Chapter 301: Fly to the broken feather ball

Chapter 301 The ball flying to Zhe Yu

After dinner, Baicaoshi accompanied her mother for a walk near the academy. She could feel her mother's gloomy mood since she met Queen Nanyuan, and she thought this should be a cheap father.

She actually doesn't have any feelings about having a prince, she just thinks it's funny. After all, she still can't get rid of the routine of wearing a book, and the identity of a time traveler has a lot to say.

Bai Li saw her daughter was silent, but instead had the idea of ​​​​confiding. "Xiao Cao'er, don't you want to ask what happened today?"

Baicaoshi held her mother's arm, and rubbed her small face on her shoulder, "Mother wants to say it, so she will naturally. Mother ignores her. When I see him, I will never give him a bad look."

Hearing her daughter's domineering declaration, Bai Li couldn't help laughing, "He seems to be a high official in the Northern Qi Dynasty."

Back then, he was the heir who left his hometown, what position will he be now?

Baicaoshi whispered into Baili's ear, "Don't talk about the high officials of the Northern Qi Dynasty, even the emperor of Dayan, I don't care if I want to."

Anyway, there are not many intersections, so you are not afraid of flashing your tongue when you talk big.

"You child, you know that misfortune comes from your mouth, so don't talk nonsense." Mrs. Bai Li clicked on the center of Baicaoshi's eyebrows, like a kitten scratching.

Baicaoshi sticks out her tongue, and in front of her mother, she is a cute girl who can't grow up, "Okay, okay, I won't say. Mom, are you going to the game tomorrow? Xiaoshu needs a group of relatives and friends to call because he wants to play."

Bai Li felt that her daughter was talking nonsense again, but she still couldn't understand it. "I won't go, and I can't understand it. Your mother-in-law should cheer up your brother, my son will be a blockbuster after all."

Usually I can't tell that my wife is so proud. "Received, I will definitely bring my mother's words to Xiaoshu intact, and witness him creating miracles."

Speaking and laughing like this, Bai Li's mood eased a lot. "Zhe Yu hasn't come back yet? Tell me you are busy every day, and my grandson and granddaughter are not there. After the game is over, either let Zhe Yu come back to live every day, or you move to Go to the government office!"

It’s no wonder there are shadows, they were all strangled in the swim bladder. But this is absolutely unspeakable. "Mother, you are tired enough today, why not, let's go back and rest."

The mother and daughter walked back, the moonlight dragged the shadow long, Baicaoshi listened attentively, and suddenly her heart shook, something was wrong, someone was following her. She turned her head, adjusted the bracelet alertly, and the footsteps behind her stopped.

"Miss Bai, we meet again." The two walked out of the shadows.

One of Baicaoshi knew, the woman who sold Costin in Beirong. The other, it appears to be her samurai.

Pijia ranks second.

Bai Li's heart hung up, and he looked at Baicao Poetry worriedly, "Little Cao'er?"

"Mother," Baicaoshi smiled, as if everything was under control, "You go home first, this is a former business partner, you want to talk to me about something."

The distance from home is not very far. Baili thought for a while, then ran away. Baicao Shimu saw her mother into the door, then turned around and asked Pijia, "What's the matter here, Miss?"

Pijia embraced her with both arms, with great interest, "Your mother ran away now, her legs and feet are quite agile, she doesn't seem to care that your daughter is in danger at all."

Hearing her bad tone, Baicaoshi would not allow her to sow discord. The mother walked fast, and there was only one possibility, to go back to rescue the soldiers.

But Baicaoshi thinks that it should not be needed in the current situation. "Girl, tell me what you have to say, I don't have that much time."

Chat with you.

Pijia didn't make any detours, "That Haidongqing, I won't sell it, and the money will be refunded to you." She also made this decision with difficulty. If her father knew that Haidongqing was gone, I don't know what troubles would be caused. In the eyes of Beirong people, Haidongqing is a sacred object.

Baicaoshi smiled sweetly, and parted her lips, "Girl, I have already given away Haidongqing, or I will come back. Besides, if you buy it and leave it, you will get both money and goods, and you can't refund it."

Vija faintly became angry, and pointed at the palm of his whip-wrapped hand, "You should know that the pure-blooded Haidongqing is definitely more than one hundred taels of silver. I was just in an emergency. Don't you Dayan people pay attention to honest transactions? Is it possible to buy and sell by force!"

It's fine if she doesn't say it, but Baicaoshi is also angry when she says it. If Baicaoshi still doesn't know what this girl is thinking, she has been with Zhe Yu for so long. The sound of applause sounded, and Baicaoshi hooked her lips, "First, this is Dayan, not Beirong; second, girl, do you think that your Costin is spiritual and will fly back, so you sell it cheaply. You gave it up, it has re-recognized its master!"

Vija's face was red when he was told, and the fire of anger was ignited in his heart.

"Miss Bai, I don't think you know my identity. I am the daughter of King Youxian and the noble second of Beirong. Don't say that I will refund your money, or just take back Haidongqing without refunding it. There's nothing wrong with that."

Speaking of this, there is no need to talk about it. Baicaoshi snorted coldly, and said to this charming and manly Juci: "Noble Juci, does your father know what you did today? This is really out of line with the royal family of Beirong. I only have one sentence, silver goods It's over, it's absolutely impossible to want Costin."

Pijia stomped his feet and said harsh words, "I told you nicely, but you don't know how to flatter you, and you don't know where you got your confidence. Is it your handsome husband? I heard that he is very popular with you." Emperor Dayan loves so much, and the emperor will give him a marriage at that time. Believe it or not, as long as I think about it, you will definitely lose your husband and Haidongqing."

What's the meaning? Could it be that she still wants Emperor Yanwu to marry her and Zhe Yu? Baicaoshi's forehead hurt a little, she pinched her waist, and replied: "Then you can try it, I will wait and see."

Baicaoshi turned and left.

The warrior next to Vija moved suddenly, probably wanting to teach Baicaoshi some lessons. A palm greeted Baicaoshi's back. Listening to the wind, Baicaoshi shifted her position, leaned sideways, and put her finger on the bracelet. But before she could make a move, there was a bang, and the warrior came and ate shit, and was thrown to the ground.

Bai Li's rescuer—the real first floor has arrived.

"Hurry up and get out, believe it or not, I will hang you on the tower."

Unable to quarrel or fight, Vija quickly disappeared into the night with his people.

"Shinichi, you did a great job!" Baicaoshi gave a thumbs up and praised greatly, "But I can handle it."

Zhenyilou twitched the corner of his mouth, "Remember next time, if you can speak with your fists, don't use your mouth."

This is the profound experience he summed up after beating Ying Zhefeng.


The golf game will be held as scheduled.

Players from various countries enter the field.

The order of appearance in the game is determined by drawing lots.

Pijia was drawn behind Ying Zhefeng, but the appearance was just the opposite. Pijia is the first and Ying Zhefeng is the second.

The format of the game is "Stroke Play", that is, to accumulate the scores of each hole. After playing 18 holes, add up all the scores and use the total scores to determine the outcome. The lower the score, the greater the chance of winning.

In the audience area, the ministers headed by Emperor Yanwu and important officials from various countries were all in place. Waiting to witness the excitement of the game.

Zhe Yu was called to his side by Emperor Yan Wu, and at the same time acted as his commentator.

Before the start of the game, Zhe Yu noticed that King You Xian looked at him several times, and that kind of look was like Hai Dongqing's appearance before hunting. Zhe Yu ignored it.

The whistle sounded and the players set off.

Vija came to the teeing area. As one of the few female players, she was probably nervous. She looked left and right, holding the club to calculate the distance of the hole.

She moved.

One shot was taken, but the ball deviated from the direction.

came towards the auditorium.

Seeing that the little ball was about to come to Emperor Yanwu, Zhe Yu raised his hand and caught the little ball.

(end of this chapter)