Chapter 282: The first golf event

Chapter 282 The first golf event

Because of the people's petitions and the pressure of public opinion, Rong Jinghou decided to stop pursuing the matter of red yeast rice.

"Master Hou," Zhe Yu's tone became more relaxed, and he stopped calling out for respect, "The red song girl is not here, but I promise, you will see each other soon."

Rong Jinghou's lower eyelid twitched again, he didn't want to see Hongqu. He is a majestic Marquis, what does he do when he sees a prostitute?

Next, Zhe Yu led Rong Jinghou to the magistrate's office in Wanzhou, where he prepared food and drinks.

Rong Jinghou was secretly delighted, seeing that Zhe Yu had a face that resembled the Fifth Prince's, did he not want to flatter him in the end? To put it nicely, this meal is called "receiving the wind and washing the dust", but to put it badly, it is bribery. Zhengchou had nowhere to find a handle, and the handle came to his door by himself.

Before the banquet began, Ji Xuan, the nominal Zhizhou, the dean of Kunming Academy, came. "Master Hou has arrived, but he has not greeted him from afar, so please don't be offended by Master Hou."

"It's okay, the old Jijiu is too polite." Rong Jinghou greeted him decently. In the past, Ji Xuan was known as an iron rooster, and he was quite upright. He was known as a lonely minister. Rong Jinghou didn't get close to him, and being able to exchange a few pleasantries was already enough of a face.

Zhe Yu ordered people to add more bowls and chopsticks to Ji Xuan, "The dean came just in time, let's respect and wait together."

However, when the banquet came, Rong Jinghou was dumbfounded.

Everyone has a small dining table, and the dishes on the table are really vegetarian, not even much minced meat. Is this the treatment and specifications for imperial envoys? Didn't it say that Wanzhou is rich and rich?

"You are welcome, Lord Hou. These are authentic Wanzhou delicacies. They are delicious. Try them."

Rong Jinghou sighed, it seems that this handle has been invalidated, but fortunately, the color and fragrance are still qualified. He raised his glass, took a sip, and almost spat it out. How long has it been since you had such a bad wine?

However, the strange thing is that Zhe Yu and Ji Xuan drank it happily, as if it was the best nectar in the world.

While eating the food, Rong Jinghou picked up two chopsticks, either too salty or bland.

But Zhe Yu and Ji Xuan surprised him greatly. How did they swallow such rough food? Unexpectedly, I felt like eating sweets.

Ji Xuan sighed while eating, "Zheyu, don't tell me, your small kitchen is just good, and the porridge and side dishes are all delicious. I will definitely come here more in the future."

Is this taste still bad? Give it to Rong Jinghou for free, but Rong Jinghou doesn't eat it.

Zhe Yu eats in a gentle manner, but in fact, the food goes down very quickly. "This is a dish researched by Shi Shi. It is natural and seasonal vegetables. It is delicious and not greasy. I am used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas. Eating these has a special flavor."

Rong Jinghou said, no. He would rather delicacies from mountains and seas, big fish and big meat.

How did he know that his food looks the same as Oriha's, but the taste is very different.

In the words of Baicao Poetry, it would be good if you didn’t add croton, what better taste?

That night, Rong Jinghou had a bad stomach, and went to the toilet five or six times throughout the night, and his whole body was about to lose his appearance.


On the second day, Rong Jinghou stayed in the posthouse to take a good rest, but when he was still asleep, someone woke him up.

Zheyu sent someone, please wait patiently to go to Kunming Academy to review the appearance of the students and the agricultural and mulberry medical care base.

This is not within the scope of Rong Jinghou's investigation, but it is indeed a good opportunity to know Wanzhou. Rong Jinghou rubbed his empty stomach, cheered up, and boarded the carriage to the academy.

First of all, the students of the academy walked in the square formation.

Ying Zheming had also seen it at the time, and couldn’t help but be amazed at this advanced militarized management, iron discipline, and steel will, which gave him the illusion that even if this group of people were dragged to the battlefield, they would survive. Rong Jinghou's reaction was not much better than Ying Zheming's. This, this, this is very good.

After visiting the phalanx, Zhe Yu took Rong Jinghou to the base.

First of all, Rong Jinghou was attracted by this peculiar architectural form. Immediately asked why.

Bu Zhan gave an explanation. Of course, this explanation is very mysterious, and it will only make people feel clouded and misty.

It was the beginning of the shock when we actually got inside.

In March, Yanjing was still in the cold spring, but in the base, it was as warm as summer. Those mulberry branches have issued green leaves, and the first batch of spring silkworms have begun to breed. In the second greenhouse, various herbs and crops are planted.

A student generously explained the selection of plants, cultivation items, expected yield, and future economic benefits.

Who said that scholars do not work hard and do not distinguish between five grains? Looking at it respectfully, this is simply a slap in the face.

If the entire Great Yan is planted according to the method of Kunming Academy, then the timing, season, temperature, light, and rain will not be a problem. Then, wouldn’t there be all kinds of crops and medicinal materials? How much wealth will this create? inestimable.

After a visit, Rong Jinghou was hungry and let out a groaning disappointment.

He heard from Jun Ke yesterday that the food in the cafeteria of the academy is delicious, and it is all made by the chefs of Quanjufang.

Unexpectedly, Zhe Yu and the others clearly had no intention of letting him eat.

Get into the carriage, and pull people to the dam in Wanzhou to have a walk.

After watching the water conservancy, I went to two new places, namely the Nursing Home and the Salesian Bureau. The former takes in widowed and lonely elderly people, while the latter takes in homeless children. Rong Jinghou opened his eyes wide, seeing the smiles on those people's faces, he inexplicably felt a little hot in his eyes.

I wanted to represent the holy will, make an act of experiencing the people's feelings, and have a meal with everyone, but was dragged away by Zhe Yu's people.

This time the destination is Chui Wan Stadium.

Rong Jinghou heard before that King Ming also wanted to build a golf course, so he did not hesitate to offend the Holy Wrath to enclose the land and plant grass. As a result, the grass failed to be planted, so he was demoted by His Majesty.

Seeing the stadium in Wanzhou, Rong Jinghou only thought that King Ming was a big joke.

Look at the blue sky in Wanzhou, the green space in Wanzhou, the caddies in Wanzhou, the shopkeepers in Wanzhou. Huh? Rong Jinghou rubbed his eyes, and asked his elder son Rong Su, "Did I misread, who is the person walking towards me?"

Rong Su naturally saw it too, "Father, you read that right, that's the oiran...that's the red song."

It is obviously inappropriate to be called Oiran now.

Hongqu came to the front, and someone presented the golf ball and club, blessing the body, "Master Rong Jing, I am the person in charge of the Yushi Golf Course, and I will..."

Wait, Rong Jinghou plucked out his ears, suspecting that he was hallucinating, "What is your identity?"

"I am the person in charge of the course, Lord Hou. In other words, this course is mine. Let me introduce you to the rules of golf."

Rong Jinghou: "..."

He basically didn't listen to it, still immersed in great shock.

No wonder Zhe Yu said that he would still see Hongqu, so she was the shopkeeper.

She is a prostitute, how can He De manage such a big stadium?

Unbelievable, unbelievable.

Hongqu didn't notice his demeanor or expression at all, and gave a speech with extremely professional quality and eloquence, sharing the rules of the Sanzhuxiang game for him.

Jun Ke was in the background the whole time. He looked at Hongqu several times, eager to get affirmation from her eyes, but he ignored Hongqu. In the end, Junker's eyes almost failed.

"Master Hou, please try it with your son now?" Hongqu said.

Your son is naturally Rong Su, not Jun Ke.

Rong Jinghou felt that although the environment was not bad, he didn't want to end in person. How to say, he is also the Marquis of the court, so it is inappropriate to play this kind of stuff of lower Liba people. Besides, he was facing the person who almost became his daughter-in-law.

Hong Qu's request, he can still ignore it. But Zhe Yu handed over the club, so he had to pretend to swing it.

After all, he is a rookie in Xinshou Village, so he has no accuracy at all.

Rong Jing waited for the first shot, and a huge joke was made.

Zhe Yu invited Ying and made a demonstration in person.

Crack, one swing, the ball went into the small hole, flawless.

Rong Jinghou's desire to win was aroused, and he didn't believe that he would be inferior to Zhe Yu.

One shot after another, it seems that I have finally touched some doors, and each time I do better than the last time. Although it is still far away from the hole, the sense of accomplishment is enough to wait for the spring breeze.

This practice lasts for two hours.

Time is really not short.

Rong Jinghou wiped the sweat off his forehead and asked, "Then how can I become your member? Oh, by the way, do you have those people in your membership?"

"The membership fee is one hundred taels of silver per year. At present, dozens of rich merchants from Wanzhou have become our members, and there are also a small number of students in the academy." Hongqu replied.

Rong Jinghou was shocked again. It turns out that there are really people who are so rich.

But merchants and dignitaries are people from two worlds, how can they swing together? He asked the question angrily.

Zhe Yu smiled and said: "Honor Rong, to be honest, you have visited this time, and I would also like to ask you to present a memorial to His Majesty on your behalf. The first Wanzhou Cup Golf World Championship is hosted by Kunming Academy. It is mainly aimed at The four major academies in the world."

Rong Jinghou: "..."

He hasn't investigated the mystery of the membership system, and he is about to become Zhe Yu's mouthpiece. What kind of competition is he going to do? Doesn't he look like someone who was used as a gun? Snorting coldly, Rong Jinghou asked: "Why? Zhe Yu, you must give me a convincing argument."

"Is this reason enough to promote our national prestige and to attract talents from all over the world?" Zhe Yu replied proudly.

Rong Jinghou took a deep breath, okay, that's great, this is painting big cakes! When he was a three-year-old child, was he so easy to fool? "Tongzhi Zheyu, tell me how to promote the prestige of the country and how to attract talents?"

Zheyu raised his first finger, "First, this chuiwan court is currently the first in Wanzhou, and there is no such game in other countries. Once it is launched, it will definitely attract the attention of all countries."

Zhe Yu raised his second finger, "Secondly, the competition is open to students from academies from all over the world. To put it bluntly, this is a collision between scholars. Those people who come to Wanzhou, I can assure you that they will frighten Wanzhou The infrastructure is advanced, the humanities are strong, the style of study is open-minded, and the entertainment is rich. Believe me, this year's autumn recruitment, Kunming Academy will definitely have countless people who want to come in."

"Thirdly, the holding of the event will promote the business of post stations and restaurants, and will also bring about the improvement of infrastructure. I plan to take this opportunity to rebuild the roads from Wanzhou to Yanjing, to Boyang, and to the port cities of Song Dynasty. Road If the resources are abundant, the people will naturally become richer.”

Zhe Yu listed a total of ten benefits, listening to Rong Jinghou as if being brainwashed.

How could he not have thought of a genius idea? However, another thought immediately popped up. "What you said sounds good. When it is actually implemented, how much can be implemented. Just talking about these matters will require a lot of expenses. How do you solve it? Don't wait until then, you still have to rely on the people's anointing. At that time, don't Blame me for not reminding you, His Majesty is the first one not to forgive you."

With his hands behind his back, Zhe Yu looked at a cloud in the sky, "I hold the tournament for the benefit of the common people, so why would I want to collect money from the people? The money is naturally paid by merchants. Among the members of the stadium, there are quite a few Some of them are business tycoons. Correspondingly, I will give them some...advertising space, so that they can display their products in front of the six countries, and open up sales channels to the six countries. You see, this is a strong alliance, mutual benefit mutual benefit."

"Rong Jinghou, if you are willing to suggest to His Majesty this important event that will benefit the future and benefit the present, the people of Wanzhou will always be grateful to you, and you will have a rich and colorful stroke in the history books of Wanzhou, as well as in the history of golf. There is your place. You just swung and felt its charm. Believe me, a grand event of the times is about to begin. We are all witnesses."

Rong Jinghou's eyes flickered, and his heart was moved.

"Father!" Rong Su called several times, but Rong Jinghou didn't respond.

"Okay! I'll give it to His Majesty right now. But if you mess things up, even if you have nine heads, it won't be enough for Your Majesty to chop off."


A few days later, an urgent secret letter departed from Wanzhou and arrived in Yanjing.

Rong Jinghou, who was originally ordered to check the secrets of the Chuiwan Stadium, instead said a lot of good things for the stadium, and suggested that Kunming College should hold the game. The news instantly stirred up Yan Jing.

Emperor Yanwu thought about it for a while, then figured out the key points, and with a swipe of his pen, he was sure.

(end of this chapter)