v100 Chapter 485: Goji berry civet coffee (ten more)

Chapter 485 Wolfberry Civet Cat Coffee (10 more)

In modern times, Baicaoshi is too impressed with civet cats.

This nocturnal animal looks like a cat and a raccoon. With its keen sense of smell, it can distinguish the sweetest and plump coffee beans in the coffee tree. The indigestible coffee beans pass through the civet cat's intestines, excreted, and processed to form the most unique flavor.

This expensive coffee has such a special name—cat **** coffee.

Baicao Poetry is almost certain to be the one brought by the envoy of Annan Kingdom.

"Really? It's a pity that no one knows. Even some courtiers, after hearing about the origin of this little peas, thought that the envoy deliberately insulted Dayan."

Baicao poems support the forehead, it is terrible to be uneducated. But she still has some doubts. "Yu Bao, An Nanguo envoy crossed the sea ravaged by pirates, wouldn't it be just to pay tribute to Dayan?"

In the past, An Nanguo also had contact with Dayan, but it was forced to stop, and the agarwood tribute was also interrupted.

Zhe Yu hooked his lips and smiled, "Yes, there is no free tribute in the world. Civil strife broke out in Annan Kingdom, and the royal family was powerless to suppress it. I hoped that Dayan would send troops. Then I sent envoys. In the past few years, An Nanguo has been Dayan's protectorate."

Baicaoshi understands, Ganqing Dayan is still the suzerain of Annan Kingdom. "Then what is His Majesty's attitude towards the envoys?"

Now that the end of the new year is approaching, the whole country of Dayan wants to celebrate, so they don't have the heart to fight. For such a long journey, food, grass and supplies are all problems. Besides, Dayan's national treasury is now empty, and even the money for the construction of the palace was raised by Zhe Yu and the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Zhe Yu rubbed his nose, "Your Majesty ordered that the envoys of the Annan Kingdom eat and drink well."

Just never mention the soldiers.

Having roughly figured out Emperor Yanwu's attitude, Baicaoshi knew it well. Others are beyond her ability.


On the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, Baicao poems entered the palace by order.

Today's Changle Palace is very lively, except for the Queen Mother, Princess Ying Zhezhe and Concubine Si are actually there.

Ying Zhezhe specially wore a blue and white porcelain winter skirt, showing his elegant and graceful temperament at a glance.

Concubine Si's condition is very bad, and Baicaoshi can only think of the four words "the man is haggard". Ever since Concubine Ning entered the palace and lost most of Emperor Yanwu's favor, Fusi Palace was deserted all day long.

Sure enough, there is no good life for a thousand days, and there is no red flower for a hundred days.

Jun En is weak.

Concubine Si is also scheming. If His Majesty doesn't go, she will run to the Queen Mother every now and then.

"Shishi pays respects to the Empress Dowager." She blessed Fuli obediently. Say hello to those two again.

The queen mother waved at Baicaoshi, "Come to Ai's house."

Baicaoshi walked over, her hands were covered by the Queen Mother. "Is it cold?"

The advantage of watching time-travel dramas is that you are prepared for any danger. In the space of Baicaoshi, there is a hand warmer. "It's not cold, I'm used to Dayan's winter."

Concubine Si noticed that Baicaoshi was carrying a small basket, so she asked with a smile, "I heard people say that every time Shishi comes to the Queen Mother, there are special good things. I don't know what she is wearing today."

Baicaoshi doesn't mind either, there are goji berries and fresh seasonal fruits bought from West Market.

No one knows, so, is there anything special about the fruit?

The queen mother doesn't value gifts, how could she not know that giving her gifts is the most troublesome thing. "Okay, don't talk about this. Did Ah Xu tell you about the tribute sent by the envoy of An Nanguo. No one in the civil and military courts of the Manchu Dynasty knew how to make it. I was thinking about it because you had a clever mind. I don't know if you understand."

Baicaoshi stood up and blessed her lower body again, "Shishi is bold enough to try to make a freshly ground goji berry civet coffee for the queen mother."

This idea was discussed with Plantago Seed yesterday. There is a time-honored pharmaceutical brand in Beijing, which once launched a goji berry latte health-care coffee, which has become synonymous with fashion trends. Like bookstores, medical clinics and pharmacies have also become places for Internet celebrities to check in.

Hearing the word wolfberry coffee, the queen mother was happy. Fresh!

"Queen Mother, look at what I say, I can do poetry." Ying Zhezhe put a high hat on Baicaoshi.

There is no bean grinder, Baicao is really hand-ground. Fortunately, she is experienced in grinding herbal medicine. Each particle is fine and uniform like granulated sugar. This process takes an extremely long time.

Hot milk is prepared by Miyaka.

Everything in the world is always connected. The filter used by Baicaoshi is used to filter herbal residues, and it is also good for filtering coffee powder.

After the goji berry coffee was ready, she mounted flowers, which vaguely looked like a bird.

Mysterious bird.


She organized the time very well and made a fruit pie.

"Queen Mother, please have a taste."

Ying Zhezhe and Concubine Si both stared at the small lamp in the Empress Dowager's hand.

The queen mother is careful, the mouth is mellow and smooth, mixed with the light sweetness of wolfberry, and served with fruit pie, the eyes of the queen mother are slightly moist. "Aijia remembered the late emperor."

This evaluation?

Very high. Like the taste of love, full of longing and beauty, with endless aftertaste.

The princess and concubine who didn't drink coffee tasted fruit pie.

The queen mother rewarded Baicaoshi with some coffee beans and asked her to take them home for Ah Xu to drink.


When Baicaoshi left Changle Palace, she was invited to Fusi Palace by Concubine Si. It is actually a bit taboo for a concubine to make friends with a courtier's wife. It's just that Concubine Si got Baicaoshi to deliver the baby, and the Empress Dowager doted on Baicaoshi, so she was free from rumors.

But there is another reason for Baicaoshi to keep a distance from Concubine Si-Ying Zhefeng. She once witnessed the eunuchs in Concubine Si's palace meeting King Feng.

"Concubine Si, what's the matter?"

Concubine Si retreated from the servants. "I, recently, I have been missing the confinement meeting. Shishi often came to sit and talk about myself. Now it is a bit of a life. Look at my palace, it is so cold that there is no trace of popularity. It is rare for the emperor to come once a month."

The women in the harem are all fighting for the emperor's favor, which is sad and pitiful.

Baicaoshi didn't know how to comfort her, she just smiled and said, "Your Majesty, you still have a prince."

At the very least, Concubine Ning has been in the palace for a year and has no children.

"But Concubine Ning is young, and there will always be children. What I am most afraid of is fading love." Concubine Si fiddled with the teacup, her eyes floating, this is the fate that every concubine cannot escape.

Baicaoshi pondered for a moment, and said: "I, I heard people talk about the way of husband and wife before, and I found it quite interesting. They said that an ideal husband and wife relationship starts with appearance, gets caught up in cooking skills, matches with surprises, stays with attraction for a long time, and is loyal to others. Good quality. Women love themselves and others love them forever. Madam, you just need to be yourself."

Baicaoshi expresses her point of view through the mouth of others. As for how much Concubine Si can understand, that's up to her.

Concubine Si's long eyelashes flickered, showing that her heart was greatly touched, and she suddenly said: "Shishi, I've heard of this. There is a bookstore in West Market, what is it called, oh Mose. Yes, yes, it's not only for selling books. Books, and also invite people to talk about how to get along with each other. I was thinking, can I find a chance to listen to it, and ask you to go together?"

Baicao Poetry: "..."

It's not good to yell inwardly, then she is about to fall off the horse.

"Your Majesty has a heart, and His Majesty can always feel it. The idea of ​​leaving the palace is still not in compliance with the rules. How about it, if they talk about it next time, I will go on behalf of the Empress, and make a letter."

Concubine Si held Baicaoshi's hand, as if she had grasped her own happiness. "Then please Shishi."

The conversation has come to this point, Baicaoshi has nothing to say, so she got up and said goodbye. Outside Fusi Palace, I saw Ying Zhefeng sending the little prince back. The little child, holding a small wooden sword in his hand, is very mighty.

Beijing Tong Ren Tang, launched a wolfberry latte health coffee

Everyone who goes to Beijing or is in Beijing, you can try it

(end of this chapter)