Chapter 296: Lost Costin's broken soldiers

Chapter 296 Lost Costin

As the second largest city in Dayan, Wanzhou was originally a place where merchants rushed to enter. In the past, in Nanbei City of Wanzhou, there were many Hu merchants doing business.

Nowadays, with the holding of cross-border golf tournaments, this place has become a paradise for businessmen, and the "city within a city" was born.

Baicaoshi and Zheyu went shopping with Ban Shuangye.

After entering the market, Baicaoshi couldn't move forward.

Her gaze landed on a herb stall, which sold authentic medicinal materials from Xiliang. There are only a handful of them, more than a dozen, and Baicaoshi is interested in them all.

"Boss, how do you sell this lily, wolfberry, oh, licorice, and safflower?"

In modern times, lily and medlar are produced in Gansu and the Hexi Corridor, while licorice and safflower are mainly produced in Xinjiang.

Baicaoshi speculates that Xiliang is closer to the ancient Western Regions geographically.

Because she was too excited, she ordered several medicinal materials to inquire about the price.

The shopkeeper, with high eyebrows and deep eyes, quoted the price in a not-so-fluent Dayan speech. Those who travel far and wide and want to do big business have to pass the language test.

Baicao Poetry is not quite understandable, looking at Zhe Yu as if asking for help.

Zhe Yu clung to her ear and whispered, "He took you for a fool, and the price was so high."

Baicaoshi said "hmm", the boss looks quite simple and honest.

Zhe Yu said again in a low voice: "Look at his position is so good, but the herbs are basically not turned over, what does that mean? He scared away the customers who really wanted to buy it when he opened his mouth. What's the reason? It can only be caused by the price." .”

Baicaoshi pinched her chin, thinking it made sense. She replied bluntly, "It's cheaper, 50% off."

The boss's eyebrows flew into "Avanti", which is very exaggerated. The speed of speech is like a firecracker. It's nothing more than that his herbs are of high quality and good in color, and they were transported all the way from Xiliang, and lost a lot when passing through the desert.

Baicaoshi still had to bargain, Zhe Yu took her away. "You might as well look at it more before buying. And when you ask, don't ask so many at once. The more urgent you show, the higher the price will be."

Shuang Ye listened and was particularly taught. "Brother-in-law is amazing, he knows everything."

Of course Baicaoshi also understands it, but she is a doctor, and she will naturally be virtuous when she sees herbal medicine.

Walking and walking, I stopped at a stall in front again. There were not so many medicinal materials, but there were several kinds that Baicaoshi was interested in. The price is half cheaper than the previous one.

Zhe Yu said: "It's time to start."

There are a lot of things, the small pan is full, and Shuangye volunteers to carry it on her back. "Sister Shishi, what are these herbs used for?"

Shuangye is now studying medicine with Pulsatilla, full of curiosity.

Baicaoshi is also willing to teach her. "The safflower, remember, it has many uses. The most important thing is to promote blood circulation, promote qi and relieve pain. But what I value are its other functions, such as dyeing, and as a raw material for rouge. Herborist Xiangyi soon You can update it."

If the Qibai mask is still in the stage of skin care cosmeceuticals, then the rouge made of safflower has entered the beauty industry.

"What about licorice?"

"Glycyrrhizae is mainly used to eliminate phlegm and relieve cough. You have seen a lot of goji berries. Quanjufang has goji berries in almost every dish, which improves the color. But I think the goji berries sold by Xiliang people are better. As for lily, celery lily Porridge, super delicious."

When it comes to eating, Zhe Yu thought that after getting married, this food and drink would be really satisfying. Baicaoshi didn't know about his mental activities, otherwise he would have slapped his thighs and shouted, "Look at what I said, if you want to grab a man's heart, you must first grab his stomach."

Going forward, Baicaoshi bought some Bupleurum and Platycodon grandiflorum from a Beirong man.

"This platycodon root is very delicious for making kimchi. Alas, Quanjufang is going to update the menu again." Baicaoshi was very distressed. There were too many ideas and creativity, and the chef couldn't keep up.

"I'll just eat anyway." Zhe Yu said with a smile.

"Let's go home, I'll make platycodon kimchi for you!" Baicaoshi waved her hand, wanting to go home.

Zhe Yu held her back and pointed at her, "Are you sure you don't want to read anything else? See what's for sale over there?"

Baicaoshi looked in the direction of her finger. A woman in Beirong costume, with many small braids on her head and a touch of plateau red on her cheeks, was selling...a big bird.

The bird is very beautiful, the head feathers are white, with brown spots, and the upper body is dark gray. The mouth is sharp and the eyes are sharp.

It stands on the girl's shoulder, very intimate. Occasionally spread its wings, and the two wings are more than two meters long.

" this?" Herborist asked stammeringly. She had an answer in her heart, and she wasn't sure.

"This is Haidongqing." Zhe Yu had to answer with certainty, and considering the color, this should be a breed that only the nobles of Beirong are qualified to raise.

Baicao Shi remembered the problem that the master posed in the policy theory class when Zhe Yu was enrolled in Kunming Academy. General Weiyuan, who guarded the border gates of the Tatar royal court, presented Haidongqing as a gift for the 45th birthday of the Great Zhou Emperor.

"Don't say that the emperor likes this big bird, I'm tempted even after seeing it. If you raise one, it will be quite handsome." I think I can teach Fubao to compete.

The woman who sold the bird heard it, and complimented her in fluent Dayan words: "Young lady has good eyesight, my Haidongqing blood is noble, if I am not eager to spend money, I will not sell it at all."

Very well, this time there is no language barrier. "How much is Costin?"

The plateau red woman stretched out a finger, "One hundred taels."

One hundred taels is a lot, which is equivalent to several years of rations for ordinary people. But for a Costin, especially a Costin with noble blood, it's really nothing.

Baicaoshi now has money in his pocket, so he doesn't panic. Besides, Haidongqing and Zheyu are such a match.

She went to get her wallet.

Zhe Yu grabbed her and whispered, "Are you sure you want to buy it? Costin is hard to tame."

Baicaoshi smiled: "Yu Bao, Fu Bao is hard to tame, Huang Lu is hard to tame, haven't we all tamed it? It's just a sea dongqing."

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. A pure-blooded Haidongqing, not to mention a hundred taels of silver, even a thousand taels, and someone bought it." Zhe Yu reminded Baicaoshi again, but he looked at the daughter of the falcon from the corner of the eye. The woman did not conceal the spring breeze between her eyebrows and eyes, and she did not see the embarrassment of needing money urgently. "Why is she willing to sell it cheaply?"

Baicaoshi stood on tiptoe and said something in Zhe Yu's ear, Zhe Yu stopped speaking, but raised the corners of his mouth instead.

If Costin is given as a 21st birthday present, it would be a good idea.

After paying the money, the woman weighed it with a smile, "My name is Pijia, thank you for your emergency rescue, and bought my Costin."

The world can speak out all the emergency words, which shows that this woman is proficient in Yan culture.

Her name is also very interesting, Baicaoshi thought, and walked home with Haidongqing, which weighed dozens of catties.

After walking a few hundred meters and leaving Nanshi, when there were not so many people, I suddenly heard a whistle.

Hai Dongqing flapped her wings and was about to fly back.

The hundred taels of silver seemed to be in vain, Baicaoshi pressed the bracelet and shot three needles.

Since the improvement of the master's Mafeisan, in Baicaoshi's bracelet, half of the needles are used to quench the poison of aconite, and the other half are used to quench the poison of Mafeisan.

The amount of three needles is probably enough to anesthetize Haidongqing, which is one of Baicaoshi's confidence in buying it.

However, Haidongqing is the "God of Eagles" after all, and its status in Beirong is equivalent to that of Xuanniao or Phoenix to Dayan.

Mafeisan couldn't stop Haidongqing, and it didn't have much impact except for a little falcon wandering. It became more fierce and seemed to fight Baicaoshi to the end.

Zheyu moved, his palms flew like Tai Chi, and he attacked Haidongqing. Every move seemed soft, but in fact it contained great power, making Hai Dongqing unable to fight back.

"Yubao, save it." Baicaoshi, who turned into a cheerleader, shouted.

Zhe Yu raised his palm above his head, slanted his hand into a knife, and took a picture. "Don't worry, be measured."

Costin was dizzy.

At this moment, Zhe Yu also blew his whistle, and after a while, a yellow puma rushed over. Zhe Yu tied Hai Dongqing to the horse. "Walk!"

Behind the wall of the room not far away, three figures walked out. The one in the front is not the plateau red woman just now, but who is it?

"Secondly, they defeated Costin."

"Jici", in the language of Beirong, means the daughter of the king, which is equivalent to the princess of Dayan.

The woman squeezed the hundred taels of silver tightly in her hand, her eyes were about to burst into flames, the hundred taels of silver was not considered money at all, she had lost her wife and lost her army. "Go to my father, I want to seek justice for my Hai Dongqing. I will never forgive that man lightly."

It turns out that this woman is the daughter of King Youxian of Beirong——Pijiajuci.

(end of this chapter)