v100 Chapter 439: disoriented on the first day

Yao Wang Valley is almost isolated from the outside world.

If King Feng hadn't been lucky enough to meet Yao Wang who was about to go out outside the valley, it would have been difficult for him to enter.

When it comes to familiarity with Yaowang Valley, besides Yaowang, there is only one person.

Schisandra? !

He is back, what is he going to do?

With this discovery, Baicaoshi chased after the figure almost non-stop.

Someone to lead the way, better than her own hard groping.

Besides, it's time to clean up the door.

However—there is a saying that Wangshan ran a dead horse. It looked close, but it was actually far away. She kept her eyes on the target and walked forward, but soon disappeared.

Perhaps the test does not allow half-hearted luck, she was a little disappointed.

Then she will follow the master's instructions and break through one level after another.

The ecology in the valley is good, not only there are many herbs, but also many animals. The sounds of various animals will be heard from time to time.

Hey, is it the golden monkey that climbs flexibly on the tree?

Oh my god, it's so cute.

Baicaoshi climbed up the tree, trying to catch the golden monkey. Humans have a natural affinity for furry things.

The golden monkey swings from one tree to another.

There is a fruit that Baicaoshi can't name on the tree, which is eaten by golden monkeys.

She thought, since monkeys can eat, we humans and monkeys have the same origin, so we can eat it too.

Reached out his hand and picked one, it was a little green. He wiped it on his sleeve, and took a bite without caring about being so particular.

Sour, her facial features were twisted together, like a clown.

However, she still has a trump card.

In terms of speed, Costin is better than the Golden Monkey.

It aimed at the target, flew straight over, spread its claws, and caught the poor golden monkey.

Baicaoshi hugged the golden monkey and fell from the tree.

You can't take it away, but you still teased it for a while before letting go.

While passing through a bamboo forest, Baicaoshi also found a giant panda, round and chubby, black and white. It is sitting on a large bamboo leaf, eating it with great joy.

In modern times, Baicaoshi has only seen giant pandas from a distance in the zoo.

What a pity, no mobile phone, no camera.

Otherwise, take a photo with the national treasure, make a blockbuster INS style, and dominate the circle of friends.

However, she has a question in her mind, why are the animals in the valley not afraid of miasma? Did their body produce antibodies?

Baicaoshi raised the Gini up her face, exposing her mouth and nose, for a moment of relief. It's just that the miasma was inhaled into her lungs, and she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her brain, and her hands and feet were weak.

Take out the tuckahoe cake from the space, and drink a few quick sips of water.

She didn't dare to be exposed to the outdoors for too long, lest she would be unconscious and not realize it. After swallowing the jujube, she put down the facekini again.

Facekinis really have no aesthetics to speak of.

"Hey, I found something good again."

It can be seen everywhere where Baicaoshi sits. It is a kind of herb that exists in large quantities, emerald green, and in modern times, because of its strong vitality, it also gave it another name - step grass. However, in the eyes of doctors, it is the best medicinal material - Ophiopogon japonicus.

The flowering period of Ophiopogon japonicus is very long, from May to August, and the fruiting period is from August to September. But doctors mainly look at the turn of spring and summer, because the roots are taken.

"It may not be the harvest season yet, but the environment at the bottom of the valley is special, and you grow so wildly, let me see."

She dug out the Ophiopogon japonicus with a shovel, shook off the soil, ah, the fruit is not bad, she decisively cut off the roots and fibrous roots.

"My white tuckahoe, combined with Ophiopogon japonicus, made Ophiopogon japonicus cake, Yu Bao has taken it orally. I don't know what Yu Bao is doing at this moment."

She looked at the sky quietly, and called out the plantain seed again.

"Lovely psyllium, I want to enter Ophiopogon japonicus."

The sound of "di" appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, and there was joy in the voice of psyllium, "Dear host, where did you come from? There are so many herbal medicines. Either you collect all of them and record them in a unified way, and we will also improve our work." efficiency."

Baicaoshi is not in a good mood.

Before she did not enter new herbal medicine for a long time, Plantago said that she was passive and slowed down; she entered it, and it wanted to improve efficiency.

It's really hard to take care of.

"If you love to record or not, if you don't record this time, you will have to wait three to five years."

This time it's the turn of Plantago to scream, how can it be good to be pinched by the host?

"Ophiopogon japonicus, sweet, slightly bitter, slightly cold. Moisturizes the lungs and clears the heart, relieves heat and promotes body fluids. Mainly binds qi in the confidant, injures the wounds and injures fullness, and eliminates the stomach and collaterals. Take it for a long time and lighten the body, not old or hungry. Reward 200 points."

Baicaoshi looked at the constantly beating numbers on the points panel and felt that she was very rich.

However, points are only meaningful if they are used. Otherwise it is just a string of numbers.

"Psyllium, let me ask you something, since my space can accommodate living things, can I set a different mode for it? I read romantic novels in modern times, and when the owner of the president's mansion is away, Many modes can be realized, such as vacation mode, day mode, night mode, strong light, low light, natural light. Is it possible for my space?"

After picking, the small pieces of Ophiopogon japonicus need to be dried, and the real medicinal materials are dried.

"Upgrade, everything is possible after upgrading." Plantago Seed's tone clearly reveals excitement. It felt like a profiteer meeting a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Quotation, I want to attach a mode switching function to the space, and tentatively choose sunny, cloudy, and rainy modes." Baicaoshi expressed her needs. In fact, what she needs most is light, but a single mode is not enough, and she has made up her mind that no matter how many modes there are, she will give the price of one mode.

Psyllium became more and more excited, if it could rush out of the sea of ​​consciousness, it would probably scream. "Upgrading requires 10,000 points, and I will add these three honors to you."

"Why don't you rob? One thousand points, no more. My stone beans and Maimendong add up to only seven hundred points."

Psyllium groaned like life would be better than death. "My host, you can't bully people like this."

Baicaoshi stopped talking, and she wanted to continue on her way, trying to find the base camp before dark.

This entire valley has no buildings at all, which is unreasonable.

As the time approaches You, the sun gradually sets, coating the distant mountains with a thin layer of orange. The miasma is bigger,

Baicaoshi discovered a new problem.

She walked back.

Back to the wetland where I first went ashore.

At that moment, thin sweat broke out on her back, and she was terrified when she thought about it.

Is this the scariest place of miasma? Unknowingly, people lose their way.

Further around the mountains and fields, there is a sonata of richer sounds at night. Baicaoshi saw faint green eyes in the distance.

Is that a wolf, or a leopard?

Thinking of the valley's climate and the animals that have already appeared, she thinks the leopard is more likely.

Baicaoshi decisively pulled out the tent in the space, quickly set it up on the spot, and then she pulled Hai Dongqing into the tent together.