Chapter 285: Start-up of Baicaoyuan Group

Chapter 285 Baicaoyuan Group Start-up

A transnational competition is the most test of a city's infrastructure and service level.

This is also the biggest challenge for Oriyu since he took office as a co-prefect.

Originally Zhe Yu intended to invite the four major academies to discuss, so the scale is relatively controllable.

Unexpectedly, when the Youxian King of Beirong heard that the promoter behind this event was the hero who single-handedly facilitated the mutual market with Beirong and helped him shock the Zuoxian King, he strongly recommended Khan and said that Beirong Also come to join us.

Beirong is here, and Xiliang is also here to join in the fun. Xiliang is the furthest away from Dayan, and in the westernmost part of the continent, it is also eager for opportunities for trade and commerce.

All countries have written letters to Emperor Yanwu that they will visit Wanzhou City and participate in this emerging ball game.

Emperor Yanwu felt the strength and majesty of the Shang Kingdom, and waved his hand, yes.

Except for Yunzhao who was exterminated, in the near future, all countries will gather in Wanzhou.


There are still more than three months before the competition.

After discussing with Zheyu, Baicaoshi and Zheyu decided to hold a meeting to mobilize their own resources in addition to government contributions.

This conference was unprecedentedly grand, established the joint-stock system and shareholders' rights and interests, and established a large pattern that will affect future development. It was written into the yearbook of Baicaoyuan Group by the latecomers.

Among the participants, there were Feng Zhenye and Yam, the managers of Quanjufang; Xue Lin and Greenhead Weng, the managers of Jinxiang Medical Center; Hong Qu, the manager of the golf course; The person in charge is Bai Fuling and the first channel, Shang Wenxiang; several port leaders from the Nongsang Medical Nursing Base also came, including the project directors Bu Zhan, Luo Chen, and Ping Sheng, and the herbal cultivator Shuang Ye, who is now synchronizing I am learning pharmacology knowledge with Pulsatilla, making rapid progress. Tie Lanxin was in charge of the logistics management part; Nanchao and his brothers who were active in the black market were also present. They no longer fight in the arena, just monitor the black market, and pay attention to some bulk herbs for Baicaoshi, especially keel. Duan Shaoyi is currently alone, but Baicaoshi thought of a better place for him.

In addition, Zhenyilou and Bai Xiaoshu are also there.

The venue of the meeting is Quanjufang. The restaurant is closed today, and the super VIP rooms are full of people. Many of them do not know each other. Today is just an opportunity to enhance understanding.

There was an episode while arranging seats.

Nan Yang wanted to sit next to Tie Lanxin, and Tie Lanxin sat down directly next to Zhen Yilou, and smiled at him with two small white teeth.

Shinichi had no expression on his face, and lowered his head to dig the table.

The table was dug out with two big holes.

Tie Lanxin laughed softly, "Look, your desk has eyes, does it look like I'm staring at you?"

Zhen first floor: "..."

sat in the opposite direction to her again.

In the main seat in the middle of the meeting, Zhe Yu and Baicaoshi sat. Baicaoshi felt a headache when she saw this **** drama of "I can't get enough of love".

The guy in the restaurant poured wolfberry and chrysanthemum tea to the people present.

The tea party officially begins.

Baicaoshi looked around, feeling a little passionate in her heart. These people gathered because of her and Zhe Yu.

"Everyone knows that in three months, Wanzhou will hold a grand golf event, namely the Chuiwan competition. This is a great opportunity for us. Because people who come here need to eat and stay in hotels , they may be acclimatized and need medical treatment; they need to buy Yixiang bath beans and rouge gouache for their wives and daughters. This is our opportunity. Use the best products and services and let them pay for it.” Pause For a moment, Baicao Poetry made eye contact with everyone, "The purpose of calling everyone here today is to brainstorm how to maximize profits in our system. Next, please share your views with the principals of each branch. "

People in the field are very curious about this. This is equivalent to a debriefing meeting, and they have never experienced it.

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, no one is embarrassed to stand up first.

Zorha simply called the roll call. "Yam, you come first."

He is young and energetic. Even if he says something bad, he will only make everyone laugh and will not cause any pressure.

Yam pointed to her nose, feeling a little apprehensive, but scratched her head and stood up.

"Sister Shishi, we have actually discussed it internally at Quanjufang. Those students and officials from other countries may not have eaten Wanzhou's special cuisine. We are already developing a new menu. Actually, this has been done before, and it is also We have accumulated a lot of experience. In addition, we thought that the competition will be hotter in July, so the chef suggested to make more iced drinks. In winter, we store a lot of ice in the cellar, which is just right Come in handy…"

He murmured a lot of suggestions, and the audience nodded from time to time.

Baicaoshi feels that it is very rare for an ancient person to think of these things. After finishing speaking, she added a summary, "Yam, you have a very good idea. However, since we are the host, we have to show some host attitude. My idea is to provide some special snacks for free in addition to working meals."

The people below looked at each other, they were more concerned about how much money would it cost? Will it be a loss? Especially Feng the shopkeeper, a little heartache.

But the girl doesn't seem like someone who will suffer.

Baicaoshi has a panoramic view of everyone's indescribable expressions. "The snacks I'm talking about, such as our Jiujiu duck neck and pickled salted duck eggs. These don't cost much copper, and they also show our sincerity. The packaging of snacks must be done with sincerity. The yam, the shopkeeper, Later, you discuss it with Guanshi Duan. Oh, yes, there is still a figure, so let’s make a cute plush doll of Quanju Duck and give it to the contestants. If others want it, they need to buy it.”

On this point, Baicaoshi also borrowed from the modern Olympic Games. The organizer will provide special souvenirs. She believed that with Duan Shaoyi's artistic attainments, once he made a move, he would definitely make everyone in the six countries fall in love.

The second report is shopkeeper Xue.

"Girl, the Golden Elephant Medical Center recently excavated a student who practiced medicine at home from the academy. He took out an ancestral prescription—peppermint oil, and smeared it on the affected area, which can promote blood circulation, reduce swelling, relieve pain and relieve itching; if applied on Yintang, temples It will have a cooling and relieving effect. Senior Hua, the doctors in the medical center and I will produce more in case of need. In addition, we also have a large number of herbs for clearing away plague, detoxification, and relieving heat and quenching thirst, just in case one."

When hearing peppermint oil, Baicaoshi's eyes lit up.

This little expression was immediately captured by Oriha beside him. "What good recipe do you have?"

Baicaoshi nodded. Peppermint oil can only be regarded as an extract. It is further refined to become cooling oil. In modern times, among the Chinese patent medicines exported by China, cooling oil is the most popular brand. Baicaoshi wrote a line of words on the paper to Zhe Yu, and Zhe Yu greatly appreciated it when he saw it. His girl is a genius.

Materia Medica research and development will not be discussed at the meeting. Zhe Yu added, "At that time, we will recruit some ordinary people to provide rescue services for contestants and tourists. This is also a way to promote the "great doctor's sincerity" of the Golden Elephant Medical Center."

This is equivalent to a volunteer, and Baicaoshi also discussed it with Zhe Yu before.

"Bu Zhan, before the competition, how many buildings can be built in Liuli Palace?" Baicaoshi asked.

"The Bing Ding Wu Ji should be able to be built." Bu Zhan replied. "At that time, foreign visitors can be received."

Now two greenhouses have been built, and the herbs and crops in them are growing very well. When the weather gets better, some annual herbs can be kept out of the greenhouse, so only the herbs that must grow in the greenhouse will be cultivated, and the utilization rate will also be improved.

In the established plan of Baicaoshi, the greenhouse will be built into a Baicao conservation base and museum, and it will be charged for tourists, which is also a long-term profit model. The fee can fully cover the repairs of the students of the academy.

"Okay, on the basis of maintaining quality and quantity, speed up the construction period." Baicaoshi turned to the green man again, "Master, you must worry about the cultivation of herbal medicine at the base."

Green-headed Man took a sip of tea and smiled brightly, "My old bones are still very useful."

"Sister, my silkworm will soon enter its second age." Shuangye said cheerfully.

Probably in the audience, only Baicaoshi and Green-headed Man could understand this sentence. After returning from Yanjing, Baicaoshi told Shuangye that once the greenhouse was built and the mulberry leaves were planted, spring silkworms would start to be cultivated. When the silkworm reaches the second instar, it has the conditions to become the host of Cordyceps sinensis.

In this superficial era and under the condition of backward productivity, artificially cultivating Cordyceps sinensis is such a fulfilling thing!

"Okay, Shuangye did a particularly good job this time. In the future, our Cordyceps will be credited with you."

Many people don’t know about Cordyceps, so Nan Yang rolled up his sleeves and asked directly, “Girl, what is Cordyceps?”

Baicaoshi considered it for a while, and said with a smile: "It is a worm in winter, and a grass in summer. It is a very precious medicinal material that can cure many diseases."

There is a long inhalation sound in the box. Everything in the world has its own magic, and animals and plants can be integrated into one. "What does it look like? What does it look like?"

"You will know when it is cultivated. At that time, Quanjufang will launch a new soup, which is Cordyceps Laoya Soup. You can try it."

When it came to eating, a group of people rubbed their bellies.

Especially the green-headed old man, who was not able to live up to his stomach at the beginning, but now he has to worry about Baicao poetry every day, and he is still immersed in it.

Nanzhang took his brothers to stand up, but he couldn't get any emotional response, so he decided to roll up his sleeves and work hard with Baicaoshi. "Girl, after they've finished talking, I just want to ask, what can our brothers do?"

Baicaoshi looked at Zhe Yu.

He is good at dispatching troops.

"You are responsible for maintaining the law and order of Wanzhou City, which is roughly equivalent to the role of the city defense department." Zhe Yu explained, "Prevent people from taking the opportunity to cause chaos, commit crimes, and protect the safety of the people of Wanzhou. In the future, you can get monthly money from the government. .”

Nanjiang brothers are overjoyed. Once upon a time, they occupied mountains as bandits, and their biggest dream was to be recruited by the imperial court. It finally came true today.

"Then, thank you, Master Oriha."

After some discussion, there was no work report left for the golf division.

Hongqu Niao Tingting stood up, "The problem of the stadium is more serious now. If it is the four major academies, our stadium can handle it. But if it is from all over the world, the size of the stadium is not enough."

This is also the most important problem before us.

In fact, at the beginning, Baicaoshi got the Zoysia seeds rewarded by the system, and the idea of ​​building a golf course was born. Just at that time, she saved Hongqu, and in order to repay her, Hongqu gave her many treasures. By coincidence, she picked the land deed, and logically, Hongqu was the "contractor" and built the current building. golf course.

How big is the open space given by the merchant?

Essentially, this course is a nine-hole driving range.

If students and missions from many countries are coming, at least one 18-hole official golf course is needed.

"You mean, we need a bigger venue?" Baicaoshi asked.

Calculating the production cycle of Zoysia grass, it can be satisfied. It's just that golf has high requirements on the venue, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, and undulating terrain is better. Where can I find a suitable place?

This problem is more difficult. Zhe Yu pointed out: "The stadium must not occupy cultivated land, otherwise we will be no different from the nobles in the Yanjing enclosure, and we will be scolded by thousands of people. Get rid of this and find a suitable place."

Zhenyilou, who was silent the whole time, said, "I know there is a place, which is the mass grave in the west of the city. It covers a huge area and has a large forest, where wild beasts often appear."

If such land is transformed into a golf course, I believe no one will criticize it, but it will create greater value.

Baicaoshi immediately decided, "How about this, Hongqu, you can go and have a look with me tomorrow."

Hongqu took a deep breath, mass graves, I don’t know how many lonely ghosts there are, it’s creepy to think about it.

"If you dare not go, I will go for you." It was Bai Xiaoshu who spoke. "Guaranteed to bring back detailed Feng Shui geology."

Hongqu smiled, "Who says I dare not, I want to go by myself. I am upright and not afraid of ghosts and evil."

Several important matters came to an end, and Baicao Shifu stood up again, with a solemn and serious expression. "Next, I want to announce something that is related to the vital interests of everyone here. That is, I want to set up a group called Baicaoyuan Group. Regarding our future cooperation methods, I offer two options. One is to maintain The status quo remains unchanged, and I will give you corresponding remuneration according to your labor. The second is to implement a joint-stock system. What is a joint-stock system? Everyone is a shareholder and a shopkeeper. According to the talents, technology, labor and funds provided by everyone, Decide how much you can get in return in the future. With so many branches, we have truly become a big family. If one party has difficulties, we will support each other. I will give you three days to consider, and the choice is in your hands."

In fact, it was useless for three days. Many people had already expressed their willingness to go on with Baicaoshi.

There are several students in the academy, but because the family has property, they did not agree. The other person who refused was unexpectedly Tie Lanxin.

She glanced at the first floor of Zhenyi, bit her lower lip, and said in a difficult tone: "Sorry Shishi, I have my own way. But I will still support your Nongsang medical care base. Shinichi, can you accompany me?" Go out for a walk?"

She stepped out of the VIP box first, but the first floor did not catch up.

When going down the stairs, Tie Lanxin wiped away the tears in her eyes and told herself silently. "From today on, only live for the goal in your heart, and never pay attention to the disturbance of love in this world."

(end of this chapter)