Chapter 262: Baimu's abnormal reaction

Chapter 262 Baimu's Abnormal Reaction

Baicaoshi returned home and walked to the yard. Fubao and Mengbao rushed over. She stroked the wolf's head, and then saw the trembling Duan Shaoyi waiting there.

"You... you have a pet that understands human nature. It's just..." I can't keep flattering, Duan Shaoyi is really afraid of these two ends.

Baicaoshi ignored that, "Didn't I tell you to take a good rest and take a look at the house? You, you can make an appointment with Hongqu."

Very good employee benefits, and dormitories are also provided. The most important thing is to be accompanied by a caring young lady.

Hongqu has been in Wanzhou for nearly half a year, and I am quite familiar with the customs here.

Duan Shaoyi is not at ease, the rank of Hongqu is too high now, and the whole person is completely reborn. If he doesn't hurry up, he may find it difficult to find a common topic with Hongqu. "Didn't you ask me to do...the commercial painting? When will it start?"

Baicaoshi, the boss, has no awareness and cannot understand the urgency of the employees. "Now you just look more, think more, and understand more. Our brand is rooted in Wanzhou. I hope... well, it can bring some local characteristics of Wanzhou. Believe me, it won't take long before you will be very busy. .”

Duan Shaoyi prefers to get busy now, "I can understand while drawing."

Baicaoshi pointed casually, "Go out, turn right, and walk more than 200 meters, there is a Quanjufang Roast Duck Restaurant, go to have a big meal, and put it in my account. When you come back, draw a sign, what is the requirement for the sign, the font Together with the pattern, the pattern should not be too complicated, but it must be able to convey the... concept and spirit of this store, do you understand?"

Duan Shaoyi's little head was shaking like a rattle, she didn't understand, is there such an errand in the world? Simply unheard of.

But since he can eat a big meal for free, he will not be polite, "I'll try it." After saying that, he ran away.

Baicaoshi's move is now called "brand visual identity system", and the logo is part of it. Through visual symbols, a unique impression is established in the hearts of customers.

In other words, she wants to bring the modern business model to this time and space.

Go back home and cook with my mother. Because I opened my mouth, I want to cook a royal banquet for the master. She had a family banquet in the palace, so it can only be said that she did it all from memory. Suddenly she remembered something.

"Mom, have you been to Yanjing before? Can you cook Yanjing dishes?"

Bai Li's chopping hand trembled, cutting a small cut in his finger. She quickly put it in her mouth and glanced at her daughter. Fortunately, my daughter didn't pay attention to this when washing vegetables. "I haven't been there before. Our family was born and raised in Baishui Village."

"Huh?" Baicaoshi was taken aback for a moment. If so, she would have nothing to do with the Prince of Northern Qi. "Mother, you never told me about my father, what is my father like?"

Bai Li's eyes flickered, what happened to her daughter today, could it be that she was stimulated? "Why do you think of asking these old things?"

Baicaoshi added some firewood to the stove, thinking of the variety show I watched in modern times, where did Dad go? "I just want to know that the family business is getting bigger and bigger, and the family is prosperous. In the future, I will compile the family tree and include my father in it."

Having such a filial daughter, Bai Li only felt gratified, but... she sighed, "Your father, not long after you were born, there was a famine at home, so he went there. Those days were very difficult, and it was just a waste of time to say it." Adding sorrow, I don’t want to make you sad, life is still looking forward.”

Baicaoshi came over and hugged her mother's waist. She could feel her mother's trembling, but she still tried to stay strong, so she rubbed her face on her mother's shoulder. "Mother, you have worked hard to bring me up with Xiaoshu all these years, and I won't let you suffer any more in the future."

Bai Li twitched the corners of his mouth, tried his best to raise his face, and continued to chop vegetables, "You and Xiaoshu are sensible, mother is not bitter at all."

"However, mother, have you ever thought that maybe dad is still alive..."

Bai Li cut his hand again, and the blood dripped on the cutting board. "You child, why are you talking nonsense today?"

Baicaoshi hurried to help bandage. Since mother didn't want to say it, she couldn't ask any more. Perhaps, there are so many people with similar looks in this world, it is possible that the prince of Northern Qi made a mistake. But she didn't believe her mother's reaction.

Forget it, take a long-term plan and plan it slowly.

This meal was very tortuous, but fortunately, after two hours, it was finally ready, and Baicao Shi was so tired that her back ached. I vowed never to have a banquet again, it would kill me.

"Xiaoshu, go and ask your brother-in-law to come home for dinner." Baicaoshi said to Bai Xiaoshu who came back from the hospital.

Bai Xiaoshu agreed, but was stopped by Zhenyilou, "Let Fubao go, four legs can run faster than two."

Bai Xiaoshu: "..."

Unexpectedly, he was despised. At least he learned kung fu from Shinichi for a while, and he has been practicing hard recently. Hmph, after dinner, I'm going to compete with Fu Bao.

But Baicaoshi is very happy. In the future, Fubao will be like a police dog and can do everything.


After eating, Zhe Yu naturally didn't go back to the academy, and stayed at home.

Facing Shang Zheyu, Baicaoshi was still a little nervous. What happened yesterday still left some shadows in her heart.

However, looking at Zhe Yu, he was no different from usual, and had been writing at the table.

She secretly brewed dendrobium scented tea, "Baby Yu, drink tea."

Zhe Yu didn't lift his eyelids, and continued writing, "Let's put it down."

Baicao Shi glanced at the words he wrote, and Rainbow Fart presented them, "Yu Bao's handwriting is really beautiful, flying like dragons and phoenixes."

Zhe Yu took the pen, his eyes rolled, and he turned around and asked, "Are the words beautiful?"

Baicaoshi was shocked again, and felt numb in his heart, "Good words, better people."

Zheyu took the tea, took a sip respectfully, and put it down, "I'm drafting the "Five-Year Outline of Wanzhou Construction", do you want to take a look and make suggestions?"

Whoa, isn't that the equivalent of a five-year plan? The other world likes this too. "good."

There is only one chair for the desk in the room, Zhe Yu sits, and Baicaoshi can only stand and read. So naturally, Zhe Yu pressed him on his lap and watched in his arms.

The whole world is filled with his aura, so Baicaoshi can't stand it anymore.

"I heard."

"What did you hear?" Baicaoshi stared at his Adam's apple and blinked.

"Your heart is beating very fast." He said calmly like an iceberg.

Baicaoshi can only smile wryly. They are obviously a real couple. After experiencing all the beauty of him, they will still be moved at any time. "Please tell me about this outline, I can act as a dog-headed military advisor."

Bad diversion.

Zhe Yu chuckled lightly, and gently brushed her fingers across her cheeks, "Know how to make palace banquets, plant herbs, and a soft and soft dog-headed military advisor, um, very good."

Baicaoshi was so teased that the white hairs on her little ears stood up. "Yubao, I..."

She wanted to stand up, but was held tightly by Zhe Yu, unable to move.

"Shishi, since you are still in love with me, why did you treat me like that?"

Baicaoshi understands what he means. How can she explain it so that an ancient person can understand her heart that is beating modern thoughts and advocating free love?

Don't think about it if you can't think of it, she directly resorted to her trump card - the list she got back from Shopkeeper Feng, and gave it to Zhe Yu like a treasure.

"Yu Bao, this is the VIP list of Quanjufang, and it is also a list of big businessmen and wealthy households from all walks of life in Wanzhou. It may not be complete, but it is enough to find a few bad guys, let them contribute to the base .”

(end of this chapter)