Chapter 345: Into the courier's lair

Chapter 345 Deep into the Messenger's Tiger's Den

Baicaoshi saw Zhe Yu's true thoughts from his face.

Resentment belongs to resentment, it is impossible not to eat. "Look, the most precious herbal medicine in the world always grows in the worst climate environment, like this Cordyceps sinensis. For the sake of my hard work and measuring the earth with my body, you eat all of them, okay?"

Zhe Yu imagined the scene of Baicaoshi crawling forward in the ice and snow, looking for medicinal herbs in the soil and meadow, his hands were red and swollen from the cold, and he was no longer flexible like steamed buns, and his heart felt throbbing with pain.

"What about your share?" he asked.

"I ate it while you were sleeping." It was true, but she gave the duck meat in a bad position to others, and left the essence and all the Cordyceps to him.

Zhe Yu held the bowl, his eyes moistened by the heat of the soup, "Sit down."

Baicaoshi sat obediently beside him, with her arms on her knees, looking at him.

Zhe Yu's bowl stretched out to her lips, "You eat with me."

This is the rhythm of sharing a bowl. Baicaoshi thought, since the two of them have kissed before, there is nothing unacceptable about a bowl. She held the rim of the bowl in her mouth and took a sip of the soup.

Zhe Yu curled his lips into a smile, with a little slyness, "Eat that octopus caterpillar fungus, you can't give me all the good things, you are too thin and uncomfortable."

Baicao Poetry: "..."

Eat as much as you want, can you not emphasize the octopus? It made her also densely covered by the claws on the Cordyceps.

But her sanity is still there, and good things should not be wasted. She took one and chewed it carefully.

Zoru Yu just ate it.

The bowl is passed between two people, and a bowl of soup is tender and sweet.

"Where's your... wooden butterfly tea?" Zhe Yu remembered this, after eating these caterpillar fungus, he seemed to have some light tea.

"The water on the plateau can't reach the boiling point of 100 degrees. If you make tea..." Baicaoshi said it naturally, but there was another ups and downs in Zhe Yu's ears.

What is the boiling point? What is the concept of 100? Oriha has no concept. He only knew that his little wife was far away from him. Putting down the bowl and chopsticks, Zhe Yu took her hand and placed it in his palm. "Tell you, you won't go back to your hometown and leave me alone, will you?"

The flowers of Gaoling are contaminated with dust and become anxious about gains and losses.

"My hometown is just for nostalgia. I can't go back."

"So, in fact, you still want to go back, don't you?" Zhe Yu asked.

Baicaoshi fiddled with Zhe Yu's broken hair on his forehead, and said with a smile: "If, I mean, if, there is a space-time tunnel that can return to my hometown, I will definitely take you with me, and I won't leave you alone. "

The two talked again, and Baicaoshi asked, "How did you convince the old man to let you come to Yunzhao?"

Zhe Yu sneered, "He probably thought that my life was not long, so he just apologized to me. Besides, this is my mother's hometown, and he may feel that there is a blessing from the gods, so maybe he can use it to survive the catastrophe?"

The emperor's family is always indifferent, Baicaoshi doesn't want Zhe Yu to get involved with the royal family too much, but Emperor Yan Wu seems not to want to let him go.

mentioned gods, Baicaoshi asked: "How much do you know about the **** of fish and conch?"

Zhe Yu pondered for a while, and said: "There are not many records of these strange powers and gods in ancient books. I saw some in the library pavilion of Kunming Academy last time. Yunzhao was in ancient times, witch doctors were prevalent, and many great witches were free. It is said that the **** of fish and conch was appointed to manage the people. Therefore, the conch is their totem, which is no different from the totem of Yanniao that is the totem of Yan."

There is something in my mind that is turning around thousands of times, with points and lines, slowly forming the outline of things. "Is the **** of fish snails closely connected with the witch doctor? How about the witch doctor's medical skills?"

Seeing how excited she was, Zhe Yu grabbed her waist and scratched her nose, "Tell me, what are you thinking? Witch doctors are best at spells and blessings."

Wait, Baicaoshi covered Zhe Yu's eyes, and took out the original "Da Zhu You Shu" from the space, "Deng Deng Deng, look, what is this, do you know it?"

Zhe Yu took the book, and his astonishment flashed across. When he opened it and saw those strange words, he subconsciously read them out. Those pronunciations are difficult, but his pronunciation is inexplicably pleasant.

"Yu Bao, is there anything in this world that you don't understand? This is clearly the almighty boss taking off his vest online!"

Zhe Yu: "..."

what are you saying? Why can't I understand. Helpless, Zhe Yu patiently explained, "My mother is from Yunzhao after all, and the royal children had to learn Yunzhao's ancient script when they were young. This is written in an ancient Yunzhao script." He compared his pinky nails, " I only do that a little bit."

Even so, that's pretty remarkable. "What's in there, do you know?"

Baicaoshi took these words and asked the system to translate them. The result given by the system was a spell, but Zhe Yu's answers were different. "The ancient witch doctor was proficient in a technique of raising Gu, so," he closed the book, a look of worry flashed in Zhe Yu's eyes, "The centipedes and scorpions we killed before were not ordinary poisonous things, but Gu insects. .”

Baicaoshi was shocked and speechless for a long time. At this time, Shinichi's voice came from outside the tent, "Can I come in?"

While eating, Shinichi went to interrogate the messenger.

"Come in."

The curtain of the tent was raised, and Zhen came in from the first floor. Seeing the two sitting side by side intimately, he lowered his eyes and said: "Although the messenger was arrogant and rude, he still confessed. They are feeding Gu worms for the **** of fish snails. Insects feed on human essence and blood, so most of the disappearing herbalists were eaten by these Gu insects."

Baicaoshi only felt aversion to cold, it was a life, feeding Gu worms like this. These people carry the banner of the **** of fish and snails, but they are doing things that are outrageous, how can they be tolerated? "Since this is the case, why did they come to the snow-covered plateau in a big detour?"

Zhe Yu frowned, and said: "I see, you look at these Cordyceps sinensis, this magical combination of insects and grasses, in their view, it is the natural host for breeding Gu spirits. The danger of being swallowed by the heavy snow and annihilated by the storm has come to this snowy area. If my guess is correct, the Cordyceps sinensis collected by the herb farmers has entered the belly of the Gu insects. And the Gu insects have doubled their fighting power because of the Cordyceps sinensis .”

Zhenyilou nodded, and for a moment, he suddenly understood the choice of the chief helmsman. What a terrifying thing it would be for such an intelligent person to stand against the Zionism! But now, Zhe Yu's wisdom can be used by them, he can make suggestions and guide them on a clear path. "What next?"

Baicaoshi pinched her knuckles and made a loud noise. "What else can I do, naturally go deep into the tiger's lair to find the tiger's cubs, and destroy all those harmful Gu insects."

There were four people when the messenger came, but now he is the only one left. And their attire, with a special muri, it is not difficult to pretend to be. Besides, Oriha is an expert in this area. In Dongli Villa, in Prince Yunzhao's mansion, Zhe Yu showed his uncanny side.

First, he called the four guards sent by Emperor Yanwu, and ordered the deployment: "In the next few days, we will keep an eye on my horse, wolf and Haidongqing, and we will support them on the outside, and wait for my signal to act at any time."

The four guards opened their mouths in disbelief, "Son, what are you talking about? We are ordered to protect your safety, you are now..."

Zhe Yu coughed, as long as he wasn't embarrassed, it was someone else who was embarrassed. "Madam has given me medicine, that is, the elixir that looks like insects but not insects, grass but not grass in the soup you drink. I'm much better now."

Several guards looked at each other in blank dismay, expressing that they had not seen the herb Zhe Yu mentioned at all. What medicine is so effective?

Is Oruha still not understanding? Surely Baicaoshi gave him all the essence. "Anyway, you don't have to worry, I'll just make some adjustments. You instigate on the outside and wait for my instructions."

The guards were speechless, so they had to bite the bullet and take it.

Baicaoshi thought of something and asked, "What are the names of the four of them?"

Naturally, there are names. As long as Dang Zheyu turned his wife's eyes, he understood what she was thinking, "Either Shishi give them a nice name."

Four guards with names and surnames: "..."

Well, cannibals have short mouths and soft hands.

Baicaoshi's fingers clicked one by one, "Well, Chonglou, Gentiana, Asarum, and Dendrobium, it's just you."


On this side, Zhe Yu has settled down a few pets, on the other side, he, Zhen Yilou, and Baicaoshi have already disguised themselves as messengers.

The courier couldn't stop his mouth twitching when he saw their outfits.

He realized that the enemy's methods were black-bellied, powerful, and did not follow the routine.

Zhe Yu raised his chin slightly, with arrogance written all over his body. "If you want to survive, obediently take us to your lair."

In order to save his life, the courier can tell everything, but if he brings people in, what awaits him will be a life of pain worse than death.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Baicaoshi became impatient, took out a small pill from his pocket, pinched his mouth and stuffed it directly into him. "If you don't cooperate, you will die from poisoning."

Cheating, abducting and flickering, now Baicaoshi is at your fingertips, effortless.

The messenger is dumbfounded.

Just like that, the three successfully broke into the inside of the messenger.


After experiencing this huge snowstorm, the number of people on the snow-covered plateau dropped sharply. Wherever he went, he could still see the frozen corpse of Yao Nong, who became Feng Xue's sacrificial burial. The most tragic ones are those whose essence has been swallowed by Gu worms.

Led by the messenger, they descended the high snowy land and headed towards Yurong City.

Their foothold in Yurong is also very secret, it is an underground black market.

Every city has places where the sun doesn't shine, and Yurong City also has such places.

Zheyu, Baicaoshi, and Zhenyilou wore messenger clothes, and returned to the main altar with Qingluo messenger.

The messenger who survived by luck is named Qingluo, and the three people accompanying him are called Hongluo, Dailuo, and Biluo messengers.

Above the messenger is commanding.

At this moment, they have entered the inner hall.

The Qingluo Messenger reported the results of the trip to Si Ming.

Their language is not the language of the Great Yan Kingdom, but somewhat similar to that of "Da Zhu You Shu", presumably it is Yun Zhao's "classical Chinese".

"Trash!" Si Ming looked at the few Cordyceps sinensis in the green snail messenger, and flew into a rage. "There are still seven days until the ceremony of worshiping the spirit, and you have brought back so much Cordyceps sinensis, what kind of sacrifice do you want me to take, and how can I explain to the priest?"

In just a few sentences, the amount of information is very large.

The spirit sacrifice ceremony should be an ancient ceremony, but the priest? Baicaoshi thought of the high priest's chariot that he saw on the long street that day. Is the priest of the fish and conch **** and the guest priest of the palace the same person?

"The barb is ordered to forgive the sin. That Qi caught up with a snowstorm that has never happened in a hundred years. Countless people were killed in the snowstorm. It is a blessing in misfortune that we can come back alive. Fortunately, there is also the Cordyceps we picked earlier. This herb is originally Rare..." the green snail messenger replied tremblingly, he was really scared, Si Ming was unhappy and fed him to the Gu worm.

Yu Siming thought of the messengers he sent out, but not many came back alive, so it must have been an accident. "For the priest's sake, please spare your life. Step back."

The Qingluo Messenger wiped the sweat from his brow, gave Zhe Yu and the three of them a wink, and fled away.

Yu Siming paused for a moment, and his eyes fell on Baicaoshi, "Today, Dailuo Messenger is taciturn."

Is this about to be exposed? Baicaoshi's heart tightened. Zhe Yu squeezed her palm behind her back, expressing that she was not afraid.

The Qingluo messenger said at the right time: "When the heavy snow came, it was all due to Dailuo's command in the middle, and the voice was hoarse. The subordinate is also going to ask Si Ming for some herbal medicine to heal the throat."

The squid messenger snorted, "Since you don't feel well, go back and have a good rest. The medicine is given by the priest, please pray for the priest more."

The green snail messenger bowed and said yes.

Out of the inner hall for the discussion, Qing Luo took the three of them to a resting place. Along the way, they saw many mechanically numb people with dull eyes, who were forced to work.

The three people's rooms are adjacent, which is not a bad thing after all. The interior decoration of the room is also very distinctive, and the snail is the clue that runs through the entire room.

"You guys just rest here, don't run around, once you are discovered, I won't care about it, you can only ask for luck."

Baicaoshi walked around the room, looking up and down, full of curiosity. "What is the spirit sacrifice ceremony that your commander said?"

The Qingluo Messenger's face turned pale, but luckily the curtain covered it so he couldn't see clearly, it was ugly to think about. "I advise you to keep yourselves safe, and don't inquire about what you shouldn't, or you won't know how you died."

What greeted him was a pain in the abdomen, Zhe Yu blew his fist, joked, dared to attack his wife, tired of work. "Just answer the questions you ask. Otherwise, you will be the one who won't get the rain and dew, the **** of fish and snails."

For some reason, among the three, Qingluo Messenger has the strongest feeling for Zheyu, subconsciously judging him as the number one dangerous person. "Ji Ling is... the most powerful one among the Gu worms we raised. It killed other Gu worms and became a Gu spirit."

The law of the jungle and survival of the fittest is also applicable among Gu insects.

"Get out! If you want to save your life, you should tighten your mouth. My poison is stronger than your Gu worms. I hope you don't have a chance to taste it." Zhe Yu said in a deep voice.

(end of this chapter)