v100 Chapter 488: The challenge to open is better than making money (thirteen more)

Chapter 488 Opening a challenge is better than making money (thirteen more)

The king of Zhenbei, Dasi, stood up. He took off his shirt, but he was still tall and burly. It was in stark contrast to the bookish Bu Zhan.

"Your Majesty, I'm a big boss. When looking at people on weekdays, the most important thing is loyalty, bravery, and fearlessness. The son of Bu Shilang..."

He raised an index finger and swayed from side to side, implying that it was not very good.

Unexpectedly, Miss Xu stood up and stood firmly beside Bu Zhan. She saluted Emperor Yanwu and the Empress Dowager first, and then she saluted her father. Then she lightly opened her teeth and talked eloquently, "To Your Majesty, to my father, if so, I have been friends with Lord Xiaobu for a long time. Lord Xiaobu He has read thousands of volumes of books, traveled thousands of miles, has bright stars in his eyes, and beautiful mountains and rivers in his writing. He wrote "Da Yan Fengwu Zhi", and he falls into dreams with Ruoran every day."

"Today, the royal family and officials gathered in this beautiful palace, also came from the brain and hands of Mr. Xiaobu. He may be just a frail scholar, but he can walk the world bravely; even though he is not as strong as the soldiers in the army, he can build soil on the flat ground , and built this majestic palace as heavy as Honolulu. Ruoran loves his talent, respects his character, and is willing to marry him, and never marry unless he is, and never give up!"

Every word struck Bu Zhan's heart, causing ripples. He never knew that he was so perfect in her eyes.

He couldn't help himself, and called out "Ruoran".

Emperor Yan Wu threw the problem to Xu Zhenbei. "King Zhenbei, what do you think in your heart?"

Do you not even like my son?

Xu Zhenbei clasped his wrists and sighed: "Your Majesty, there are indeed ten thousand people who are unwilling, but they can't stand the rain and the girl wants to marry. If you want to blame it, you can blame the minister for being arrogant and pampering the little girl. I believe in the prosperity of the family and the prosperity of everything. Only when troops are dispatched soon can the rear be stable and the front can rest easy. I have no choice but to follow my daughter's wish. Master Xiaobu, you must treat my daughter well in the future, otherwise, the old man will risk his life. And I will never forgive you lightly.”

Bu Zhan was overjoyed, so he was about to swear to show his determination.

Baicaoshi and Zheyu glanced at each other, and exchanged a joke with their lips: "No wonder Buzhan refused to be the fifth-rank doctor of the Ministry of Industry, but originally wanted to be the son-in-law of Zhenbei King Chenglong Kuai. This is a good account! You have a plan! "

Zhe Yu stared at Baicao Poetry, as if looking at a scum girl, "He is in love with each other, and his heart is in harmony."

In the middle of the stalemate, the dean of Ganming Academy, Yi Zhaoxian, who had been silent all the time, spoke. His voice was harsh and chilling, "King Zhenbei, do you really disregard your majesty and the dignity of the royal family?"

This crime is not a small one, even if Xu Zhenbei is crowned king, he can't afford it, "What does President Yi say?"

Yi Zhaoxian walked to the arena, pulled Ying Zhefeng out, and stood beside Xu Ruoran. "Your Majesty originally intended to be married to you, so King Feng married your daughter. Marriage is about the orders of the parents, and the words of the matchmaker. How can the sons and daughters of Zhenbei Wang's house, Bu Shilang's house, be able to make decisions without authorization?"

Ying Zhefeng's eyes flickered for a second, and his eyes glanced past the royal family. "Father, Lord Zhenbei King, and sons and servants also admire Miss Xu family, and are willing to propose marriage as a princess."

The scene was very embarrassing for a while, both parties asked to marry, but there was only one beautiful woman, who should marry?

Xu Ruoran's eyes were red, she was unwilling to be judged by others about her marriage. "I'm the one who wants to marry. If I can't marry the person I want, I'd rather shave my head and become a sister-in-law. The Qingdeng Ancient Buddha will die like this."

This is already a very serious curse. It is contrary to human relations and unfilial piety for the parents whose body, hair and skin are taken care of.

In the royal banquet, the queen mother pinched her brows and presided over the scene: "Emperor, isn't today the day to reward meritorious deeds? How did it become like this? As the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than destroy one marriage. People agree with each other." , What's the point of saying more? Zhefeng, twisted melons are not sweet. Among the officials, there are many noble women, so you can choose and choose."

As usual, no one would dare to disobey the Queen Mother's words. After all, Dayan ruled the world with filial piety, and the Queen of Heaven was the greatest.

But today Ying Zhefeng is very rigid and will never back down. "The Queen Mother, Lu Yao knows the horsepower, and he will see the truth after a long time. The king of Zhenbei is the pillar of the country, and he has dedicated his life to Dayan. His daughter naturally deserves the best. Therefore, I, Ying Zhefeng, would like to ask Mr. Xiaobu Challenge. Only the winner will be qualified to marry a beautiful woman, and will be able to give the girl stability and a home."

These words seem to be from Xu Ruoran's standpoint, and they are impeccable.

Bu Zhan was still waiting to refute, but Bu Jingwei gave him a hard look and ordered him not to speak.

Da Yan’s challenges are divided into two types, life-and-death battles. Usually only the hatred that is difficult to resolve will choose to fight to the death. But it's not good to have a battle, and it's often beaten to the ground. King Feng is known as the one with the best kung fu among the princes of Emperor Yanwu.

After Ying Zhefeng finished speaking, Yi Zhaoxian was the first to second, followed by several courtiers.

In Xu Ruoran's eyes, an inch of unwillingness was burning. I am unwilling to let my marriage be at the mercy of others, and I am unwilling to be unable to dominate my life. Suddenly she raised her eyes, looking in the direction of Zhe Yu and Baicao Shi. The person with the appearance similar to the Fifth Prince has the smartest mind in the world.

Zhe Yu received this signal, he got up, walked to the middle, and said loudly: "The minister seconded the proposal."

Wait, everyone went to pick their ears, did they hear wrong? Didn't the newly appointed Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites make friends with Bu Zhan in private?

Bu Zhan's words were not finished yet, "Your Majesty, Queen Mother, all the ministers, since King Feng has proposed a challenge, to be fair, the specific content of the challenge should be specified by Bu Zhan. Bu Zhan, what do you want to challenge King Feng? "

Bu Zhan's eyes flashed brightly, and he felt like "the one who knows me is Master Zheyu".

"Your Majesty, I will challenge King Feng to be a Fu."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Bu Zhan is a civil servant and the best-selling author of the dynasty. Just now Xu Ruoran said that his "Da Yan Feng Wu Zhi" is popular all over the country.

When it comes to making fuss, one hundred Feng Wang is not Bu Zhan's opponent.

Ying Zhefeng's face was flushed red. It's not a good feeling to think that one's own length is shorter than others'. "It's not fair. What's the use of writing a good article? You're a scholar who is useless. A good man has ambitions in all directions, and the comparison is like going to the battlefield to kill the enemy."

This is too shameless, let civil servants go to the battlefield.

A chuckle came from among the seats, and everyone followed the prestige and saw Baicao Poetry. Some of the ministers were angrily disdainful.

The queen mother smiled, "Shishi, come, come to Aijia."

With the backing of the Queen Mother, how dare everyone say anything? Baicao poems come step by step, like a lotus growing step by step.

"Shishi, why were you laughing just now?" the Queen Mother asked.

Baicaoshi replied with bright eyes and white teeth: "Shishi thinks that King Feng's words are very reasonable. What's the use of just being able to write articles? Can it keep the people from starving or freezing? Can it help Dayan to prosper more? From Shishi’s point of view, let’s talk about some practical things, such as who can contribute more to Dayan, increase revenue for the treasury, and earn money for His Majesty. This is what real heroes and talents do.”

Not to mention King Feng, even those courtiers were dumbfounded.

It is difficult to reach the sky just to increase the revenue of the national treasury.

At this moment, the envoy of Annan Kingdom, who was among the officials, rushed into the crowd and fell to his knees with a plop: "Annan envoy Suharo said, Annan is full of gold, spices, and delicious civet cats everywhere. Coffee. If His Majesty helps Annan to quell the chaos, Annan is willing to do business with Dayan and pay tribute coins every year."

(end of this chapter)