Chapter 339: High Priest of the Snail God

Chapter 339 The High Priest of the God of Snails

The interrogation of Sectional Master Zhou started very quickly.

At first, Sectional Master Zhou was steadfast and refused to speak out, but once the punishment was severe, he recruited.

But Mo Fei immediately realized that something was wrong. He was obviously making false accusations at random, and he identified all the hall masters and rudder masters of the Zionist Congress, and even identified Zhen Yilou's father.

The members of the Restoration Congress were enraged, and directly beat Sectional Master Zhou half to death.

When Baicaoshi heard the news, she was also quite shocked. I have known Zhenyilou for more than a year, but I have never heard him mention his father. She thought he was an orphan who was adopted by Mo Feizhan.

When I went to his room to find him, Jianzhen was doing the final packing on the first floor. Seeing her coming, he didn't stop moving his hands. "The caravan is leaving tomorrow. Are you going to go with the caravan, or wait for Zhou's interrogation results."

The primary purpose of Baicaoshi's trip is naturally to find Cordyceps sinensis, protect this rare herb that is about to be extinct by the caravan, and then investigate the reason for the disappearance of the herb collectors. As for Section Master Zhou, anyway, he is also difficult to fly, so he is not in a hurry. Besides, this matter was aimed at Zhe Yu, and Baicaoshi felt that with Sectional Master Zhou's rank, it was far from enough to participate in this conspiracy, at best it was a very last link.

"Let's go with the caravan."

Zhen Yilou took out a hat and scarf made of Firefox velvet from her bag, and handed it to her: "The beginning of autumn has passed, and it will be very cold on the plateau. I bought you a gadget, take it with you."

Baicaoshi took it, and felt soft and warm in his hand, condensing the heart and temperature of Zhenyilou. The left and right are just scarves, which are not too expensive, and Baicaoshi did not shirk, "Thank you then. Shinichi, it seems that you have never heard of your father."

"He, there is nothing to say. In my heart, the chief helmsman is my father."

Baicao Poetry: "..."

Is there a story? But since he doesn't want to say it, she won't force him.

The next day, the two of them dressed up, led their horses, bid farewell to Mo Feizhan, and marched out of Yurong City.

However, they didn't go far, and saw troops opening the way on the long street, iron and blood solemn. The common people were driven to the periphery, watching the approaching guard of honor from a distance.

The guard of honor is also special, the cart is not a tall horse, but a strong black bull.

Surrounding the bullock cart in the middle, young and powerful men are surrounded on all sides. They are all dressed in very wild clothes. The hat on the head is decorated with fish snails, and the clothes are navy blue and red contrasting colors, covered with Yunzhao's characteristic amber beads and silver ornaments. When walking, there will be a ringing sound. And the most striking thing is that the eyes of these people are all painted with a crimson color of blood.

Baicaoshi glanced at Zhenyilou and said something with her lips. It's a pity that Shinichi's wood doesn't understand at all.

Yes, Baicaoshi felt familiar. She was thinking, would there be many people in Yunzhao who like to smear blood on their faces? Is this awe of the gods or an attachment to a certain doctrine?

Back then when Xu San of the caravan was praying, blood was also smeared under his eyes.

The curtain hangs down on the bullock cart, making it impossible to see the people inside. Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted, "High Priest, High Priest!"

At the beginning, there were only a few sporadic people who were extremely devout and kowtowed. Then, being infected by other people's emotions, more people bowed down.

A corner of the car curtain was lifted, revealing the true face of the high priest inside. The high priest leaned on the scepter of the fish conch in one hand, and raised his other hand slightly, the fingertips seemed to be surrounded by white spiritual power. His face is so holy.

Yes, out of the holiness of human fireworks, as if he is the endorsement of God.

"He..." A word flashed through Baicaoshi's mind. "Hi" She wanted to ask the people around her where the high priest came from. Obviously when she came to the palace last year, she had never heard of such a person in Yurong City. Moreover, Yurong City is the site of King Pingzhao, and Tie Hanyang, the king of Pingzhao, died, but the throne was inherited by Tie Jin. The high priest is here, no matter how you look at it, he needs to meet Tie Jin face-to-face to get a clearer way. So, what is the relationship between the high priest and Tie Jin?

Unfortunately, no one answered her.

Because everyone knelt down, Baicaoshi and Shinichi seemed particularly abrupt.

The eyes of the high priest searched over, and they looked at each other from a distance of more than 20 meters.

Zhen first floor was stunned for a moment, and the whole person turned into a jade carving. After recovering, he also stared at the high priest.

"Shinichi? You..." Baicaoshi bumped him with an elbow, and he was not in the right state.

The corner of Zhenyilou's mouth moved subconsciously, "What? I'm fine."

The guard of honor passes quickly, the crowd rises, and people start talking.

Baicaoshi caught a very excited commoner and asked, "Brother, we are foreigners, can you tell us about this high priest?"

The commoner squinted and looked at Baicaoshi. After all, so many people bowed down just now, only she was standing. "The high priest has boundless magic power. We pray for the high priest, and he will be blessed by the **** of fish and snails, and the whole family will be safe and happy."

God of fish snails?

Baicaoshi suddenly remembered something, when Mo Feizhan and Zhenyilou attacked and killed Tie Hanyang in Prince Pingzhao's mansion that day, their slogans seemed to be related to fish snails. But it's not the right time to ask.

"Brother, I came to Yurong City last year. Didn't I see any high priest?"

Another commoner came next to him, "The high priest has been here for the past six months, do you want to ask, how do I know?" He covered his mouth with his hand and said in a low voice: "My family has relatives who work as part-time workers in the palace. I heard that the high priest is a guest of the palace."

Prince’s Mansion is naturally Pingzhao’s Mansion, Dayan’s only king with a different surname.

From this point of view, this high priest and Tie Jin are in the same group?

Tie Jin killed his younger brother, occupied his younger sister-in-law, and all human relations were destroyed. Baicao Shi didn't have the slightest affection for him, and only hated the heavens for not accepting him.

After asking a few more questions, and finding no more useful information, Baicaoshi and Zhenyi went out of the city, and made an appointment to meet up with the Song State caravan there.

"Shinichi, what happened to the God of Conchs? I vaguely remember that you also believe in Conchs?"

Zhen stopped on the first floor, and replied solemnly: "Yuluo is a **** believed in in Yunzhao's hometown. When we attacked the palace, the slogan was 'The black bird is dead, and Yuluo is standing. Eradicate tyranny, and the world will be prosperous.'"

Baicaoshi tilted her head, thought deeply, and asked: "The same belief, this high priest is like-minded with you. It's just that I can't figure it out. Since he also believes in the **** of fish snails, how could he get together with Tie Jin?" "

If Oruha is here, I will definitely give her an answer, the first floor is not Oruha.

"Guess what Oriha will answer."

Thinking in another place reminded Baicaoshi. "Well, in fact, let me say, the so-called god, whoever worships him, he will bless him. At least, those who preach him will say so. If I were a high priest and wanted to gain the trust of the palace, I would probably say that the prince is pious. Believers of the Conch God, the God of Conch will definitely bless you."

Zhen Yilou gave a thumbs up, looked at Baicaoshi, his eyes were bright, but dimmed for a moment. "Shishi, you are as smart as Zhe Yu."

Baicaoshi scratched her head, "Where there is, I am not as smart as Zhe Yu Eleven."

When mentioning Zhe Yu, Baicaoshi felt empty in her heart, and they had been separated for more than ten days. But counting the days, he should be leaving soon, so I might as well leave some signals for him along the way.

Swinging the whip quickly, the two of them arrived outside the city quickly, and the Song Kingdom caravan was already waiting.

(end of this chapter)