v100 Chapter 512: Wolves and wolf cavalry, the whole army of Beirong

The wildness of the Beirong people has not faded. When wars are launched, incidents of massacring cities and villages often occur. Later, Dayan became powerful, especially after Taizong's rule, and formed a great deterrent to Bei Rong. The two sides have signed an agreement that large-scale massacres of civilians are not allowed in wars. Otherwise, Dayan will launch a military strike against Beirong. Northern Qi was blessed by Dayan.

During the reign of Emperor Yanwu, the country's power was declining, and its deterrent power was greatly reduced.

There are many cases of Beirong people taking people into captivity. It is rare for Beirong people to break into towns and exterminate their families like the recent ones.

Yes, when things happened, Bai Shaoze would be so angry that he would ignore the disparity in power between the two sides.

"I, the dead soul of Bei Qierlang, will not spare you. Come on, let's fight."

This cry was full of arrogance, he raised his sword in a fancy posture, and then a string of hidden weapons shot out from his cuff.

This was given to him by Baicaoshi, and asked him to keep it as a sharp weapon for the soldiers of the Northern Qi Dynasty. He didn't care about so much, as long as he could reap the lives of the Beirong people, it would be worth fighting out in advance.

The leopard rider is well-trained, the shield on the horse is raised, and the hidden weapons fall to the ground one after another.

Vija whistled, his sarcasm fully revealed. "Your strength is too weak! With such a little ability, to stand up for those untouchables, what kind of onion do you think?"

"If he's not enough, add me."

By the time Vija's subordinates drew their bows and set their arrows, Baicaoshi had already arrived at Bai Shaoze, dragging him to avoid three bursts of cavalry. The arrow didn't hit the ground, but was intercepted by Zhenyilou and thrown back. His strength was so great and so fast that he directly nailed the cavalry off the horse, with one arrow hitting the helmet and the other eye.

Vija was taken aback for a moment, the horse kicked very high. "Baicao poetry?"

Both of them wear men's clothes, but they both recognize each other at a glance. Because Liang Zi's knot is deep enough, it cannot be resolved.

Because the man they all fell in love with became the most powerful person in the world.

"Vijia is next, long time no see." Baicaoshi raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and walked into the pack of wolves calmly, while Fubao leaned against her very obediently. The reason why she had the courage to chase after him was because according to the information she had inquired before, the other party had more than a hundred riders. With her seventeen wolves, together with her and Shinichi, one against five, she is confident, and now her conjecture has been verified. "This is... your Beirong's leopard cavalry? It is useless except for dealing with unarmed civilians."

The naked ridicule was like a slap in the face, Vija's face was ugly, and the cavalry couldn't bear it.

"I will kill you in this remote village, and no one will know about it." Vija's eyes were burning with enthusiasm, eager to try, "When Beirong joins with Dasheng to defeat Dayan, the first thing in the negotiation is that Emperor Dayan wins the battle." Zhexu married Pijia as the second queen. Hahaha!"

If you don't speculate, you will say more than half a sentence, let's fight!

Under the command of Vija, more than a hundred cavalry began to attack.

And Baicaoshi whistled, and the wolves also began to attack.

You must know that the advantage of cavalry lies in horses. But horses are naturally afraid of wolves. As soon as they charged, they heard wolves howling, and the horses had already stopped, and some turned around to run away.

Unilateral hunting.

A dozen cavalrymen were thrown off their horses in the first round and bitten by wolves.

Vija's own horse was not much better, retreating again and again. However, she was not afraid. In terms of numbers, she has an advantage, more people bully fewer people, just right.


The cavalry dismounted to fight, with no advantage. But Beirong's Leopard Cavalry is still brave, and the lethality of the weapon is not small.

After beheading the three cavalrymen, Baicaoshi shouted to Zhenyilou, "Capture the thief first and capture the king."

"Okay!" Zhenyilou drew his sword, flung his body lightly, stepped on the cavalry's big heads, and flew in front of Vija. As long as there is a sword, Vija will definitely splatter the blood on the spot.

This scene naturally did not happen.

Just as the words "capture the king first" came out, Vija also called out, "Elder, are you still unwilling to make a move?"

Does Beirong also have elders to worship?

No, that person is also an old acquaintance, Pei Yizhi.

Pei Yizhi today is not the one in Wanzhou back then. He is not a great master, but he is close, and the domain of a great master has been imitated by him in sevens and eighties.

He and the real first floor, it was hard to tell the winner for a while.

Pei Yizhi: "The Wanzhou revenge can be reported together today."

Zhen Yilou: "As proud as the Pei family, when did you become the lackey of the Beirong people?"

Pei Yizhi: "You know what a fart, Khan and King Youxian treat me like a guest of honor."

Zhen Yilou: "A thug is a lackey. You were not my opponent before, and you can't now."

When the two fell into anxiety, Baicaoshi felt tricky. She had to be distracted from looking after Bai Shaoze, although the wolves were powerful, they couldn't hold back the other party's crowd.

Seeing the encirclement getting smaller and smaller.

Suddenly, the sound of horseshoes came from a distance again, continuously. Judging initially, there are more than a hundred riders. Moreover, the helmets of those people are all in the shape of wolves.

The legendary wolf ride? Didn't it mean that King Zuo Xian and King You Xian have always been at odds?

"Hahaha Baicaoshi, do you think that when I go out in Pijia, I only bring a hundred soldiers? The elite wolf cavalry, today is where your bones are buried."

Baicaoshi's mind was spinning all over the place, and she suddenly thought of Ying Zhexu's tips. Don't be fooled by appearances, it can't be said that Beirong Royal Court deliberately made it for the six countries to see.

The discord between Zuo Xianwang and You Xianwang is fake.

Current situation, Zhenyilou is restrained by Pei Yizhi, and thousands of wolf cavalry join in, which will completely change the situation of the battle. Baicaoshi patted Fubao's head. At this time, there are mountains around here, and it is evening again.

Fubao understood the meaning of Baicao's poem, and suddenly raised his head and roared, and the other injured wolves also roared, their voices were mournful and solemn.

The forest moved.

There are ups and downs among the vegetation.

Then, the sound of wolf howling wave after wave.

Wolves are pack animals, and this place is close to the border between Beiqi and Beirong, and there are more wolves.

Seventeen wolves have become a hundred, and there are a steady stream of large beasts joining.

Vija panicked.

In the ancient legend of Beirong, those who can control beasts are blessed by the gods. Is the blessing of Baicaoshi so profound?

Baicaoshi glanced at the leopard riders and wolf riders, and then at the pack of wolves and beasts that followed. Sometimes animals are sweeter than people.

Those who kill the common people shall be punished for their crimes!

Let her take the place of her father-in-law to fight the first battle.

Vijia turned her horse's head and ran away, but Baicaoshi kicked her off the horse with lightness kung fu.

There is also a "wooden staff" who fell from the horse with Vija.

No, looking at the shape, it looks like a "golf club".

At the beginning, Baicaoshi wanted to open a golf course without clubs. All the men in the family are doing one thing all night—sawing wood.

Green-headed Weng did not have the strength of a young man, so she took out the cane that Baicaoshi gave her earlier, and improved a club.

Baicaoshi's eyes turned red instantly, isn't it the "golf club" made by the green-headed man that landed at this moment? How could it be in Vija's hand?

"You caught the green man, and you killed my master?"

Baicaoshi picked up the cane and club on the ground and poked Vija's heart.

The cavalry assisted Vija, the poems of Baicao went crazy, and the gods blocked and killed the gods and Buddhas.

"I didn't, why would I want to kill him? I still want him to treat Khan? Who made him so old and weak..."

Separated the two cavalrymen, Baicaoshi tapped Vija's shoulder with another cane, and the sound of bone cracking could be heard.

Vija pain's facial features are almost distorted. The woman in front of her turned out to be more than just a delicate flower. When she showed her fierce side, she was about to see blood. "You don't want to know, why do I know that your master is hiding in Wanzhou? You don't want to hear, the person who recommended your master?"

Baicaoshi glanced at Pei Yizhi who was forced to retreat by the first floor. The Pei family, could it be Pei Yuanxian? "The emperor of Dasheng? Good, very good!"

See you again, Pei Yuanxian and Baicaoshi will never die.

This is an evenly matched, magnificent and extremely tragic battle.

Thousands of wolf riders and hundreds of leopard riders were wiped out.

As for the pack of wolves and beasts, only Fu Bao, Meng Bao and two other wolves remained.

Pei Yizhi was seriously injured, and the first floor of Zhen also died.

Just when Baicaoshi was about to avenge her master with the blade of Vija, she felt pain in her abdomen, and her hands became weak, almost unable to hold the sword.

Pei Yizhi split the sky with his sword, and separated the first floor of the real building. He rushed over here and rescued the scarred Vija.

"Secondly, let's go."

Zhenyilou also supported Baicaoshi, his eyes were full of concern, "Shishi."

"Kill them, kill..." She passed out.

Baicaoshi had a long dream, in which she was still in Dongli Villa.

She, Ying Zhexu, and Pulsatilla discuss herbs every day, and she cooks all kinds of delicious food in different ways.

Master, in his life, what he loves the most are medical skills and food.

The bottom of the world is pitch black, and she doesn't want Master to starve and suffer from cold.

"Master, master?" When she woke up, she was already lying on a bed.