Chapter 308: murky situation

Chapter 308 The Obscure Situation

Zhe Yu hugged Baicao Shi, exhausted his inner strength, and headed home.

He wants to find the green man, the master will always find a way.

Fortunately, after the green-headed man saw it, although he had internal injuries, it did not reach that irreversible level. Green-headed Weng prescribed a prescription with ginseng as the king's medicine, and fed it to Baicaoshi. The ginseng was brought back from Yanjing back then, and now the green-headed man is rich and powerful, and the medicine he prescribes is expensive.

This made the Baili family and the Nanyuan king, who had newly recognized their sons and daughters, heave a sigh of relief.

Zhe Yu learned that Baicao Shi was fine, so he went to the residence of Emperor Yanwu of Kunming Academy overnight.

Coincidentally, Yi Zhaoxian is also there.

Zhe Yu briefly explained the situation, "This pathogen has been completely controlled. After this battle, Schisandra was seriously injured and will not do evil again in the short term. As for the red blood patriarch..."

Even if Zhe Yu is unparalleled in wisdom, there is no good way to deal with such a heaven-defying existence as the Great Master.

Emperor Yanwu's nose fluttered and his chest rose and fell, showing the emotion at the moment—Long Yan was furious.

"Dou An," Emperor Yan Wu shouted, "I will issue an order. From today onwards, in the name of the country, I, Da Yan, will arrest Schisandra chinensis. Whoever gets the head of Schisandra chinensis will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver; whoever captures Schisandra chinensis alive will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of silver. "

If Schisandra knew it, he would be proud enough. His big head is worth so much money!

Yi Zhaoxian bowed slightly to Emperor Wu, "Your Majesty, after you return to Yanjing, you must go to Xiangji Temple and ask Master Puji to walk on your behalf. I will also go to Zhumao to release the Tianzihao mission, Please kill the spear sect master to come out of the mountain."

When Zhe Yu said this, Zhe Yu suddenly felt that Yi Zhaoxian had become extremely tall, and his aura was growing faintly.

He blinked, and Yi Zhaoxian seemed to have returned to Dean Yi's appearance.

Yi Zhaoxian was Dayan's No. 1 martial artist back then. Later, he served as the dean of Ganming Academy and was also known for his force value. Exactly how high his kung fu is, Zhe Yu doesn't know, and he guesses that it may be second only to the four great masters.

"Okay, I will follow Aiqing's words." Emperor Yanwu said with a hint of reward, "Zhe Yu, you have worked hard to protect my people!"

Zhe Yu replied lightly, "It's the duty of a minister."

Don't take credit, don't be unruly, and bear the words "not to be surprised by favor or humiliation".

"The golf game the day after tomorrow?" Emperor Yan Wu thought of this.

Zhe Yu replied: "It can be carried out as usual."

The preparations to be made have been arranged, and Emperor Yanwu showed a generous side and said: "I can see that Wanzhou is rich in resources and people, the business is prosperous, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. It is all thanks to you. Tell me, I want you How can I reward you?"

"Shishi was injured today, I want to go back and be with her." This is Zhe Yu's reward.

Emperor Yanwu frowned, it was too affectionate.

But on the contrary, did Zhe Yu tell himself in this way that he has no love for power and only wants to live together as a husband and wife?

The cry of the little prince came from the dormitory at the right time.

Adding the brain supplements before, Emperor Yanwu was even more relieved. He waved his hand, "Go down."

Zhe Yu turned around, striding towards the outside of the academy.

After he left, the Imperial Forest Army came to report: "Your Majesty, Shen Taifu's granddaughter Shen Liqing has left."

Shen Liqing, as the temporary teacher of Qianming Academy, why did he leave so quietly? However, Emperor Yanwu pondered for a moment, "Forget it, let's go. Her mission has been completed, but you send a few capable people to chase her in the direction of Yanjing and **** her."

The imperial forest army led the order to go down.

It was late at night, but Emperor Yanwu didn't feel sleepy, and looked to the far north. "Zhao Xian, you said Yan Jing's side, how would you react?"

Yi Zhaoxian pinched his beard, raised his eyebrows exaggeratedly, and shook his head, "It's hard to say, it's hard to say."

It's raining heavily outside, is it also raining in Yanjing's sky?

Forget it, don’t want to.

there's always a solution to any problem.


Zheyu returned home, and Baicaoshi had already fallen asleep.

She was not sleeping soundly, her brows were tightly furrowed, and she was muttering.

Zhe Yu sat down beside her bed, held her hand, moved his ears closer, couldn't hear clearly, only a few words popped out, "Feng, Huang, Yu, Fei?"

Phoenix is ​​an auspicious beast.

Although Dayan respects the Xuanniao as the ancestor, the status of the Phoenix is ​​still lofty. Baicaoshi called out "Phoenix" several times.

Zhe Yu took off his clothes, lay down next to Baicaoshi, put his hands on her waist, and wrapped her completely around his bosom.

Baicaoshi felt his breath, turned over to find the most comfortable position, and fell asleep facing him.

In the second half of the night, she didn't have any more dreams and slept soundly.

Zhe Yu hooked her lips and smiled, it must be because she didn't have him in her dream, so she kept talking in her sleep. When he came, she slept soundly.


In the room of the inn, a person can't sleep all night.

She is Shen Liqing.

She looked in the mirror and looked at the area around her neck, which was blushing, and there was pain everywhere in her body. But she didn't have any impression of the whole process, it was like a big dream.

And when she woke up, she had already boarded a large carriage. There was another person in the carriage, with silver hair and a fairy-like appearance, who seemed to be unable to tell his actual age.

"Are you awake?" he asked.

The voice was calm, but Shen Liqing trembled from his heart. Yes, she was scared.

Gripping the collar, she backed away like a small animal, bumping into the edge of the carriage. " are?"

The silver-haired man said: "It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is to remember your promise to Pei."

What promise? Shen Liqing only promised Pei Yuanxian, the secret passed down from generation to generation.

She thought, the person in front of her should be an important figure in the Pei family. No one can compare to this bearing except the Prince Regent.

"Don't worry, my Shen family and the regent will be prosperous and prosperous from now on, and neither will be damaged."

The silver-haired man frowned, seemingly displeased, and then his eyes fell on her stomach, "People outside will **** you back to Yanjing. How can the empress be absent from the new emperor's enthronement ceremony?"

Wait, Shen Liqing's heart suddenly hangs.

Xindi, which one is it referring to? King Ming?

This is a serious crime of deceiving the emperor, committing chaos. Why is this silver-haired man so sure that King Ming will move?

Her grandfather acted as an agent of Jian Guo. If King Ming took action, he would definitely not be able to bypass his grandfather's hurdle. Swordsman meet, or reached a tacit understanding? Or there is some agreement. When she left, my grandfather didn't reveal half of it.

Shock is shock, but you must not show timidity on the surface. "Please tell the regent that my promise to him is always valid."

The silver-haired man didn't say anything anymore, he got up, and the carriage stopped naturally. Then he lifted the curtain and disappeared in an instant.

Come without a trace, go without a trace?

Shen Liqing only felt that the century-old Pei family really had deep roots, so it should not be overestimated.

Pulling back her thoughts, Shen Liqing touched her stomach again. Will this disappoint her? She prayed silently, "Xiaobao, you must be brave, because your father is the most heroic man in the world."

(end of this chapter)