v100 Chapter 386: Yanjing Fireworks Life Festival

Chapter 386 Yanjing Fireworks Life Festival

Twenty days before the queen mother's birthday, people from Wanzhou came.

This time it was Bu Zhan and Wen Xiang who came. Bu Zhan got the order of Emperor Yanwu and was responsible for supervising the construction of the Longevity Hill Palace. After he came, he went directly to the palace to face the saint.

As for Wen Xiang, he was mainly in charge of the research on the anti-time cream formula for beauty and beauty in the palace, and was taken into the Xu Palace.

Wen Xiang did not expect that he would live in the palace in his lifetime, let alone that he would have the opportunity to present a gift to the Queen Mother. What a glorious, great opportunity to shine on the lintel!

After a brief clean-up, Baicaoshi and Wenxiang were alone in a room, and she took out the beauty and beauty prescriptions that she had collected in recent days from sorting out medical classics. These prescriptions came from the top ten medical books provided by Plantaginaceae.

"It's impossible to make nine cosmeceutical cream prescriptions in 20 days." After hearing the request from Baicaoshi, Wen Xiang's first reaction was like this, which is simply a fantasy.

Baicaoshi broke off three of Wen Xiang's fingers, and explained with a smile, "It's not nine pieces, it's six pieces, six pieces. Cleansing soap, hydrating and whitening mask, and lip balm that brighten the complexion are all ready-made. .”

Six pieces are also unaccomplishable tasks.

"I said Shopkeeper Bai, these demands of yours are beyond the reach of manpower." Wen Xiang sat down on the chair, very depressed.

Baicaoshi crossed her arms and looked at her. "Miss Wen, I know that Xiangnanfang is made of mature rouge, gouache, powder and thrush makeup. Now I just need to combine some fixed procedures with my new cream formula to upgrade the original products. In fact, these things, Give me enough time, and I can develop it, just like I independently made spiced bath beans. But now, the only thing not allowed is time. I don’t have that much time.”

"I can't directly give the combination of Xiangnanfang's rouge and Herborist Xiangyi to the Queen Mother, because those rouges can't achieve the effect of beauty and beauty that I said, but it can be improved after improvement."

"As for the improved product, I think so, it does not belong to Xiangnanfang, nor does it belong to Herborist Xiangyi, a new brand can be established. Moreover, what I can promise you is that you will no longer be my channel You are not a merchant, but a partner. In other words, you, like Hongqu, Duan Shaoyi, Shanyao, and Buzhan, are shareholders of Baicaoyuan Group and share in the group's development dividends."

A few months ago, Baicaoyuan Group was founded, and Wen Xiang watched those people become so-called partners and shareholders, she was not envious. Because the partners share the risk. What if it fails.

But now, several sections of the group are booming, and Baicaoshi has entered Yanjing, lived in the palace, and participated in the grand event of the Queen Mother's birthday in such a short period of time. All of these, from the perspective of Wenxiang businessmen, are worth a big gamble, and the future of Baicaoshi is limitless.

So, if you don’t board the ship now, when will you stay?

She couldn't still refuse like last year, and she was the one who suffered in the end.

Thinking of this, she has already made up her mind.

"Okay, I agree. But the new... brand no longer has a new name, so let's merge it into Herborist Xiangyi. Just let me become a shareholder of Herborist Xiangyi."

This is a smart and sensible choice, backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade.

Baicaoshi stretched out her palm and smiled brightly, "Okay, deal."

During the development of the palace beauty and anti-time ointment formula, the Ninety-Nine Dynasty Fengshou Bi Nanshan Blue and White Porcelain Birthday Dress is also in progress, and the court dance music is under the overall training of the red song, which is very effective.

Several talent teams, each performing its own duties.

At the same time, Zhe Yu played in the court hall.

"On the occasion of my birthday, I suggested that Yanjing hold an unprecedentedly grand temple fair. The temple fair will bring together delicacies from all over the country, special and good things that Yanjing people like, folk opera dances, acrobatic performances, and the most popular books from major bookstores. A popular book. When the severe winter is approaching, let the people experience the joy of the "New Year's Festival" in advance, so that the Queen Mother can have fun with the people and read this world of fireworks. It also allows the envoys of various countries to appreciate the beauty of our scenery and human kindness The thick, the ingenious craftsmanship, the prosperity of the country."

All the ministers' eyes lit up when they heard this.

Some think of hot food, and some want to go shopping for good things.

The Minister of Taichang Temple is indeed a genius, and his ideas are different from ordinary people.

Thanks to his son Bu Zhan, Bu Jingwei, who has been promoted to Minister of Rites, stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I think this idea is very good. The queen mother is considerate of all people, and I think she is willing to have fun with them."

Emperor Yanwu thought more. Such a grand temple fair must require a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial support. The treasury doesn't have that much silver. "In your opinion, where will the temple fair be held? Also, there must be many merchants signing up."

Zhe Yu replied: "Since it is a temple fair, there must be a temple. I think it will be located around the Xiangji Temple to add some incense to the ancient temple. After visiting the market, people can go to the temple to offer incense and fulfill their wishes. "

Of course, Zhe Yu's move has more important considerations. Xiangji Temple has a great master sitting in the temple, and the temple fair is held here. If there are any ghosts and monsters who don't have long eyes, dare to make trouble, which directly saves a lot of trouble.

Emperor Yanwu laughed when he heard this. Putting his idea on Xiangji Temple's head, Zhe Yu also voted for it.

Good idea, very interesting.

"What about merchants?" Emperor Yanwu asked.

Folded feathers curled his lips, calm and calm, "I have formed an investment promotion team to negotiate with the merchants one by one. In fact, the merchants have to pay money to rent the stalls at the temple fair. Although it is not much, it is always charged into the national treasury. In addition, Chen's wife suggested that the temple fair can be very interesting, and it needs to be named with a more vivid and interesting name, such as the first Yanjing Fireworks Life Festival, which will be held every year in the future. Apart from enriching the lives of the people, it can also generate income for the government , serve multiple purposes.”

Emperor Yan Wu thought of the golf event in Wanzhou, and many countries participated in the response. In fact, they had a heart to learn from Wanzhou's experience and develop their own people's livelihood. "allow."

After leaving the court, many ministers gathered around Zhe Yu, asking questions, such as which merchants there would be, and he planned to buy rouge and gouache for his wife.

Zhe Yu answered one by one for a long time, his mouth was dry, and all the ministers yearned for it even more.

At that time, Li Wang Ying Zheli passed by Zhe Yu, glanced at it and turned away. Yesterday, he was complained by a distant relative of the princess—that is, the emissary in Jiaofang, and asked Li Wang to stand up for him. But right now, Zhe Yu is so popular, and his father trusts him more, so why did he move.

Backing on the speaker is a must when you go back, don't just make trouble for nothing and make things difficult for him.

When Zhe Yu returned to the mansion, Baicaoshi had already prepared gift boxes in large and small packages, and pulled him out.

"Shishi, where are you going?"

"Of course, go to Xiangji Temple. If you want to hold a temple fair in Xiangji Temple, you must not say hello to the host. Don't worry, I will take care of Master's Jingjiu. I am ready to win Master Puji's stomach. "

In the era of Baicaoshi's life, there were the famous Beijing Eight Pieces of Food. Now in another time and space, in the name of Quanjufang, she has created the Yanjing Nine Gift Package, referred to as "Jingjiu", and invited a great virtuous and eminent monk to **** for the upcoming Fireworks Life Festival.

Zhe Yu shook his head with a smile. Madam's idea must be followed.

He brought the yellow puma, went up first by himself, and stretched out his hand to Baicaoshi, his eyes were bright with sunshine, "Madam, ride with me, and go to Xiangji Temple?"

(end of this chapter)