v100 Chapter 403: Quanjufang Chef is here

Chapter 403 Quanjufang chef is here

Huanyan told Pei Yuanxian about the situation of Baicao Poetry.

To sum up, Baicaoshi wants to eat the food cooked by the chef of Quanjufang.

After listening, Pei Yuanxian came to Baicaoshi's room.

Baicaoshi sat on the bed, leaning on the pillow, and wrapped her head in a quilt, only a small head was exposed, her face was pale, and she looked pitiful.

Pei Yuanxian's heart immediately softened.

"If you want to eat Quanjufang, just tell me, will I be reluctant? Why bother with your body?"

"Who wants to make fun of his own body? I'm just not acclimatized." Baicaoshi tightened the quilt, with a nasal voice, "I'm not going anywhere now, just waiting here for the chef. When the chef arrives, I'll go to you guys again." Kyoto."

Pei Yuanxian frowned, looked at her, and knew that she was a female doctor with excellent medical skills, and there might be a hundred ways to make herself uncomfortable. But he still loves her. "Your childhood is here? I heard that when a woman gives birth to a child, all the illnesses and pains of the childhood are gone."

Baicaoshi was a little surprised.

It was quite scary that the dignified Prince Regent actually talked about this matter with her without any shyness. "I am a doctor myself, why don't I know?"

Even in modern times, many people think so, but clinical medicine proves that there is really no basis for this.

"Shishi, I often think recently, if we have children..."

This is the God-like brain circuit of the Regent, and all the twists and turns are used to pave the way for confession.

Baicaoshi got into the bed directly, turned her face away, and didn't answer this one. "I'm going to rest, Prince Regent, please go back."

Pei Yuanxian got up, put a scroll on the bedside, and said casually: "The assassin died last night. There are many people in this world who want to kill me, but you see, I am still alive and well. So Shishi, consider Now, marry me. I have the ability to give you the stability, peace, and what you call small money."

Baicaoshi only felt his head buzzing.

The first sentence is always in my mind, the assassin is dead, dead, gone.

No, definitely not, in this world Zhe Yu is the only one who can't be killed, not even the great masters.

She turned around, saw the scroll, opened it, and it turned out to be a head design. There are heart-picking, distracting, full crowns, top hairpins, temple covers, flower tin/headbands, buns, hairpin earrings, etc. If this set is made into a phoenix crown and Xiapei, Baicaoshi has no doubt that it will cost a few catties. Whoever wears it to get married can surely break their necks.

What will happen to him if he wants to marry but she doesn't? The overlord bows hard?

After knowing Pei Yuanxian for so long, he still hasn't caught her fancy. So this time?

Zhe Yu is in a difficult situation now, she must save herself.


Baicaoshi has cheats, and the biggest cheat is space.

But for some reason, she was seriously injured this time, and Plantago could not be contacted, and the space was closed.

Does it require energy to open the space? She was seriously ill and couldn't provide enough energy, so she cut off contact?

Even if she doesn't have a golden finger, she still has the kung fu taught by Zhe Yu and Shinichi, and she has practiced hard for more than a year. Her body has also recovered by 50%, and the time for examination has come.

During the day, Huanyan could hardly leave Baicaoshi, but at night, Baicaoshi packed up her poor luggage, covered herself with a black scarf, and prepared to run away.

No poison, no medicine, so inconvenient.

The night was dark and windy, she managed to get under the corner of the wall.

The flying sword fell from the sky and was nailed to the hand where she was going to climb the wall. Baicaoshi broke into a sweat, and then a patrolman came out.

"Catch the assassin!" the guards yelled.

Meeting on a narrow road, fighting hand in hand, Baicaoshi cuts through the mess quickly.

Unexpectedly, the fighting power of this group of people is weaker than expected.

There are no weak soldiers under the strong generals, how can it be the regent's people?

However, the person who appeared next surprised Baicaoshi.

She knew a long time ago that to be able to work under Pei Yuanxian, she would not be an ordinary person. And Huanyan is the first person who can't be shaken by thunder.

Just fighting her really made Baicaoshi feel tremendous pressure.

Happy face made a move, without any fancy moves, the punches were in place, ruthless and accurate.

Baicaoshi believes that if she is in her prime, she can do dozens of tricks under her command; if poison and Gu are added, she should have no problem getting out, and maybe even have a slight upper hand.

But now, no.

After more than a dozen moves, it was too much. If you can't beat it, don't fight it. Those who know current affairs in Baicao poetry are heroes, and they raise the white flag. "Sister Huanyan, it's me."

Huanyan has not yet emerged from the fierce battle just now, her brows are slightly frowned, "Sister Shishi, what do you mean by this?"

The unhappiness in her voice irritated Baicaoshi, she also has a temper. "As you can see, I'm leaving, Sister Huanyan."

Huanyan was stunned by her straightforwardness, and said in a muffled voice, "Then I have to say hello to my husband."

Baicaoshi smiled, jokingly, "I just don't understand, am I your husband's guest or a prisoner? Why am I acting so uncomfortable?"

Anyway, it's spread out, and Baicaoshi no longer wears a mask, huh, so tired.

Huanyan was silent for a moment, and replied: "Neither, you are the future wife, mistress, and princess regent."

Baicao Poetry: "..."


The days seem to be back to the past, but slightly different.

Pei Yuanxian treats Baicaoshi as usual, but the people below are different after all because of the change of identity.

It was just speculation before, but now it has been confirmed by Huan Yan.

Pei Yuanxian cannot return to Beijing, but the army from Kyoto can come and completely surround Zhuangzi, making it even more difficult for Baicaoshi to leave.

On the sixth day after Baicaoshi proposed to change cooks, a team of chefs entered Zhuangzi.

There are four people in total.

Pei Yuanxian asked Baicaoshi to come out, "These four were invited by Qinzhou, do you see if they suit you?"

Baicaoshi glanced at several people. Frankly speaking, she doesn't recognize any of them just by looking at their faces, and she doesn't have the internal energy fluctuations of a martial artist when she senses the breath. It looks ordinary.

"What are your names and what are you good at?" Baicaoshi asked.

After all, he came from Quanjufang. Even if he knew that the other party was a high-ranking official, he didn't mean to be cowardly.

The first person to stand up was not particularly tall, but well-proportioned. He rolled up his sleeves to reveal his strong forearms, "Master and girl, my name is Shui Fei, and I work as a **** in Quanjufang."

Baicaoshi's heart rose to her throat almost instantly.

The name Shuifei seems ordinary, but only Baicaoshi has the deepest feeling.

Because this is the method of cinnabar purification.

She poisoned herself to death when she failed to purify cinnabar with water flying method.

Zheyu didn't know about this tragedy, but before Baicaoshi sent him a signal, he used cinnabar.

So, is he Oriha?

It really doesn’t look like it. A person’s figure is easy to change, and how does his height change? Is it possible that there is really a bone shrinking skill?

But didn't he give her the signal too? What is a "dunzi", the restaurant is responsible for cutting vegetables, knife skills are the most basic quality of a dunzi.

"Since you are Dunzi, show me some knife skills." Baicaoshi made a request.

Pei Yuanxian does not doubt that there is him, because Baicaoshi is very natural throughout the whole process, and his peripheral vision is always on her.

Shui Fei gave a salute and accepted.

He cleaned his hands first, dipped them in the water basin, and Baicaoshi saw the calluses on his fingertips and fingertips.

Oriha's hands shouldn't be like this.

The chopping board, kitchen knife, meat and vegetables were all ready, Shui Fei showed off his knives, and started the magical trick of "paoding the ox" and changing the vegetables and meat.

(end of this chapter)