v100 Chapter 375: planning a medical school

Chapter 375 Planning a Medical School

Thanks to the blessing of the Chrysanthemum Garden, Baicaoshi collected dozens of rare and famous chrysanthemums at once. Most of these chrysanthemums are ornamental, but like Hangzhou white chrysanthemum and tribute chrysanthemum, they have high medicinal value.

Having nothing to do, Baicaoshi entered these famous chrysanthemums into the system one after another.

An average of four to five hundred points per plant, tens of thousands of points in hand in an instant. She glanced at the Points Mall, and immediately lost her appetite.

"Cute little car, since I took the task, I have recorded more than a hundred kinds of rare herbal medicines, which is enough to write a "Compendium of Materia Medica". It’s so shabby. How can I say that kind of feeling, there is nothing to do with the task, Dugu seeks defeat, and the heights are too cold.”

There is some lonely emotion in my chest, as if I have lost a big goal.

Psyllium against fingers, this kind of situation has never happened to other hosts, Baicaoshi can be called a fighter in the host, the top of the task chain.

"Dear host, you are better than any host I have come into contact with." Plantago put a big hat on her first, and Rainbow blew first, "But think about it, there are more things you can do." There are a lot. The agricultural and mulberry medical care base of Kunming Academy has first seen its scale, and most of the successful cultivations are annual herbal medicines, and those perennial ones still need time to conceive."

Baicaoshi thinks, that's true. Like agarwood, it takes decades to become a useful product. It is impossible to accomplish it all in one battle.

"You're right, I shouldn't slack off. But oh, if you want a cow to work, you have to feed it. Your point mall can really help..."

Psyllium realized that it is not enough to just paint big cakes. It is not enough to talk about mission and inheritance.

"Well, I can apply for a batch of books for you. In addition to "Compendium of Materia Medica", there are also "Huangdi Neijing", "Shen Nong's Materia Medica", "Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases", "Elbow Reserve Emergency Prescriptions", "Golden Chamber" "Essentials" and "A Thousand Golden Prescriptions", one hundred copies of each, and I will give you one thousand copies. If you don't need so many, you can donate or sell them, which will be considered as a subsidy for you."

Selling books?

Baicaoshi slapped his forehead.

"Cute little car, your idea, I have to say, too..."

Psyllium is very proud, and the synthetic voice is slightly changed, "It suits you, don't praise me, I am the little car*che steward who can put himself in your shoes and think for you."

Baicaoshi feels a toothache, and feels that someone is really narcissistic.

"Have you ever thought that if I sell the books, there is no guarantee that the books will fall into the hands of those who really need them. They may be shelved and dusty, they may be bought by arty people and given away, or they may arrive In the hands of quack doctors, if you don't ask for a deep understanding, you will harm others."

"Furthermore, do you still expect a person to become a healer who can rejuvenate by reading a few books on medicine or herbs? Then modern Chinese medicine will not be so broken. Even in modern times, it is not cultivated like a manual workshop. The master-apprentice system, the teacher is explaining and leading the apprentices to experiment. You give me these books, and they are useless."

Psyllium psyllium repeated "hmm" in a serious manner, "Then what do you think should be done? How can it be the most effective. I also look at the time and space you are in. The medical conditions are too backward, so I want to help you. The more famous you are As it gets bigger and bigger, more and more patients will come to you, so you can still do nothing to save them?"

That is absolutely impossible. Baicao Shi learns Chinese medicine, the first lesson is the sincerity of great doctors and the boundless love of great doctors.

"The use of books lies in inheritance. If these books are used to train a thousand doctors, won't our time and space become better?"

There was the clapping sound of plantain seeds in the sea of ​​knowledge, "Yes, yes, you are really great, host. In fact, isn't Kunming Academy doing this?"

At the beginning, Baicaoshi focused on its business and wrote a plan for Ji Xuan to train the planters. Ji Xuan made an inference and proposed to set up a department of herbal medicine in addition to the six arts of Kunming Academy, and Baicao Poetry also vowed to contribute two guest professor places. But later, she stayed in Wanzhou for too short a time, and she, as a visiting professor, did not perform her duties at all.

Maybe, this matter can be done in Yanjing.

If Yanjing had an academy dedicated to teaching medicine...

A picture appeared in her mind. When all the students saw her, they took off their hats and called her "Dean Bai". There are many herbs planted in the academy, and there are thousands of books given by the points mall in the library. Children can Come here to visit and learn, the first experience class is to recite the twenty-four solar terms songs. The academy regularly gives free medical consultations to the common people, everyone has medical knowledge, and the average life expectancy of the people in the whole country has increased...

My God, this is a huge undertaking.

From the sea of ​​knowledge, the sinister laughter of plantain seeds came again, it was the laughter of a small plot succeeding.

You know, the system will send books to no good. This is working for the system for free.

But, it really makes sense.

However, Rome was not built overnight, and this matter needs to be planned again.

That night, when Zhe Yu came back, she wanted to ask Zhe Yu for advice, but Zhe Yu spoke first. "November 14th is the sixty-sixth birthday of the Empress Dowager. Your Majesty wants to make a grand celebration for the whole country. This matter will be handled by the Ministry of Rites in cooperation with Taichang Temple."

According to the date, there is still more than a month to go. It is conceivable that Zhe Yu, who is the minister of Taichang Temple, will be very busy.

"Yu Bao, the Queen Mother celebrates her birthday, so you have to know what the Queen Mother likes."

(end of this chapter)