v100 Chapter 384: self-defeating

Chapter 384 The inner work made him commit suicide

After the court meeting, Zhe Yu returned to the palace, picked up herbal poems and went to the Jiaofang together with Hongqu.

Taking the same car with Zhe Yu, Hong Qu was still a little embarrassed, hanging her head and rubbing her fingers.

Baicaoshi patted her hand and said with a smile: "It's just a teaching workshop, you don't have to be nervous."

Hongqu: "...Where is Jiaofang?"

This was naturally asked by Zhe Yu, and Baicao Shi didn't know.

Zhe Yu lifted the curtain of the car, glanced at it, "It's almost here, Jiaofang is next to the Royal Rare Garden."

Rare and Wonderful Garden, Baicaoshi knows that last time she rode solo for thousands of miles, she didn't forget to help her gather some wool in Rare and Wonderful Garden. "Why did you choose here?"

Zhe Yu smiled faintly, "Zhenqi Garden was originally called Pear Garden, and Gain planted some pear trees in his early years. Emperor Taizong said that Jiaofang should be a pear garden. It was only later that Emperor Gaozong changed the name of Pear Garden to Zhenqi Garden, but the location of Jiaofang has not changed. .”

Baicaoshi understands, it turns out that this is how the name of the pear garden came about. "Then, how does the inner work make this person?"

Zhe Yu replied: "The internal envoy is considered a related family. He was originally a distant relative of Princess Li. The position of left and right is not very important in the eyes of His Majesty. Anyone can do it. No, I have been doing it for seven or eight years."

Baicaoshi does not agree with this point of view. Jiaofang represents the royal music institution, which is related to the aesthetics of the upper class and the cultural prosperity of an era.

Speaking of which, before Emperor Yanwu pretended to be sick, both King Qi and King Feng made a move, but King Li was quiet and became the biggest winner. Now it seems that the most powerful competition for the crown prince comes from Prince Li and the little prince.

Sure enough, the **** is still old and spicy.

The king of rites is stable, and the nepotism is naturally stable.

Baicaoshi knows it well.

Soon the Jiaofang will arrive. Because I had said hello in advance, under the gate tower, there was a staff waiting with me. The man looked to be in his mid-twenties and was wearing a blue official uniform. "My lord, I am Pan Liang, the magistrate of Jiaofang. The envoy told me to come and meet me. Please follow me."

"Okay, lead the way."

"It's the first time, my lord, may I introduce you to you?" Pan Liang said proactively.

Baicao Poetry is something you can't ask for, just to understand the organizational framework of Jiaofang.

The teaching workshop has a series of connected buildings, each of which is practiced by people of different types of work.

"The dance hall is to the west, and the music hall is to the east. Usually, the exercises are separated." Pan Liang led the way in front, while explaining, "When presenting dances or music to the royal family, they will practice together."

"This is the most common music studio." Pan Liang stopped in front of a room where the women inside were playing musical instruments, playing and playing. Baicaoshi recognized the pipa, konghou and waist drum, but couldn't name the others.

Hongqu pointed to those instruments and identified them one by one.

"The one with six tubes and about two feet long is called Lusheng, which can play simple and melodious tunes. It was brought back when Taizu fought in Qianjun; the round instrument made of mother-of-pearl and red sandalwood is called Ruanxian, which is popular in Dayan. "Qing Shang Yue", Ruan Xian is one of the main musical instruments; the pipe with eight holes, called 筚篥, came from the Kingdom of Kucha during the Taizong period..."

After only one explanation, Pan Liang was shocked. I thought that the newly appointed Minister of Taichang Temple couldn't understand the rhythm, but I didn't expect that there was a little girl beside me who knew a lot.

"Unexpectedly, the girl is a master of dancing and music. Hey, I think the girl looks familiar..."

When the name of red koji resounded throughout Yanjing, some people in the teaching workshop also went to watch it, and shared it with everyone when they came back. So it's not surprising that Judge Pan finds red yeast rice familiar.

Hong Qu turned her head away, and said in a joking tone: "Probably, I have an ordinary appearance, Judge, you have seen too much."

Pan Liang smiled dryly, "The girl is too self-effacing. If you are still ordinary, who else in the world would dare to call you beautiful? Oh, this room is for the people in front."

The so-called "front man", also called insider, is an important part of Jiaofang. Because they often have the opportunity to perform in front of the emperor, they are called "front man".

However, Baicao Poetry frowned, and what the person in front sang was actually the melodious sound of vestibule flowers, without the atmosphere of a prosperous dynasty.

Pan Liang brought everyone to the last room. There were some young faces in it, because the performers were very young, and some of them were children at all.

"They are actors, and they often have unique skills, skills that others cannot match, or they are good at singing, or dancing, or acrobatics."

Zhe Yu watched coldly, and explained for half an hour, but none of the internal envoys appeared. "How are the preparations for the Queen Mother's birthday celebration? Your Majesty now orders me to take full responsibility. I will give you a moment of incense sticks. Please invite the envoys to show up, and the musicians and mistresses will perform live."

Pan Liang's complexion suddenly became very exciting. But he couldn't afford to offend both sides, so he bit the bullet and called people.

Zhe Yu waited in Langle Hall with Baicaoshi and Hongqu.

One stick of incense and all the descendants. The musicians and actors are fine, but they are just acting inside, with sleepy eyes, black and blue under the eyelids, and a hollowed-out appearance.

"As a messenger inside, I have met Lord Qing of Taichang Temple."

Zhe Yu squinted his eyes, squinting at the speech tool, not angry but arrogant. Yan Qi's eyelids twitched.

Oriha didn't say a word of nonsense, "Let's play."

"What?" Yan Qi almost jumped, Taichang Siqing didn't play cards according to common sense, without a single word of greeting, it's about to start?

Officials at the first level crush people to death, not to mention Taichang Siqing is still a third-rank official.

Speaker gestures towards the musicians, the musicians rise up, the hundred music plays, and the dance flourishes.

Speaker did not glance at the performance the whole time, he kept staring at Zhe Yu's expression, lest he might miss a signal.

Baicaoshi and Hongqu looked at each other, seeing the disappointment in Hongqu's eyes.

"The empress dowager's sixty-sixth birthday, all the officials celebrated, and the six kingdoms came to the court. The envoys thought that this dance and music performance might show our national prestige and the prosperity of humanity?"

After a few words, Yan Qi fell to his knees with a puff, his forehead was full of sweat. He thought of all kinds of theories about the identity of this Taichang Temple minister, and felt that just looking at it would kill him.

"Hongqu girl, please come and comment." Zhe Yu said.

Hongqu straightened her temple hair, took a step forward, and said: "Actually, all the musicians, actors, and front-runners still have their technical skills. It's just the dance music just now. They only see vulgar music, but not elegant music. They are choosing repertoire and various music. The coordination between the parts requires new ingenuity."

"How about you take the overall responsibility?" Zhe Yu asked directly.

Hongqu suddenly raised her eyes. Baicaoshi asked her for her opinion before, but she was politely rejected, and Zhe Yu directly issued the task. She felt the majesty of the superior and the inability to refuse. "Willing to listen to the adults."

Seeing this, the internal agent kept winking at the person behind him. He didn't dare to stand up and break the feathers, because he didn't know the rhythm and dance music, but there was someone behind him.

Sure enough, a person stood behind him with a Chinese character face, giving the impression of being upright. "Your Excellency of Taichang Temple, I am a doctor of sound in Jiaofang. As the saying goes, there is a specialization in art. The dance and music in Jiaofang may still have a lot of shortcomings. We will definitely work hard to practice before the Queen Mother's birthday. But if we want a With outsiders who don't know how to do it pointing fingers, how will Jiaofang deal with itself in the future?"

For the above setting of Jiaofang, refer to the setting of Jiaofang in Tang Dynasty.

Doctor of Sound is an ancient official position.

(end of this chapter)