v100 Chapter 508: Issue treasury bonds to raise funds

In less than a month, the surrounding area of ​​Great Yan was full of smoke. Dasheng, Beirong united with Xiliang, and Ying Zheming's small imperial court showed ferocious minions to Ying Zhexu, a newborn Great Yan.

Ying Zhexu is very busy. In addition to military discussions and sand table deduction, he also has to raise food and grass, and fights with the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households every day.

Baicaoshi watched him lose weight and grow green stubble.

Sometimes he clung to her belly lightly and muttered to himself, "The little guy will grow up quickly and come to inherit the country. I will take your mother to play in the mountains and rivers."

Baicaoshi only felt sad. Every time I think of her unknown return date, this pain will intensify.

Today, while Ying Zhexu was in court, Baicaoshi changed into ordinary clothes and left the palace.

The destination is the library of Yanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Not only her, but many people entered the library one after another with their badges.

These people include her partners, Quanjufang, Jinxiang Medical Center, Yinshi Golf Course, Herborist Xiangyi, Qinghuafang, Mose Bookstore, shareholders of Yanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Quanju Business Alliance. Merchants. Wu Yaba occupied the entire borrowing area.

"Today, I called everyone here for one thing only." Baicaoshi looked around, her eyes sweeping over everyone in the room.

The atmosphere is a bit heavy, because they all know the unpredictable things that happened to Baicaoshi these days.

"The wealth of the country makes the people strong. I believe everyone has seen the new policies implemented since the new emperor ascended the throne. A friendly business environment also requires the stability and peace of the country; the opening of trade routes depends on the backing of the country. In our country, whoever said that businessmen value profit, businessmen can also value righteousness, because we are for a common goal. Believe me, when the flames of war clear, you will usher in the best era, the best era for businessmen."

"Today, my identity is not the Queen of Great Yan, but your partner, and a friend who can be trusted and trust each other. When war breaks out, no one can be spared. Therefore, my decision is to put me in the restaurant, All proceeds from the medical center, stadium, cosmetics, cloth shop, and bookstore will be donated to Dayan’s army. All of you present can donate according to your own wishes. It can be money, food and clothing, or horses and weapons. What I can promise is that when the fighting ceases, your business will reach Annan, Tianzhu, Persia and Dashi, and you will become imperial merchants, and your ancestors will be proud of you for generations."

This mobilization was heart-warming, and Yam, who returned to Yanjing, was the first to express his opinion. "Sister Shishi, the empress, I am able to be today because of you. I will do whatever you say. I will donate 10,000 taels of silver. In addition, Sanqi and I will donate another 100 sets of cotton-padded clothes. Our soldiers can't use it."

It’s August and there are still three months before winter.

Ending the battle in three months is really too optimistic.

Baicaoshi's heart is very hot, and she casts grateful eyes on Yam.

Jiu Niang picked up a large cup of tea and respected Baicaoshi from a distance, "When I was in Yunzhao, I thought it would be good if I could earn ten taels of silver for the cloth I dyed. The clothes worn by the noble ladies. Now that the country is in trouble, we are duty-bound. I donate 5,000 taels. In addition, I donate 200 bolts of indigo-dyed cloth."

Ji Ting, Jiuniang's son, is here today. He has grown into a young man. Originally, Ying Zhexu arranged an academy for him. Later, when Yanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine recruited students, he went in. Now he has learned a lot of Qihuang skills . "Empress, mother, I can go to the front line, and I can treat wounded soldiers."

Jiu Niang's face turned pale, she tugged on her son's sleeve, and said with tears in her eyes, "Ting'er, don't talk nonsense, you have no eyes on the battlefield, you are so young."

Ji Ting said: "Mother, I have never told you. After coming to Yanjing, you have always been my pride. My mother is amazing. Now, I want to be your pride. Besides, Your Majesty is my pride." The great hero in my heart, I am very happy to relieve His Majesty's worries."

Jiu Niang covered her mouth and swallowed her tears.

When the young eagles grow up, the blue sky is the best destination. Baicaoshi was very relieved, "Jiu Niang, if Ji Ting really wants to become a military doctor, I will let him follow Da Chonglou."

Da Chonglou is good at kung fu, and Jiuniang also knows the basics.

Jiu Niang cried and said yes.

Seeing this, Duan Shaoyi held up her hands like an auction, "I donate two thousand taels. I haven't married my wife yet, so... that's all."

Two thousand taels is not a minority.

Baicaoshi immediately smiled and said: "When the war is over, I will ask the emperor to marry you. The daughter of the Duke is also a good idea."

Bu Zhan was still in court, but Xu Ruoran came. The girl thought of her father guarding the border, and she could better understand the ultimate logistics. She also donated a large sum of her own money.

With role models, the shopkeepers of Baicaoshi also donated generously.

The amount of money and materials raised far exceeded her imagination.

The members of the Business Alliance are still hesitating. Because of the war, there are too many uncertain factors. If you lose the war, you will lose everything.

Baicao Poetry has a new idea, "Everyone, I'm sorry, I changed my mind. Today's money is not considered a free donation. It should be borrowed from you by the emperor of Dayan Kingdom. Each person will sign an IOU and a low-interest note. .If the war is won, Dayan will pay you back your investment in installments, including principal and interest, with Dayan's credit as the guarantee."

As long as the country is not destroyed, the money will be settled.

This is the Yan version of national debt.

Shopkeeper Liu, who met in Fengcheng, said with a smile: "Empress, I have an unfeeling request. Can my family's business name appear on the battlefield. Let the soldiers of all countries see that I am a great merchant."

Baicaoshi pondered for a while, "This can be. Even, our flag, in addition to the national title and the handsome title, can also have the title of the Quanju Merchant League. Maybe there are fans of your products among the soldiers of various countries."

Having said that, everyone's minds became active. The merchants of the business alliance lined up and left the donation amount and details.

The mobilization of Baicaoshi was a complete success.

After returning to the palace, Baicaoshi went to Hanyuan Hall and explained the donation to Ying Zhexu.

Ying Zhexu hugged the Baicao poem for a long time.

"Shishi, my good wife and queen, thank you for your hard work."

Baicaoshi also wrapped his arms around his waist and smiled.

This country is so united that even profiteering businessmen can do this, who else can beat them?

Two days later, another bad news came.

This time, the person who sent the letter was none other than Bai Shaoze, the proton and heir son of the Northern Qi Dynasty who had stayed in Yanjing.

He didn't have time to feel how handsome his brother-in-law was, and he didn't care about reminiscing about the old days or thanking him for saving his life. He just said: "Northern Qi was destroyed six cities in a row. My father and king led troops to fight Beirong, and we urgently need reinforcements from the Great Yan. "

When Ying Zhexu and Baicaoshi decided to go to sea to find An Nanguo, King Nanyuan brought Bai Li and his son and daughter-in-law back to Northern Qi.

Within a few months of going back, the Beirong invaded and the war broke out.

Ying Zhexu immediately asked: "Hasn't King Zhenbei already reinforced?"

Bai Shaoze stomped his feet, "Yes, the arrival of Zhenbei King has indeed relieved the pressure on Northern Qi and greatly restrained the troops of Beirong Zuoxian King. But...but, Emperor Dasheng sent reinforcements, and Zhenbei King was attacked from both sides. The situation is very difficult.”

King Zhenbei is Dayan's barrier in the north. If King Zhenbei loses or loses the battle, Dayan will face immeasurable losses.