives came.

She didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed, or if she escaped a disaster. After wearing the book, she took good care of the original owner's body. After practicing martial arts, I have more flexibility and mind power. Chinese New Year is coming soon, she is about to turn eighteen, maybe...

Baicaoshi turned around, looked at the person who was sleeping soundly beside her, and raised her finger to rest on Zhe Yu's eyebrow.

It’s so good-looking, it’s not a loss, how can it be timid when it comes to the head?


As soon as the new year passed, there was news from the border, and King Zuoxian of Beirong withdrew his troops.

The border trade with Beirong will have to wait until next year to discuss in detail.

King Li is safe and sound, and now he is hurrying to Yanjing.

The negotiations between Yan and Song have finally come to an end. Song will open three ports next year. Yes, in the end, Song Guo compromised.

It is said that after the game in Honolulu, the regent took Master Puji to talk on the top of the mountain every day. Every time Master Puji went down the mountain, he had a bitter face.

Yanjing people are getting more and more gossip-minded. It stands to reason that Master Puji is already a master, and he loses to the regent every time, but the regent loses to Zhe Yu, the instructor of Kunming Academy, who is the Zhizhou of Wanzhou City in the future, how good is Zhe Yu's chess skills? high?

This has almost become a topic that the diners on the first floor of the world can never finish talking about.

On the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, the regent's king drove back home, and people from Yanjing lined the road to see him off.

It may not be appropriate to say that it is a farewell, but Yanjing people don't mind celebrating their country's victory in this way. Besides, most people don't have much hatred for the regent, at least the regent is upright, and his arrival has promoted the friendship and peace between the two countries.

Of course, there are also a small number of Huaichun girls among them. The regent really has a good appearance and good bones.

This first-class demeanor can only be compared with the flamboyant Fifth Prince. But the fifth prince was young after all, and the current age of the regent is exactly what a young girl admires.

Baicao Shiben doesn't care too much about these things, but it's also a coincidence that she happened to go to treat Lv Ge on the day of the 25th day, so she caught up with the crowd to see her off.

She looked towards the focus of the crowd, and saw the person who had dealt with many times without knowing it.

Pei Yuanxian saw her, even though she was wearing men's clothes.

Then Pei Yuanxian, who had been motionless like a mountain, raised his hand and waved it.

It is said that later, several Yanjing women fainted on the spot, and they were fainted by the king regent.

Baicaoshi turned her head and walked into the north wind. I hope that when we meet again, we can coexist peacefully. Oh forget it, don't say goodbye.

She went to Duan Shaoyi's residence and gave Lu Ge a follow-up consultation.

According to Duan Shaoyi, Luge's mood has actually stabilized a bit, but his mind is still not clear, but he is not as aggressive towards Baicaoshi as he was at the beginning.

Today, Baicaoshi brought the method of moxibustion. During the moxibustion, Luge fell asleep and breathed very evenly.

"How's it going?" Duan Shaoyi asked Baicaoshi who came out of the room.

"Actually..." Baicaoshi considered her tone, "I feel much better. Mental illnesses can never be cured in a day or two. This process will be very long. You have to be mentally prepared."

Duan Shaoyi nodded, and said: "Today I will be the host, and I will treat you to a meal, and let's talk about repaying the debt."

Ha, so self-conscious, Baicaoshi couldn't wish for it.

I didn’t go to the No. 1 Floor in the World, it was too noisy, it was not conducive to talking about things, and death was expensive.

They found a nearby tavern, and the tavern hung down thick cotton curtains to block the feng shui. There is nothing wrong with it. Every seat is set on a kang, and the ground dragon is burning underneath, which is warmer than the Northern Qi Shizi's house.

Duan Shaoyi ordered a few dishes, and asked, "Just a few days ago, a woman came to me and asked me to draw her a long scroll, one thousand taels per piece. At that time, I proposed to be her royal painter .And guess what?"

Baicao Poetry thought of the long scroll pictures handed down from later generations, such as "A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains", "Han Xizai's Night Banquet", and "Prince Walking", all of which are national treasures in later generations. I don't know if Duan Shaoyi's painting has the potential to become a national treasure if she is brought to modern times.

"I guess, she rejected you. Mr. Duan, people often say that there is a Bole in the world, and then there is a thousand-mile horse. There are always a thousand-mile horse, but Bole doesn't often have one. So, a good horse chooses a tree to live in?"

Duan Shaoyi smiled wryly. These few words were really incisive, and they fully explained his hard experience in these years of being in Yanjing.

"That woman just asked me to draw a long scroll picture, and I draw it every day. You may not know that a long scroll picture needs to memorize countless pictures, and they are all hidden here..." He pointed to his temple, "I drew an impromptu picture, just I felt hearty; when I drew the second picture in a row, I lost interest and became dull and numb; when I drew the third picture, I just wanted to bang my head against the wall. Later I thought, even if I was a painting guy, Absolutely don’t choose such a shopkeeper, even thousands of dollars will not do it.”

He looked at Baicao Poetry inquiringly, "So Miss Bai, do you understand what I mean?"

Baicaoshi understands very well, all he wants is respect.

Treating an artist as a coolie, and the stupid woman who hired him is really hateful.

However, Baicaoshi was not in a hurry to answer. He asked another question, "Mr. Duan, I have always been curious about one thing. I didn't treat you as the guest of honor when I was in the green song. Why did you take care of her so much when she was down and out?" ? How much do you like her?"

Like this kind of thing, Duan Shaoyi has always felt that it is not appropriate to say it out of passion.

However, it is rare for a woman to ask so generously. He took a sip of food and just a sip of wine, and said: "You can say that I like green songs, and you can spend a lot of money for her. But in fact, this is not really like it. I just love the house and the crow."

At the end of the month, Yanshui had a recommendation. After the recommendation was over, the editor said that it needed to be updated.

Weekdays on Thursday, 10,000 to 20,000 after the end. The current archive is zero. Yanshui means Alexander.

Babies who added this book to their collections before, can read all the previous ones on the 30th, but I still hope that everyone will support the genuine subscription, comment more, vote for monthly tickets, and interact more. The story behind the poetry is even more exciting, looking forward to yours join in

(end of this chapter)