Chapter 357: Blue and white start-ups invite endorsement, Yuan Xian plans to mow the grass (

Chapter 357 Blue and white start-up invites endorsement, Yuan Xian decides to mow the grass (two in one)

Emperors are always suspicious, this is due to their position.

Zhe Yu's heart is like a mirror, and he still looks like a modest gentleman and loyal, which makes Emperor Yanwu very comfortable.

"Your mansion hasn't been built yet, so I have to wrong you to temporarily live in Prince Xu's mansion. Fortunately, I have ordered someone to clean it a few days ago, and the servants are also there. They will serve you during the Chinese New Year. I think you are not unaccustomed to it."

Zhe Yu narrowed his eyes, if the first time he lived in Prince Xu's Mansion was a test, then today, it would be tantamount to declaring his true identity.

He responded with "Yes".

After chatting for a while, Zhe Yu left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and saw Duke Changle's Eunuch Qin waiting there. "The Empress Dowager said that Miss Shishi should not be allowed to wait under the sun. The Empress Dowager invites you to drink tea. When the young master comes out, just go directly to Changle Palace."

Zhe Yu smiled, now Shishi has more face than him, and the Queen Mother has come to support her.

He followed Eunuch Qin to Changle Palace.

Just arrived at the gate of the palace, Zhe Yu touched the bridge of his nose, and the fragrance entered. He was almost certain that Baicaoshi must have shown off his culinary skills.

Sure enough, walking inside, I heard the hearty laughter of the Queen Mother.

"Oh, Shishi, it's true, you're going to spoil the stomach of Aijia. From now on, the chefs in the imperial dining room will be useless, so what should I do?"

Princess Ying Zhezhe is also there. "Empress Dowager, Shi Shilan is very kind, it is really a blessing for Ah Xu to marry her!"

There are more than a dozen medicinal meals on the table, all using Yun Zhao's authentic herbal medicine, which is full of color, fragrance and taste.

Baicaoshi offered a cup of tea at the end, "This is wood butterfly tea made from wood butterfly, mint, scrophulariaceae, and radix radix. The effect. Please try the queen mother and princess again."

The Empress Dowager looked at the butterflies as thin as cicada's wings in the teacup, and felt refreshing.

Eunuch Qin's voice sounded at the right time. "Queen, the young master has arrived."

The Empress Dowager greeted Zhe Yu, "Come quickly. The Ai family knows that the emperor is busy and won't let you eat. Your good wife, I have left everything for you."

Zhe Yu felt warm in his heart, sitting between the queen mother and Baicaoshi. "When I was in Yunzhao, Shishi said that the Empress Dowager would like this tea, it was beautiful and delicious, so I just recited it back."

The Empress Dowager looked at Zhe Yu, then at Baicao Shi, and burst out laughing, "Ah Xu, guess what Shi Shi said just now? It's completely different from what you said."

Zhe Yu was surprised.

Baicaoshi lowered her head, not having the face to look at him.

It was Ying Zhezhe who said: "Both of you are thinking about the queen mother, but you both leave the credit to each other. Sure enough, you are not a family, and you don't belong to the same family."

She teased Baicaoshi, and Baicaoshi laughed and said, "Princess, take me short? Then I have to bribe you."

Walking in the palace, everyone is cautious, who would talk about such a fierce word as bribery, only Baicao Poetry. I saw that she took out a blue dyed scarf from the package, which was exactly Jiuniang's handicraft. "The weather is getting colder, a scarf is not a respect. It is dyed with the leaves of Banlancao, and it is also a specialty of Yunzhao. Wearing it, the fragrance of bluegrass is in your breath. It is said that it can also ward off evil spirits. "

Ying Zhe Zhegui is the eldest princess, what good things have you never seen? But the more these little gadgets have their own intentions, and they have been told so many things by Baicao Poetry, Ying Zhezhe is indescribably happy. "Then I would be more respectful than obedient."

After several people had finished eating, Ying Zhezhe said: "The annual Chrysanthemum Appreciation Party is coming soon, and most of the noble ladies in Beijing will participate. This year, Shishi might as well go together, or be a company with me, okay? "

Baicaoshi heard that all the noble girls in Beijing are going, so it's a good feeling. She wants to enter the dyeing fabric industry, which is a good opportunity to make friends with these high-end customers. "That's good. The heat has receded, the autumn is cool and charming, the four bodies are free, and the clothes are not fetters. If you are not happy at this time, when will you be? I happen to be going to see the world."

The queen mother and Ying Zhezhe couldn't hide their shock. They only said that Baicao Poetry, Materia Medica, and Medicinal Cuisine have unique talents, but they didn't expect that their conversation was also good. What an elegant man!

"Then it's decided, on the twenty-ninth day of September, in the Chrysanthemum Garden."

It is less than half a month from today.

Baicaoshi thought about it, it seems that the research and development of Aizen clothing must be stepped up. At least at the Chrysanthemum Appreciation Party, some concept clothes can be produced.


When Baicaoshi and Zheyu came out of the palace, it was getting late.

On this day, the ministers of the aristocratic family were secretly discussing Zhe Yu's return, and the Sixteenth King's House even sent a hidden master.

Zhe Yu noticed something.

But he knew that they didn't dare to do anything now, and they were all secretly looking for opportunities.

After reuniting with Li Jianping, Jiuniang and their son, the group returned to Prince Xu's Mansion.

Jiu Niang is really Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. She expected that the son and wife are not ordinary people, but she didn't expect that they are the kind of rich and powerful people who can live in the palace. Under the plaque in the palace, her legs were weak.

"Jiu Niang, be careful!" Baicaoshi smiled and supported her.

Jiuniang looked at Baicaoshi's eyes, wishing she could offer her up, thinking "Oh my Bodhisattva" in her heart.

Du Zhong and Ding Xiang got the order from Eunuch Dou and stood at the door to meet them. The red envelopes at the beginning of the year and the large amount of banknotes are all vivid in my mind. When the two greeted people, they prostrated themselves on the ground one after another, and made a super big gift, "Welcome the return of the son and wife. I look forward to it day and night, and I finally hope you come back."

With such enthusiasm, Baicao Poetry is still somewhat overwhelmed. On the contrary, Zhe Yu accepted it calmly. With his hands behind his back, he has a natural dignity.

"The meal has already been eaten, so there is no need to cook again. My wife and I have the same room, and my book boy also lives in the original room. Now that there are new members in the family, you guys..." After a pause, Zhe Yu introduced Jiuniang and Ji Ting, "Jiu Niang and her son tidy up two empty rooms. Du Zhong, you will go to West Market tomorrow to buy two large vats. Ji Ting is still studying, and Lilac, please help arrange a separate small courtyard, which is very quiet."

Jiu Niang almost knelt down again when she heard this. It is a blessing that I have cultivated in several lifetimes to meet such good masters as the son and the girl.

"Yes, son."

Du Zhong and Ding Xiang really couldn't see the specialness of this couple, but they were respected by the young master, and they didn't neglect, and welcomed them into the mansion respectfully.

"Madam, this servant has boiled hot water for you, please see if..."

The eyesight is fine. You don't have to eat, but you have to take a bath. "Well, you have a heart."

After taking care of everything back and forth, it was already night.

Baicaoshi wears the nightdress that Jiuniang helped to improve, and lays down in front of the table, scribbling and drawing.

Zhe Yu hugged her from the back, "Why don't you sleep after a long day's work?"

The hot air was blowing in the ears, itching, and the warmth in the arms made the body soft. Baicaoshi thought helplessly that the handsome husband-in-law would affect her earning speed.

She turned around, looked at Zhe Yu with a smile, drew circles on his heart, and explained patiently: "Baby Yu, do you still remember what I said before, to establish a full-chain business model, to open up medical clinics and pharmacies?" , restaurant, and cloth shop. Now I have laid out the first three, and made certain achievements, and the last cloth shop is short. I thought I would cooperate with other businesses, but now that Jiu Niang appears, It directly saved me a big step. I am full of energy now, and I must make a big ticket."

Thinking of such a big business, Baicaoshi can't sleep without sleep.

Zhe Yu hugged her waist, tightening it a little, "Full of energy, full of energy, and a big ticket, huh?"

This "hmm" has a warped ending sound, which is very wrong.

Baicao Poetry: "..."

She read an intriguing meaning in Zhe Yu's eyes, and her face turned red. He seriously suspects that Zhe Yu's body contains a modern soul, otherwise, how would he do it?

Rubbing the back of her hand on her neck indiscriminately, Baicaoshi's eyes flickered, and she swallowed in her throat, "Yubao, you go to rest first. I want to draw a sketch first, to show Duan Shaoyi a sample, so that this big brother doesn't lack imagination. When the time comes , my flagship blue-and-white porcelain dress will surely become popular in Da Yan and become famous in the six countries."

Zhe Yu looked quietly at the roof of the shed, his chin rubbed Baicaoshi's little brain, he wanted to sleep with his wife, and his wife was all about making money, how could he break it? Looking at the messy tuft of hair on the top of his wife's head, he was in an extremely good mood, "This is why you flew the pigeon to pass the letter to Wanzhou. Do you want to transfer Duan Shaoyi?"

Baicaoshi folded her arms, "Yes, he is my art director. How can he not participate in such a big brand start-up?"

Zhe Yu let go of the Baicao Poetry, walked to the desk, and picked up the wolf pen on the table, "Duan Shaoyi just rejected His Majesty's request before, insisting on staying in Wanzhou and not returning to Yanjing, you will call him back with a loud voice ?”

Does it fit?

Baicaoshi remembered, it seems that there is such a thing. "Is there any way, I need him!"

Right after she finished speaking, Baicaoshi felt a chill on her neck. Zhe Yu's small eyes, well, milk is evil.

Picking up the pen, a drop of ink fell on the rice paper, and Zhe Yu asked, "Have you decided on the name of Buzhuang?"

Baicaoshi replied without hesitation, "Blue and white porcelain."

Zhe Yu chuckled, "I didn't know about it, but I thought you were selling porcelain."

"That's right," Baicaoshi said with a chuckle, "Ask for a name from Mr. Yu Bao, a famous brick family."

Zhe Yu wrote a horizontal line with that drop of ink, and after a few strokes, there were two large characters on the rice paper, accompanied by a line of small characters. "Blue and white, blue comes from blue and is better than blue."

Baicao Poems are carefully read. The dye used in clothing is bluegrass, and the clothes printed and dyed are all blue, which achieves a beautiful texture of white and blue. Isn’t it because blue is better than blue because of blue? Now, Zhe Yu has even thought up the slogan of the advertisement.

"What you call, spokesperson, have you thought about it yet?" Zhe Yu asked again.

Oriyu learned the word spokesperson from Baicaoshi. When Herborist Xiangyi came out, it was the endorsement of Hongqu. Then the blue and white clothing, which is also oriented to female colleagues, seems to need a spokesperson.

Baicaoshi blurted out, "Eldest Princess. The scarf I gave her today was not for free. When the Chrysanthemum Appreciation Party is held, I will sponsor the Eldest Princess for a complete outfit."

This was planned by her long ago, and the foreshadowing was laid when she gave the scarf.

"Then do you know what the eldest princess likes most? I mean, what kind of flowers and paintings do you want to embroider on your clothes?"

Baicaoshi slapped his head, and Zhe Yu was indeed her military adviser, and he was thoughtful in every aspect. She tentatively asked, "Chrysanthemum, otherwise she wouldn't have invited me to the chrysanthemum viewing party."

Zhe Yu shook his head, he remembered some past events. "Da Yan's totem is a black bird, and the eldest princess's favorite painting was also a black bird. On His Majesty's birthday, she gave a picture of the eighteen black birds. His Majesty was very happy at that time."

The mysterious bird is to Dayan, just like the dragon is to the royal families of many countries, it cannot be worn casually. However, Dayan's birds have grades, the black bird is the most expensive, followed by the Phoenix, Suzaku, Bi Fang...

"Since this is the case, how about painting the Suzaku on the pattern?" Baicaoshi asked.

Suzaku is valuable enough and will not violate the strict hierarchy.

Zhe Yu smiled, "Very smart."

He immediately moved the brush, sketched it, and wrote it in an eloquent manner, and it turned into a coherent painting of Suzaku in a blink of an eye. Baicaoshi held the rice paper and blew softly, "This is no worse than Duan Shaoyi! Uh... I mean, it is completely better than Duan Shaoyi! I will print this pattern on the clothes, and the eldest princess will definitely like it."

"Whether you like it or not, it's tomorrow's business." Zhe Yu put down his pen, and a princess hugged Baicaoshi. "My lady, can I go to bed now?"

Baicaoshi immediately covered her eyes.


The capital of the Song Dynasty, the Prince Regent's Mansion.

A row of craftsmen bowed their waists and reported to Pei Yuanxian. Huan Yan is also there.

"My lord, we have designed an identical greenhouse according to the drawings, but the light and temperature inside are not at all what the young lady said. We discussed carefully and felt that the drawings may be fake."

"Fake?" Pei Yuanxian frowned. When he got the blueprint, he had doubts about how Pei Lanzhi managed to hide from the cunning Zhe Yu and the eccentric Baicao poem, but he still had a fluke in his heart. However, a huge amount of money was poured in, but it was still in vain. How can the fire in my heart be calmed down?

"Huanyan, how is the Nongsang Base of Kunming Academy going?"

Huan Yan stepped forward and replied, "Miss's letter said that the yield of crops planted in spring has increased by 20%, and many annual herbal medicines have entered the market. Some of the silkworms they raised were sold to cloth weaving workshops, and some were sold to the cloth weaving workshop. The adult silkworms sloughed into medicine, and the other part, the young lady is not sure, it seems... they were poisoned to death."

How could the silkworms they worked so hard to raise be poisoned to death? Unless... this kind of silkworm has higher medicinal value after it dies. Pei Yuanxian believes that Baicaoshi will not do things without a target.

While pondering, Huanyan continued: "In addition, there are two large sheds. Except for the green-headed man and a new girl named Shuangye, they can enter, and other people are basically not allowed to come in and out at will. It is said that the students at the base said that They are all very curious. These students have already received the subsidy from the base, and many of them have already solved the problem.”

Every time Huanyan said something, Pei Yuanxian frowned. Because he has already seen the intention behind this move.

From the agricultural and mulberry medical care base to the golf tournament, Kunming Academy in Wanzhou has attracted the attention of outstanding students from the six countries. After these two incidents, I am afraid that at that time, everyone will be proud of going to Kunming Academy to study, and all talents in the world will be snatched away by Dayan.

For the superiors, the most important thing is talent, of course!

Whoever wins the talents wins the world, and whoever wins the hearts of the people wins the world.

Zhe Yu and Baicaoshi, through these two moves, they have all done it.

Such an opponent is terrifying.

Pei Yuanxian frowned, and said to the craftsmen: "Now I can be sure that the drawings are wrong. However, their Dayan craftsmen can research it, can't you do it? Are I Song people not as good as they Yanguo people?" ? I’ll give you two months to study it out. The good fields, the beautiful houses, the fine clothes, the food, and food are all yours. If you can’t get it out, come and see me.”

The craftsmen huffed and knelt on the ground, imploring the regent's men to show mercy.

"Isn't it time yet? Is it possible that you don't even have the confidence to give it a try? Go on!"

Take people away with fear.

Huanyan looked at Pei Yuanxian worriedly, and heard him say: "Sir, I have an idea."

Pei Yuanxian raised his eyes and looked over, "Say it."

Huanyan made a knife comparison, "Abduct the chief engineer of the Nongsang base, that is, Bu Zhan. He is a scholar, and he can't bear the pain of flesh and blood, so he can definitely speak."

Pei Yuanxian smiled angrily, "It's just such a bad idea! The superior, being a virtuous corporal, would be good for you, and come here by force. Aren't you afraid that Bu Zhan will hold grudges in his heart?"

"Only the weak can hold grudges, even if he holds grudges, what can he do to me?" At this time, Huan Yan didn't look like a well-trained killer, but a shameless female bandit with tricks.

Pei Yuanxian really nodded, "It's a good idea, but since it's going to be tied, why not tie it to a higher-ranking one with a greater strategic role?"

Happy face: "..."

Sir, who are you trying to tie up?

Pei Yuanxian had a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if there was nothing there. It was obvious that the project had failed, but he was not in a bad mood. "Has the caravan gathering cordyceps come back?"

Huanyan immediately understood. "Come back. But they encountered a rare blizzard, and it was not easy to come back alive. But they met... a pair of brothers and sisters. According to their description, we judge that it is Baicaoshi and Zhenyilou."

Pei Yuanxian moved his chin, and snorted coldly, "This folded feather is really generous."

My wife was traveling with another handsome young man, how could he let him go? Pei Yuanxian didn't have such peer treatment. Oh, no, there was actually one time, but Baicaoshi ran away in the middle.

Pei Yuanxian remembered someone with a painted face.

"Make a careful plan, um, temporarily called the 'Mowing Plan'. Unknowingly, bypass Zhe Yu and Dayan's eyes and ears, and invite Baicaoshi to the capital."

(end of this chapter)