Chapter 265: The president possesses a big show (one more)

Chapter 265 The president has a big show (one more)

What is the use of the white silkworm?

"The Classic" once recorded: the silkworm larvae are infected with Beauveria bassiana and the dried whole worms are covered with white powder, hence the name Beauveria bassiana.

Modern Chinese medicine practitioners sometimes inject Beauveria bassiana into silkworm larvae in order to obtain Beauveria bassiana.

That is to say, Shuang Ye got the white silkworm by accident, and this silkworm is an extremely precious traditional Chinese medicine.

The white silkworm also has a special effect, that is, it is used in the production of facial masks. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to nourishing whiteness with whiteness. The reason why Baicaoshi's six-white mask failed is because one important medicinal material is missing, that is, white silkworm.

The white silkworm, the white silkworm that Baicaoshi had been thinking about, was delivered to her by Shuangye in this way.

Then, the Seven White Mask can continue to be developed. If you are lucky enough, maybe when the drug store opens, the Qibai Mask will also be on the market. Her cosmeceutical business has added another blockbuster product.

This is really exciting to think about.


At noon on the twenty-ninth day of the first month.

Zhe Yu brought Bu Zhan, representative of the engineer team of the agricultural and mulberry medical care base, Tie Lanxin, representative of the Baicao planting team, and representative of Wugu Jiarong, etc., to the state government office.

The officials who received the task came back with sad faces and dejected heads.

As for the merchants, more than 20 households were invited. There is no doubt that these people have a cautious, skeptical, and wary attitude towards the state capital.

After Zhe Yu seated everyone, he started his big show—the talk show.

"I think that when you came, you already knew the purpose of this trip, but it was not comprehensive. This is an opportunity, an unprecedented opportunity, an opportunity for you to cooperate with the government and share every dividend of Wanzhou's construction. Destiny , what is given to us is the wine of opportunity, not the cup of disappointment."

Very contagious opening remarks, coupled with Oruha's celestial face and magnetic deep voice. As for that famous saying, it came from his little girl. Of course, the little girl also moved from modern times. But whoever says it doesn't matter, as long as it makes sense.

Sure enough, the merchants seemed to have sensed some signs, and the bitter and hated ones had changed their posture, and their ears were pricked up.

"The agricultural and mulberry medical care base will be open to the outside world in the next six months. Young students and the elderly in Mongolian schools, prefectures and counties can visit it for free." Zhe Yu continued. This opinion is also mentioned in the poem of Baicao. And the elderly are free. "However, tourists and businessmen who come to Wanzhou have to pay to visit. This is one of the sources of income for the Nongsang Medical Care Base."

Where there is income, there will be dividends, although in the ears of these merchants, no one may be willing to spend money to visit the Raoshizi Base.

Zhe Yu stretched out two fingers, and continued: "The annual herbal medicine planted in the agricultural and mulberry medical care base will enter the market for circulation. The perennial ones will take time to brew. Wanzhou will also vigorously develop the pharmaceutical industry. Among you Those who are engaged in the pharmaceutical business can obtain higher-quality medicinal materials from the base at a lower price."

"Thirdly, the government will have many infrastructure projects in the future. Anyone who has invested in today's agricultural and mulberry medical and nursing base will have priority in investing in those projects in the future and get the benefits after the project is profitable. This is the great cause of Wanzhou's joint construction, a magnificent picture. Your blueprint is right in front of you, slowly opening up. Whether you can seize the opportunity is up to you."

More than 20 merchants, if you look at me, I will look at you.

Businessmen are different from ordinary people in that they are profit-seeking, and they can see development trends before things show signs of development.

Subsequently, several representatives of the base made sharing respectively, explaining the value of the project from their respective fields of expertise. Of course, before they came, they had gone through Oriha's rehearsal. Whether it is the ability to control the field, the ability to speak, or the ability to instigate, you must pass the test to become a representative.

All the people, all the speeches, have only one purpose, to fool the merchants into pockets.

In the end, Zheyu concluded his speech: "Someone will take you to visit the two glass palaces that have been built in the base later. After the visit, give me your decision. Follow up or give up. There is only one chance. After passing this village, there is no such thing. shop. In the future, the base will attract more merchants to buy shares, but they will not be able to enjoy the rewards that are better than yours today."

In other words, these people will get the original shares. Although the proportion is small.

The person in charge of the base took the merchants to investigate.

There was a businessman in his fifties who walked slowly behind, and when everyone was gone, he went straight to Zhe Yu.

"Master Tongzhi, can I join now? I can contribute..." He raised a finger.

"Ten thousand taels?" Zhe Yu knew that the shopkeeper's surname was Qin, and he used to run a book store.

If Baicaoshi is on the scene, they will find that this is the shopkeeper who wants to sell them the shop. In addition to the restaurant, this person has another identity, that is, the owner of Zhiyuan Bookstore. Yes, it is the book shop that helped Bu Zhan publish "Da Yan Feng Wu Zhi".

Shopkeeper Qin: "..."

A mouthful of old blood stuck in the throat.

Can he say one thousand taels? He sold a shop for only five hundred taels, and the deal has not yet been reached.

However, when he met Shang Zheyu's amber eyes, he swallowed the words of refusal, gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words, "Yes, ten thousand taels."

Zhe Yu immediately smiled, "Did Manager Qin make a decision without looking at the base?"

Shopkeeper Qin took a deep breath. Since he decided to board the pirate ship, he had to make a gesture of enjoyment: "Scholars, farmers, businessmen, and merchants have always been at the bottom of the row. And I can deal with the government today. It is the blessing of my ancestors and the glory of my family. In this way There are not many opportunities. Besides, I have been doing business in Wanzhou for more than ten years, don't I know the wealth of Wanzhou?"

The agreement was prepared a long time ago. You only need to add the amount and press the fingerprints of both parties to take effect.

Five or six of the merchants who saw it last agreed to cooperate and pay for it. But their amount is nothing compared to Shopkeeper Qin's. However, fly legs are also meat, and those with broken feathers will not refuse.

Time soon entered February, and the construction of No. C of Liuli Palace, the agricultural and mulberry medical care base, began. At the same time, notices were issued throughout the city, facing merchants and common people, anyone who is interested can participate in the investment, and they can get benefits in the future. The more you invest, the more you earn.

This behavior, Zhe Yu borrowed a new term from Baicao Poetry, which is called "crowdfunding".


Baicaoshi got the information from Nanzhang. The shopkeeper surnamed Qin came from Song State. And in the agreement signed between Zhe Yu and the merchant, she also saw the information of the surname Qin.

Didn't you say that you want to return to your hometown to take care of your baby and take care of your life?

With such suspicions in mind, Baicaoshi decided to take another look at Shopkeeper Qin.

On the second day, she came to the tea shop opposite Fengying Street alone, paying attention to every move of the shop opposite.

After waiting boredly for more than an hour, she saw Shopkeeper Qin come out. So I followed him all the way until I saw him enter a tall mansion in Jiashanfang.

She went around to the side, turned over and jumped into the wall, easily.

Look around cautiously.

Today is just the Waking of Insects, and the weather is getting warmer. Hiding behind the shrubs in the courtyard, Baicaoshi finally saw the man behind Shopkeeper Qin. Oh, I'm still an acquaintance.

Guess who the man behind Shopkeeper Qin is.

(end of this chapter)