Chapter 279: Chopped Oiran Wind and Dust

Chapter 279 Chop the Oiran Wind and Dust

Under the building, Tie Lanxin was talking to the boy she liked. "Shinichi, can you give me a little response? If you don't speak, do you have someone you like in your heart?"

The body of the tiger on the first floor was shocked. "Don't talk nonsense, there is nothing."

Tie Lanxin smiled foolishly, "Then I still have a chance. Shinichi, even if you lie to me, I'm still happy."

Her voice became lower and lower, and finally fell asleep.

But still maintained the posture of the leg pendant, hugging him tightly, like hugging longing.

Really tugged on the first floor, but didn't move. Finally, with the strength, he carried the person on his shoulders, and his feet floated up.

What should I do with this appearance?

Send it home.

With real first-floor skills, entering and leaving the academy can be like entering a land without people. He got home quickly. Just as he was about to open the door, someone behind him called him, "Shinichi? You you you..."

is a hundred small trees.

Zhen Yilou's face was as black as an iron pan, "I don't sleep in the middle of the night, what do you want from me?"

Bai Xiaoshu originally wanted to ask Coach Wu a question, but right now, he has already forgotten about it. "Shinichi, I never knew that you are so vigorous, I admire you."

Zhen Yilou kicked open the door, kicked it back, and closed it again, almost breaking Bai Xiaoshu's nose.

Bai Xiaoshu rubbed his nose, made a false alarm, and murmured to himself, "It's really strange today. Isn't it the overlord who is going to fight hard? If you have the guts, you are afraid of people talking about it. But this time, Lan Xin's heart is satisfied. "

Zhen Yilou gently put the person on the bed.

Tie Lanxin seemed to smell something, hugged his quilt, sniffed it unconsciously, and kept calling his name, "Shinichi, Shinichi! Don't leave me alone."

Looking at Tie Lanxin who was sleeping soundly, Zhen Yilou blinked and said, "I'm sorry, Xiner, I can't like you, I can't..."


Time has quietly entered March, and Wanzhou City is a thriving scene.

Following the launch of Baicao Xiangyi in Xiangnanfang, Quanjufang held a franchisee meeting. Baicaoshi, Feng Shopkeeper, and Shanyao have specially selected five major companies for cooperation, and will open Quanjufang branches in four economically important cities in Dayan and a port city in the Song Dynasty this year. The four cities included Yanjing.

All franchised stores will adopt the same store signs and visual system as the main store, and the headquarters will send personnel, including shopkeepers, shopkeepers, and chefs to conduct training. The main store can only officially open after passing the assessment.

The advantage of franchising stores is to further expand the brand influence of Quanjufang.

On the third day of March, Baicaoshi visited the Jinxiang Medical Center, and two wolves, Fubao and Mengbao, were lying at his feet. ,

Then I saw the red song rushing in. Her face was pale and flustered, and it had been a long time since Baicaoshi had seen her lose her composure.

"What's the matter, Hongqu?"

"Shishi, they are here. Rong Jing waited for them to arrive in Wanzhou, and even made people... cut off our billboard." Hongqu replied.

Only one sentence, Baicao Poetry can be understood, this is an excuse.


Rong Jinghou’s holiday with Hongqu can be said to be three days and three nights.

At first, Rong Jinghou's son, Rong Ke, was obsessed with red music, and he often went to Hongxiu Tianxiang to join him, just to see the beauty of the beauty. Later, Jun Ke heard people say that there is a kind of wine in the first floor of the world, called red yeast rice, which has the same name as the beauty. But the wine brewing process is very complicated, and the first floor of the world cannot supply it on a large scale.

As the so-called rarity is the most precious, Jun Ke secretly paid a thousand taels of silver from the Hou's mansion, and bought wine to please the beautiful woman.

The red song was indeed very moving, the young master's true feelings, but this also made Rong Jinghou hate the red song even more.

Later, Jun Ke ransomed for the red song and brought it back to the Hou Mansion.

Hongqu kept her posture very low, she just wanted to be a concubine, and Mrs. Hou would naturally choose someone else in the future. But even so, Rong Jinghou couldn't tolerate a seductive woman marrying into the Hou's mansion, tarnishing the reputation of the Hou's mansion.

Rong Jinghou took the most extreme measure, which was to drive Jun Ke out of the house and cut off his money.

Jun Ke's mother, Mrs. Hou Ye, couldn't bear her son's loneliness and helplessness, so she used her relationship to arrange Jun Ke to Kunming Academy. It is hoped that after a while, the old Hou Ye's anger will subside and he will admit his son back to Yanjing.

However, Rong Jinghou has not waited for his son to change his mind until today, and his wings are hardened and he is no longer restrained.

This time Rong Jinghou received the imperial decree to come here, on the one hand to investigate the membership system of the Chuiwan Stadium, and on the other hand to repair that rebellious and unfilial son.

It stands to reason that when Rong Jing is waiting, he should notify the magistrate and fellow magistrates of Wanzhou. But Rong Jing Hou Rong Yi purposely concealed his whereabouts, entered the city alone with his son Rong Su and two subordinates, and notified Rong Ke to come to see him.

Rong Jinghou has to know exactly what Wanzhou is like. Not only to check the membership system of Chuiwan Stadium, but also to see the reality of Wanzhou.

In Nanshi, Rong Jinghou met Jun Ke who had been away for more than a month.

My son has lost weight and seems to have become stronger again.

"Father, you are here." Jun Ke greeted his old man and his eldest brother Rong Su in a shy manner.

"You brat, you know how to call me daddy!" Rong Jinghou greeted him with a slap, and slapped Jun Ke on the back of the head. It's not painful, it's just embarrassing.

Jun Ke rubbed the back of his head, and then said: "Father, I heard that you are coming, why don't you see the imperial envoy team?"

"My name is Weifu private visit, do you understand private visit?" Rong Jinghou pointed casually, "You have been in Wanzhou for more than half a year, lead the way, let me see the grand occasion of Wanzhou."

Papa gave the order, and Junker had no choice but to take him around Nanshi. There are 120 rows in Nanshi, more than 3,000 shops, and more than 400 shops on the four walls, with a mountain of goods. In terms of prosperity, it is no less than Yanjing.

Several people walked to the intersection of Fengying Street and Datong Street.

Junker couldn't move anymore.

A huge billboard appeared in mid-air, on the building. The woman in the painting is extremely beautiful in the world, and Juncker is obsessed with every frown and smile.

As for people, only when they are lost do they know how precious they are. Jun Ke never thought that Hongqu would live better and better without him, but he was still indulging in the past, comforting himself with all kinds of plots of her love for him to survive.

"Who is that?" Naturally, Rong Jinghou also saw the portrait of Hongqu, and pointed at it from afar. In his view, the beauty of the people in the painting is beautiful, but it comes from the wind and dust, low and worthless.

Rong Su replied: "Father, that is the oiran with red sleeves and extra fragrance."

"Ridiculous! In Wanzhou, where I live, and in the important area of ​​Nanshi, there is someone who is shameless and hangs a portrait of a prostitute posing upstairs. How decent is it? Someone, destroy that portrait for me." Rong Jinghou was furious. The land instigates his subordinates, the sword rises and the sword falls, and the advertising poster of the seven white noodles endorsed by Hongqu turned into prophecy powder.

Coincidentally, today Hongqu came to the store to look at Bai Fuling. The two of them were chatting, and then they heard the salesman in the store report, "It's not good, shopkeeper, I don't know who is outside, cut off our billboard."

Hongqu's eyelids twitched. Isn't that her nightmare in Yanjing?

Rong Jing is here!

(end of this chapter)